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TTP gets divided Victory achieved

This is GOOD !! Peace talks achieved part of their objective!! Divide the scum!
This is GOOD !! Peace talks achieved part of their objective!! Divide the scum!

Peace talks alone don't achieve anything. They are just another military strategy states use if and when its to their advantage. Right now TTP is being gangbanged from a multi axis apparatus.

  • They are facing local resistance as people are sick and tired of them,
  • Their top leadership has been eliminated, creating a power vacuum
  • Targeting specific individuals in time sensitive strikes have created infighting
  • Air strikes are effective in killing them in large numbers and have a demoralizing and dislodgement impact.
  • Peace Talks have lured some elements who want to make peace and live ordinary lives.
  • Threat of a full scale operation is looming and has a psychological impact on them
We need to keep negotiations open and keep mounting strikes as well. The leverage we can draw is the leverage we can exploit !
A huge Taliban Group mostly of Mehsud tribes have separated from TTP and they have called current TTP leadership paid killers yes we are closing in now and winning those groups who want peace with Pakistan this is how you win the battle not going after every one which I was saying for long
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @AUz @tarrar @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Areesh @A.Rafay @Stealth @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @Slav Defence @balixd @Xeric @Rafi @Arsalan @ajpirzada

Imran Khan's stance vindicated
Calm down. US has not had any friends here and we didn't 'betray' anyone. Whoever wants our favours must align their interest according to ours.

US: Either you with us or against us in WOT !
A welcome development but not enough . This is merely a rift over the leadership of TTP , do not mistake it for the " rebel " group suddenly laying down weapons and vowing to not fight against the state anymore . I personally do not think that this is a result of peace talks because the dispute had been there for long after death of the last terrorist chief . More surgical strikes are needed still to weaken their resolve to occupy Islamabad and enforce an insanely barbaric system in the country .

US: Either you with us or against us in WOT

Do we expect ourselves to fight the U.S. ?
Did we face more pressure than the Iranians over possible conflict with US on nuclear bomb ?

Tehran has a lot of things to fall back on , things which we as a nation do not enjoy the luxury of . Had the Americans been not busy in Afghanistan , an attack on the neighboring Iran would have been imminent , all the softened tone you see today is a result of battle weariness taking over Washington D.C from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq , the Yanks do not want to fight with another country at the moment .

The Mehsud group is separating from the TTP for ideological reasons [AP]
Islamabad, PAKISTAN– A major faction of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has announced that it is no longer associated with the group’s central leadership following months of infighting, according to its spokesperson.

Azam Tariq, a representative of the Mehsud group and also a member of the TTP’s central governing committee, released a video statement on Wednesday saying that his faction had separated from the TTP’s central leadership on ideological grounds.

"[The leadership] within the TTP has gone towards robberies, extortion, unjustified killing [and targeting] Islamic madrassas, and it is taking foreign funding to attack targets in Afghanistan, taking responsibility for attacks under false identities, creating divisions within other jihadi groups, and especially spreading unfounded propaganda against the Afghan Taliban," said Tariq in the video, which was shot at an undisclosed location.

"The current leadership of the TTP has become a haven for criminals and […] therefore we are announcing that the people of the Mehsud areas are, under the leadership of Khalid Mehsud, severing all ties with the current leadership of the TTP."

Tariq said that the new Mehsud faction of the TTP will be led by Khalid Mehsud, a local TTP commander in South Waziristan. It is unclear, however, whether Khalid Mehsud commands the more than 2,600 Mehsud tribesmen who fight under the TTP banner, or only a smaller subset of that group.

Leadership row

The two factions of the TTP, an umbrella organisation of armed anti-state groups, have been engaged in violent infighting that has claimed dozens of lives for several months. The rift began over differences regarding the successor to Hakimullah Mehsud, the TTP chief who was killed by a US drone strike in November 2013.

Baitullah Mehsud, a tribal leader of the Mehsud tribe in South Waziristan, founded the TTP in 2007, and the leadership of the group had since then rested with his tribe, which makes up a majority of the TTP’s fighters. Following Hakimullah’s death, however, Khan Said, a follower of a TTP commander who had previously clashed with Hakimullah, led a rival leadership bid.

Following days of consultations, the leadership was finally given to Mullah Fazlullah, a non-Mehsud Taliban commander from the Swat Valley, on November 7.

That move, however, failed to unite the TTP for long, and clashes have ensued for several months between local Mehsud commanders Shaheryar Mehsud and Khan Said in the South Waziristan tribal area.

Fazlullah, who Pakistani intelligence officials say is based in Afghanistan, has been unable to quell the infighting, and, in fact, saw his sacking of Khan Said in South Waziristan rejected by his own group’s central leadership earlier this month.

It is Khan Said’s group, as represented by Azam Tariq and Khalid Mehsud, that has now broken away from the main TTP.

Peace talks

It is unclear where the split in the TTP’s ranks leaves the government’s dialogue process with the TTP, which Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said on May 16 was due to enter a final, "result-oriented" phase.

Analysts say that breaking up the TTP over the issue of talks was always part of the government’s strategy.

“The idea of talks was to try and see which groups could be weaned from this insurgency against the state. [The government was] sure that because there are multiple groups, and not all are reconcilable, that they could split [the TTP],” says Ejaz Haider, a senior journalist and security analyst.

Said’s faction of the TTP had been pro-talks, Haider said, and this distances them from Fazlullah’s group, which has taken a more hardline stance.

Imtiaz Gul, from the Centre for Research and Security Studies in Islamabad, said: "The talks are over. I think that whatever the government wanted to achieve with talks has been achieved."

Also affecting the peace talks will be a renewed military offensive against Taliban targets in the North Waziristan tribal area. On May 21, Pakistani fighter jets bombarded suspected Taliban hideouts in Miranshah, Mir Ali, Datta Khel and Ghulam Khan areas, killing at least 60 people.

Pakistan’s military said that the 60 were all "terrorists", but Al Jazeera was unable to independently verify that information, as access to the area is restricted. Local residents told Al Jazeera that civilians were among the dead.

Following the airstrikes, there have been several gunfights and bomb attacks between security forces and TTP fighters in the tribal areas, resulting in the deaths of at least 12 security forces personnel and 19 Taliban fighters, military sources told Al Jazeera.

On May 19, TTP chief Fazlullah vowed to fight for the imposition of Islamic law across Pakistan "until martyrdom", and called upon his groups' fighters and suicide bombers to prepare for a war to the death.

Follow Asad Hashim on Twitter: @AsadHashim

Pakistan Taliban splits into factions - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
Now recall what Imran Khan used to say. He said talks were meant to divide the Taliban. This is what talks have achieved. IT has divided the enemy.

Accept Imran as your leader and stop talking about war when u have no stake in it and your kids, looted wealth and businesses all are outside the country.
Analysts say that breaking up the TTP over the issue of talks was always part of the government’s strategy.

“The idea of talks was to try and see which groups could be weaned from this insurgency against the state. [The government was] sure that because there are multiple groups, and not all are reconcilable, that they could split [the TTP],” says Ejaz Haider, a senior journalist and security analyst.

Said’s faction of the TTP had been pro-talks, Haider said, and this distances them from Fazlullah’s group, which has taken a more hardline stance.

any praise for Imran khan now? He has been getting battered for saying it since ever.

Imtiaz Gul, from the Centre for Research and Security Studies in Islamabad, said: "The talks are over. I think that whatever the government wanted to achieve with talks has been achieved."

this is the most absurd statement i have read in response to this news. what is the point of breaking the TTP when in the end you want to fight with all of them at the same time?

The tricky part of the strategy will be how the army targets the fazlullah group while the govt tries to come to terms with the Mehsud group. does the military have enough information to mark who is who in FATA?
Now recall what Imran Khan used to say. He said talks were meant to divide the Taliban. This is what talks have achieved. IT has divided the enemy.

Accept Imran as your leader and stop talking about war when u have no stake in it and your kids, looted wealth and businesses all are outside the country.

The guy deserves a chance as a prime minster of Pakistan. End off. Ganja is not a leader and will never be one in the future. Leaders are born not made and that was proved again in his trip to India. Everyone saw it.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. The TTP and other assorted terror groups cannot be trusted. They have a mind of their own, though their agendas may be similar, and that is to make Pakistan a radical Islamic State with Sharia law according to their interpretation.

thank you for your concerns but that non of your business , we will decide what we will do with Pakistan ... TTP has no representations in Pakistan society ... Either we make it a secular or Islamic Republic , india or indians has nothing to do with this . and stop calling Radical islamic State ... unless you know anything about shariya .

on topic , its better for tribal peoples to fight those paid TTP bastards and kick them out from NW before Airforce step in than they wont get any place to hide
Divide and conquer - the smaller groups of TTP, are easier to handle, and we can cause even more hatred between the groups by lighting a match, here and there.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. The TTP and other assorted terror groups cannot be trusted. They have a mind of their own, though their agendas may be similar, and that is to make Pakistan a radical Islamic State with Sharia law according to their interpretation.

that was never their goal nor their demand, I dont know who came up with this nonsense.
all they wanted is Pakistan to support Afghan Talibans and pull out of WOT and stop drones
As of now Drones strikes have almost ended, WOT is ending, US is leaving
so now most of Talibans are saying why are we still killing and hence the divide amongst them, on top of that Air strikes and Pakistani drone strikes.
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