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Trump’s Iran issue speech - discussion

Well Iraq's have been left with a ruined economy , and forever their country will be associated with ISIS just like Afghanistan has been tied to Taliban

Certain Saddam was promised commandership in Gulf for attacking Iran pretty clear in last 30 years what happened to Saddam

Iraqi people are educated they know what happened to their economy , society , Jobs the future of their children
No one is challenging this statement.

This is the whole point, which means Iran didn't want escalation.

And US is happy, because Iran doesn't want escalation even after losing its top general.

On a separate note, the world should commend your government's efforts to deescalate.. because they way your public came out, any other government would have been dragged into pounding nearby US bases causing severe damage to life and property.. This whole region would have become a hell once more.

We, the people, don't know the cost of a war until we are not dragged into one.. Ask a Syrian, or an Iraqi..

When Saddam forcefully occupied Kuwait, Iraqi public was dancing on streets.. however, if you ask anyone who danced at that time to go back in time and dance again, he will tell the public the horrors he has seen due to Saddam's decision.

Saddam was brave, but a fool.. same fate was avoided by your leadership today.
Strait of Hormuz is 33 kim wide and 20 to 30 percent of oil daily pass through this region. And only US bases there for oil tanker security. Why only US has to provide security ? ... why not rest of the world or other allies and NATO countries. I would say everyone should listen Trump last speech on NATO conference. He put all the facts in front of them. But , NATO countries still 101 percent rely on US and these countries are major oil buyers and business beneficiaries of Gulf countries.
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And we have people in Pakistan who can give their lives for anything or even nothing. So, what's your point?
Are you agreeing to my point are disagreeing..look budy US and European new generation is total waste.. they are always finding way to find sick leav from jobs and compensation from insurance companies. Their life style already made them dead rubber like arabs.. yeha they will be best in manipulating things with politics and proxies...truning brothers againt eacother... devide n rull...game over...
Personally I want Iran to focus on its economy, become much more powerful first and then it will be in a much better position.
Iran must end proxy wars in the region, work with other Middle East players in the region's development.. I think other players who are supporting proxies should also stop their support.. Let the people decide for themselves.

If majority of Syrians don't want Assad as their president, let them take care of him instead of helping him against his own people..

Same in Yemen and Iraq.. Let the people decide.. The whole region should now decide a policy of NO INTERFERENCE in other countries..

Iran can lead and other will follow I am sure.. Imagine a middle east with open borders.. a single currency like Europeans..

As of now, because of the oil, external players such as US and Russia play endless games and who gets the burn? People of middle east!

Millions of Muslims have died and there has been not a single strike happened in the countries which are participating in Middle East due to oil..

Time to end this madness..
Americans killed Iranian general because he was planning to attack Americans. That general was second most powerful person in Iran. Iran fired few missiles in anger at a US base no American was harmed in attack.
How does it makes Iran dady of America?
He was great but even in Sepah , the generals who spend their times in Iran had more power and influence ....

The president of iran who is in control of government is 2nd strongest man .... Although Rouhani personally is weak person and weakened his position as well ...
Are you agreeing to my point are disagreeing..look budy US and European new generation is total waste.. they are always finding way to find sick leav from jobs and compensation from insurance companies. Their life style already made them dead rubber like arabs.. yeha they will be best in manipulating things with politics and proxies...truning brothers againt eacother... devide n rull...game over...

Trump losing allies left and right Business is booming for the party which believes in Diplomacy
Trump shot himself in foot by attacking another country's General openly

  • Iraqi parliament kicked out US forces (ordinance approved)
  • Iran has solidified its position
  • Iranian people are mostly united world wide in favor of their home country and supporting their own nation globally and locally


The real players , make deals during crisis and solidify defence
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Strait of Hormuz is 33 kim wide and 20 to 30 percent of oil daily pass through this region. And only US bases there for oil tanker security. Why only US has to provide security ? ... why not rest of the world or other allies and NATO countries. I would say everyone should listen Trump last speech on NATO conference. He put all the facts in front of them. But , NATO countries still 101 percent rely on US and these countries are major oil buyers and business beneficiaries of Gulf countries.

A big portion of US economy is run on its defense sales and providing security to different countries.. Russia also does that but at a much lesser scale.. NATO countries also sell equipment to middle east.

In return, they get huge money and buy oil from that money. The oil is effectively free for them, in fact they get more money in return.

But who is helping them? The entire Middle East including Iran is helping US and NATO for the past 50 years.
no american died during iran missile attack.that is pathetic.iran lost a big opportunity.now both parties should de escalate.
A big portion of US economy is run on its defense sales and providing security to different countries.. Russia also does that but at a much lesser scale.. NATO countries also sell equipment to middle east.

In return, they get huge money and buy oil from that money. The oil is effectively free for them, in fact they get more money in return.

But who is helping them? The entire Middle East including Iran is helping US and NATO for the past 50 years.
Don't know rest but UN sanctions has very much crippled Iran economy. 40 years of sanction start showing the results. Weapon is not the issue, issue is trading currency. Gulfies knows well who is better and professional business partner. Otherwise then can knock Russian and Chinese door. Read Iranian trading scandals with China and Russia. How small Iranian businessmen been ripoff by the companies of these two countries.
Iranian were like, we will wait for you to leave.

Someone opened a thread yesterday about a tweet by an account named "Iran" (no blue tick) which said something was gonna happen yesterday night , not sure what happened to that thread though
The race towards nuclear weapons has started... Iran played well, buying time.. more hard time for its people but the way they played it, and only because they are buying time for nukes.. 2 years max before they will test it.
that is too long; i believe they will be ready in 1 year if they decide to go for it.

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