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TTP gets a taste of their own medicine

Well can't help it. Btw, why do Indians and Pakistanis have this habit of portraying themselves as so self-righteous? Allah/Eeshwar must be having a major coronary just because of these two nations. :D

OR maybe they're chilling and have left fools to their own devices...we all think our causes and strategic needs are holier than the other party's.
And here you go off tangent, again. Stop convincing me that you are an Afghan refugee. I know that already. Baluchistan is not a problem at all. All strategic planners know it very well. Yanks along with the BRITS have been trying every strategy in the book for the past 25 years, yes not 13 but 25 years, to somehow cut Baluchistan away. Most recent players have been the Gulf Emirates and India. The problem with the strategy is that they HAD no idea about the demographics, now they do. Baluchistan is a shut case. Next please.

I think india would definately help secular baloch separatists. Even baloch separatists have indicated that they would welcome any indian support against Pakistan. By doing so india has successfully divert pakistan's attention from kashmir..they dont want to break pakistan, they want to them to be busy in solving internal conflicts.
But i dont think TTP has any kind of links with india. It is not in india interest to support religous extremists at the hand of which they got suffered in kashmir. They have 20 crore muslims, they dont want religous extremism to be spilled from pakistan into them.
You two are very lovely couple.

Tu Peshawar kiii Raaani mein Lahore ka Raaja - Chal dil milaa leiiin ! :kiss3:

Has any one read Retired Major Agha H Amin lengthy articles which have interesting insights of ISI and other intel agencies in FATA?

Nope but shouldn't a more higher ranked officer have 'insight' insight ?
14 July, 2008

Waziristan January 2008

Volume 7 Number 1

January 28, 2008

Orders of Battle - Orbat.com News (America Goes to War)

Major A.H. Amin (Pakistan Army, Retired)


Waziristan is the testing ground, the acid test of Pakistan Army's worth in the so- called war against terrorism.

What is the Pakistani intelligence ? An intelligence operative stated that they don't have the guts to go out of a fort of FC in Waziristan. They meekly step out of a Qila (fort) and stop some truck drivers and ask what's going on. From what they scramble all the guys from Military Intelligence, the ISI , the Corps Intelligence and the FC Intelligence sit down and make a generally similar report. The guy who compares all reports in GHQ jumps with joy when he sees all these reports and states that all reports can be cross checked and are correct. There is the Sab Accha mentality since Mughal times. Sab Accha means All Correct. So in the final summing it is gleefully concluded that the writ of the Pakistani Government is established in all parts of tribal areas! Glory be to Allah.

I recently met some mid-ranking and major-general level army officers and discussed Waziristan with them. We concluded:

Waziristan is a case of clash of interests among ambitious officers trying to get a good chit (report) and serious regimental officers who see soldiering as a way of life. The fast-track guys want to bash up some villages with artillery fire and do some dog catching for Americans and improve their career index called OEI.

The first major disaster was Lt.-Gen. Safdar, a Punjabi and a careerist. He wanted a fast-track approach for the problem, .His policy was bomb everyone, kill everyone and get the feathers in the cap for being a conqueror. This was counter-productive. The armed forces lost all credibility in this area. Safdar was finally packed off to the post of director logistics in the army Headquarters a post seen as waiting area for dumped generals.

Lieutenant General Hamid Khan, a Pashtun armored corps officer from 11 Cavalry was not effective. During his tenure the army was neither here nor there. He was serving for most of the time when the Waziristan accord had been signed.

The present corps commander Masud Aslam was a Kargil Warrior! (Major Amin is not being complimentary.) He again tried to introduce the Safdar policy with disastrous results.
One Major General level divisional commander stood out. Strangely it was a Shia officer, Major General Mir Haider. Although a Punjabi he understood the Pasthun psyche and did well. His modus operandi was psy war. Healing the tribal eg . Gifting copies of Holy Quran.

Another Major General Sahi was a failure. Again he was using the Safdar approach. Kill , batter , destroy and bomb. Sahi had close links with the Quisling PML (President Musharraf's political party: the writer believes Pakistan has sold out to the Americans) as his brother was a politician from that party. In words of a direct participant officer, he was also a total failure.

He was finally packed off as commandant of infantry school. Another resting place of dumped generals. In his dining out he said that he had established writ of Pakistani Government in Waziristan and was corrected there and then by a serving army officer that this was a white lie. He was challenged that he could not drive with his GOC's flag from Miran Shah to Bannu even with an escort! He was infamous in the Frontier Corps Officers for trying to prod them to attack this village or that because he wanted to get a good chit from his bosses.

A serving army officer in that area compared Pakistan Army and the FC in Waziristan to a mouse running from point A to point B while he said that the tribals were the lazy cat watching this despicable mouse.

We further concluded:

The great danger is not Pakistan but the fall-out after its demise.

The great danger to the West is not the hopeless Pakistani state but non-state actors

The more Pakistani Don Quixote are proved to be spineless clowns in Waziristan, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

Warfare has become cheap. It is easy to rock the boat and non-state actors are good at this.
The front is unclear. The distinction between friend and foe unclear. My assessment is that if the Americans decide to knock out Pakistan , in strategic terms , there will be no resistance in Punjab and Sindh ,only the Pashtuns will be their adversaries and the settled area Pashtuns will be as hopeless as the Punjabis and Sindhis.

Pakistan's military and political establishment is simply hopeless. This theme is discussed in my article "5 minutes over Islamabad" (the article details how the US forced Pakistan to join it's side in the GWOT.) The Pakistani military junta has already lost all credibility with the Pakistani population and cannot control the situation.

Even the Americans will not achieve much if they enter Waziristan. The terrain is bad and Americans will be a good cause for Jihad. The solution is withdrawal from Waziristan and regime change in Pakistan. The Americans should let the hopeless **** politicians do the dirty job of all this.

As an officer who served in Pakistan Army I would sum up the situation as following:
The Pakistani High Command a Punjabi-Mohajir (Mohajirs are Pakistans who migrated from India to the new country of Pakistan in/after 1947) team lacks the grey matter or resolve to deal with the tribals.

The troops they are commanding have lost faith in the cause they are fighting for. This is the worst thing for an army.All said and done the tribals can be dealt politically. Any Pakistani officer who is posted as commander 11 Corps is a job seeker. He is trying to be a Napoleon and a Punjabi cannot be a Napoleon with a tribal!

The present Governor of NWFP Owais Ghani has already miserably failed in Baluchistan. He is regarded as a non-Pashtun as he is the hated Hindko Punjabi (we dont know what Hindko means; Hind generally refers to India) speaking from Peshawar city just like General Kakar, whose first cousin he is.The whole situation requires a change in command in Pakistan from top to bottom.
Well can't help it. Btw, why do Indians and Pakistanis have this habit of portraying themselves as so self-righteous? Allah/Eeshwar must be having a major coronary just because of these two nations. :D

You asking me :blink:

I being a lesser mortal sometimes do indulge in some mud slinging, of course for the dark passanger inside of me :oops:
@mafiya : You've got to be kidding me - A Punjabi trying to be Napoleon ! No wonder he took retirement as a Major; such a beautiful euphemism early retirement is ! :tup:
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@Hyperion, is this not the case that TTP is acting more like an umbrella organization for all the militant groups like LEJ,LeT, Punjabi Taliban, foreign fighters like they seeked help from uzbek fighters to attack in peshawar, the ones with the tatoos, on the other side we have them claiming responsibility for attacks on Shias, and then we have Taliban in our localities who want to liberate this nation from shameless culture and kepp it on the lines islam.
If people think that every pathan on the road should be seen as a terrorist than they are wrong because i can name places with links to punjabi militant groups
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Thanks. He is in love with me, what can I do. Told him several times that I don't roll that way, manta hee nahi hai! :D

:woot: :whistle:

Tu Peshawar kiii Raaani mein Lahore ka Raaja - Chal dil milaa leiiin ! :kiss3:

Nope but shouldn't a more higher ranked officer have 'insight' insight ?

Sirf dil hi milanain hai kya, saachi sacchi bol :raise:
I can name a bunch of CITIES in Punjabistan, trying to make a new nation of Wahabistan. Dude, we all know, yet we decide to keep mute about it. :D

@Hyperion, is this not the case that TTP is acting more like an umbrella organization for all the militant groups like LEJ,LeT, Punjabi Taliban, foreign fighters like they seeked help from uzbek fighters to attack in peshawar, the ones with the tatoos, on the other side we have them claiming responsibility for attacks on Shias, and then we have Taliban in our localities who want to liberate this nation from shameless culture and kepp it on the lines islam.
If people think that every pathan on the road should be seen as a terrorist than they are wrong because i can name places with links to punjabi militant groups
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