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TTP gets a taste of their own medicine

@Hyperion While any action against the TTP may be beneficial in the short term, if such actions are carried out without the state's authority (suicide bomber targets the TTP) then in the long run you're back to having armed groups which can operate outside the jurisdiction of the state. Such groups, as they gain clout, become self serving and will often detract from what the state might consider to be beneficial, no? Or is this not an organised faction attacking the Taliban but rather a sporadic and irregular attack that just ended up occurring?
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@Hyperion - Abbb tuneiii Monkey kooo eik stick deeidiiii haiii Punjabiyoon kiii waaat bajaaa deiii gaaa ! :hitwall:

Bandeiii yaaa Bandar deekh kar pollll kholneiii theiiii ! :disagree:

Honestly i dont care about ethnicity of talibans, they are all same to me. In the same way a pashtun in ISI is equally dispisable as punjabi of ISI...
You must have heard about Lashkar e islam and ansar ul islam conflict, one is deobandi and other is bareilivi. It was a turf war and mangal bagh emerged victorious. Mangal bagh made friendship with army and ISI and ensured to keep TTP away. Do you know what he did in khyber agency? He enforced worst version of talibans on locals...an afridi friend of my father got kidnapped by mangal bagh men and my father contacted political agent of khyber agency and released him, you get it where i am going? Like hyperion i wont spills the beans about ISI, no one would believe it any way.
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Most TTP are not comprised of local tribes, or at least not of one tribe, consists mostly of newbee punjabi TTP members who think they are entitled to that culture. These people have killed countless local tribals in the name of their Wahabi lord. This is in all probability payback from the local tribes.

The problem here on this forum is whenever they hear the word "TTP", they think it's synonymous with Pashtuns, that's hardly the case. TTP as a body is composed of more foreign (Punjabi Taliban + LeJ + LeT(new player) + foreign fighters) than it is composed of Pashtuns from any local tribe. It has just been sold as TTP = Pasthuns. That's where the problem lies. The media.

I personally intend to see to it that I catch few of these foreign ones, and extract some relevant info. Wish me luck on my trip. :D

You are spot on this is the general opinion that pakistani talibans or TTP are pushtoons where as we have the punjabi taliban very active , infact all over pakistan its the punjabi taliban who are responsible for most of the killings and attacks on military and civilian installments. its a evil nexus and bottom line all these extremists groups are same and belong to the same evil community of extremists
Honestly i dont care about ethnicity of talibans, they are all same to me. In the same way a pashtun in ISI is equally dispisable as punjabi of ISI...
You must have heard about Lashkar e islam and ansar ul islam conflict, one is deobandi and other is bareilivi. It was a turf war and mangal bagh emerged victorious. Mangal bagh made friendship with army and ISI and ensured to keep TTP away. Do you know what he did in khyber agency? He enforced worst version of talibans on locals...an afridi friend of my father got kidnapped by mangal bagh men and my father contacted political agent of khyber agency and released him, you get it where i am going? Like hyperion i wont spills the beans about ISI, no one would believe it any way.

@Armstrong is already dead angry with @Hyperion for spilling the beans... :woot:

This was Hyperion leaks
:lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:
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Does Punjabi Taliban exists??????? I remember there was a huge fight on it.... I guess the leader of opposition was @RazPaK

There is sizable population of deobandis in Punjab. Taliban is a deobandi movement, every deobandi organization whether it is political party like JUI or militants like lashkar e taiba, sipha e sahaba, lashkar janghi , have links with talibans.
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@Hyperion While any action against the TTP may be beneficial in the short term, if such actions are carried out without the state's authority (suicide bomber targets the TTP) then in the long run you're back to having armed groups which can operate outside the jurisdiction of the state. Such groups, as they gain clout, become self serving and will often detract from what the state might consider to be beneficial, no? Or is this not an organised faction attacking the Taliban but rather a sporadic and irregular attack that just ended up occurring?

PA attacks came two hours after the suicide bombings not right after this means PA got the news about the attack and decided to make it 2 for 1 . So to answer your question no PA was not behind the suicide attacks.They simply took advantage of two groups fighting it out.
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Mate I'll try to keep it brief. Firstly, as India views Kashmir as "integral part of India", similarly our people have been fed the line that Kashmir indeed belongs to Pakistan, if you will, "integral part of Pakistan". Rightly or wrongly, let's not get into that. Now our problem has been, to have "plebiscite" in Indian Kashmir, for which we went and knocked on EVERY possible door for 40 years, yet, as you know how International politics and arm twisting works, no one even cared to look at our PoV. Consequently, we went down a different lane. Enough of that now.

Regarding Indian involvement in FATA and Baluchistan? Think of it like this, it's a fully manned Indian ministry working on it. Very very specialized operation indeed.

Though you rate Indian clout overly, I doubt that Pakistan will listen to anyone of they hold something against India..

How much is India involved? can you point to some links or your personal view?

I respect your view because never seen you trying to distort any fact.

Irregular. Nothing more.

@Hyperion While any action against the TTP may be beneficial in the short term, if such actions are carried out without the state's authority (suicide bomber targets the TTP) then in the long run you're back to having armed groups which can operate outside the jurisdiction of the state. Such groups, as they gain clout, become self serving and will often detract from what the state might consider to be beneficial, no? Or is this not an organised faction attacking the Taliban but rather a sporadic and irregular attack that just ended up occurring?
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Mate I'll try to keep it brief. Firstly, as India views Kashmir as "integral part of India", similarly our people have been fed the line that Kashmir indeed belongs to Pakistan, if you will, "integral part of Pakistan". Rightly or wrongly, let's not get into that. Now our problem has been, to have "plebiscite" in Indian Kashmir, for which we went and knocked on EVERY possible door for 40 years, yet, as you know how International politics and arm twisting works, no one even cared to look at our PoV. Consequently, we went down a different lane. Enough of that now.

Regarding Indian involvement in FATA and Baluchistan? Think of it like this, it's a fully manned Indian ministry working on it. Very very specialized operation indeed.

Well put!

Your spilling some beans from this side of the borded too :woot:
Mate I'll try to keep it brief. Firstly, as India views Kashmir as "integral part of India", similarly our people have been fed the line that Kashmir indeed belongs to Pakistan, if you will, "integral part of Pakistan". Rightly or wrongly, let's not get into that. Now our problem has been, to have "plebiscite" in Indian Kashmir, for which we went and knocked on EVERY possible door for 40 years, yet, as you know how International politics and arm twisting works, no one even cared to look at our PoV. Consequently, we went down a different lane. Enough of that now.

Regarding Indian involvement in FATA and Baluchistan? Think of it like this, it's a fully manned Indian ministry working on it. Very very specialized operation indeed.

Irregular. Nothing more.

I think india would definately help secular baloch separatists. Even baloch separatists have indicated that they would welcome any indian support against Pakistan. By doing so india has successfully divert pakistan's attention from kashmir..they dont want to break pakistan, they want to them to be busy in solving internal conflicts.
But i dont think TTP has any kind of links with india. It is not in india interest to support religous extremists at the hand of which they got suffered in kashmir. They have 20 crore muslims, they dont want religous extremism to be spilled from pakistan into them.
PA attacks came two hours after the suicide bombings not right after this means PA got the news about the attack and decided to make it 2 for 1 . So to answer your question no PA was not behind the suicide attacks.They simply took advantage of two groups fighting it out.

NO NO, I know that the PA was not behind the attack. But the fact that there is another possible faction targeting the TTP, a faction which does not take its orders from the legitimate authorities albeit it has targeted the TTP would be troubling indeed. Although Hyperion thinks its a rare and irregular occurrence, so I'll take his pov on merit.
Well can't help it. Btw, why do Indians and Pakistanis have this habit of portraying themselves as so self-righteous? Allah/Eeshwar must be having a major coronary just because of these two nations. :D

Well put!

Your spilling some beans from this part of the borded too :woot:

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