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Trump’s Iran issue speech - discussion

It is not hanki panki it is reality and very wise words. Let me break it down for you.

Killing Solemani was a mistake Trump made he never knew who Solemani was. Have you ever seen such a big funeral in human history? I have not. Even if Iranian regime forced people to streets you cannot force so many people cause if they were forced then so many could take out Irani govt if they wanted.

This made Trump realized that he has made a mistake. Why cause Solemani save Iraq. I still remember those days when isis stormed Iraq and only Solemani was there to help them every one backed out even USA.

Iran was going to retaliate and USA was going to pull out cause of the fear. You cannot fight militias and people of Iraq now that is the ground reality. Everyone knows it. Iran was going to attack at some later date. But when the leaked letter of USA surfaced Iran came to realize USA was leaving from their clutches and Iran hastily launched the attack. USA know that if it wants to stay in middle east it has to work with Iran.

That is why Trump said he wants new deal. He never meant nuclear deal he meant deal to stay in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan without any problems.
Lol..you invested your twenty years to leav golden hen just for nothing.. they were beaten heavily in syria and Afghanistan...man you need people to fight war.. iran has those people who can give life for their country. Other hand you have people if they cut their finger in kitchen they go for compensation from their insurance companies n go for sick leav... you kiding me...they do have shine tools to fight however they dont have people to die for their country...
Bro first of all , this accuracy of missiles , we never targeted Indians but they know how accurate our missiles are .
What does any of that have to do with this topic my friend?

Secondly , US did kill your top general and all you did was testing accuracy of your missiles , that's a slap on your face .

That's because you're assuming this attack was the only thing Iran will do. Khameni himself has said this is the beginning.

Now I hope the trump administration will de-escalate . And you didn't want any killed US soldiers ? They just killed you hero general ! Which American you killed ? . Stop brainfarting .

Stop insulting like a child. Iran is not some juvenile state to start killing Americans left and right like that. They're obviously not insane. Dead americans will come, but covertly. This attack had sent a specific message and made trump look weak. Iran DIRECTLY attacked them and he backed down.
It is well known Iran has mastery over stealth and Mass production of Missiles and Drones just put two and two together


22,000 sq km
148 km or so length /width 60% of it is desert
It is no rocket science precious Israel if 900 missiles and drones are launched on it

PAPA Trump's heart is in a jar , tucked away in Israel behind the wall


With S300 spread all over Syria to Iran , their is no passage for F15 or F16 to fly out from Israel into Iran

Obama peace plan was actually a pretty good deal for USA/Iran , and may be Israel but Trump has completely derailed that peace effort
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So much winning !!

It goes without saying that we must congratulate both Iran and USA for successfully diverting a bigger conflict. Noble peace award should be given to both administration.

RIP to the Ukrainian Airplane victims.
What does any of that have to do with this topic my friend?

That's because you're assuming this attack was the only thing Iran will do. Khameni himself has said this is the beginning.

Stop insulting like a child. Iran is not some juvenile state to start killing Americans left and right like that. They're obviously not insane. Dead americans will come, but covertly. This attack had sent a specific message and made trump look weak. Iran DIRECTLY attacked them and he backed down.
As soon as I realized I had said to much emotional thing , I edited my post but I guess you saw them . Sorry . Didn't mean to troll . Now I am understanding the things .
As soon as I realized I had said to much emotional thing , I edited my post but I guess you saw them . Sorry . Didn't mean to troll . Now I am understanding the things .

No worries bro, emotions are high right now everywhere.
in this speed what if USA killed more iranis high command ? if i was iranian i was not fall in this BS propegenda not even one US solder hurt in return of # guy if iran . and here we were thinking they will kill a general in return .they did not killed a private staff Sargent of USA
Iranians also know this all this propaganda is for face facing. Iranian leaders would be feeling unsafe Americans can kill them in response to some attack on American military or embassy or for some other reason but they can't do anything
Iran attacked these bases with incredible accuracy!!!

No one is challenging this statement.

They deliberately avoided killing Americans.

This is the whole point, which means Iran didn't want escalation.

And US is happy, because Iran doesn't want escalation even after losing its top general.

On a separate note, the world should commend your government's efforts to deescalate.. because they way your public came out, any other government would have been dragged into pounding nearby US bases causing severe damage to life and property.. This whole region would have become a hell once more.

We, the people, don't know the cost of a war until we are not dragged into one.. Ask a Syrian, or an Iraqi..

When Saddam forcefully occupied Kuwait, Iraqi public was dancing on streets.. however, if you ask anyone who danced at that time to go back in time and dance again, he will tell the public the horrors he has seen due to Saddam's decision.

Saddam was brave, but a fool.. same fate was avoided by your leadership today.
If nothing is lost, why should Trump retaliate?
Good move Iran. Iran purposefully did not cross the redline.
Trumps hanki panki speach lol. It means usa accepted iran is big dady.are we witnessing fall of super power USA? Your thoughts guys
US needs Iran as a bogieman of the Mideast, to sell expensive weapons to GCC countries. Even tho John Bolton Is itching to carpet bomb Iran, US defense establishment is stopping Trump n Bolton. Iran was scared of US response otherwise he would have targeted US 5th fleet stationed across Persian Gulf. Iran opted for empty hangers.
No one is challenging this statement.

This is the whole point, which means Iran didn't want escalation.

And US is happy, because Iran doesn't want escalation even after losing its top general.

On a separate note, the world should commend your government's efforts to deescalate.. because they way your public came out, any other government would have been dragged into pounding nearby US bases causing severe damage to life and property.. This whole region would have become a hell once more.

We, the people, don't know the cost of a war until we are not dragged into one.. Ask a Syrian, or an Iraqi..

When Saddam forcefully occupied Kuwait, Iraqi public was dancing on streets.. however, if you ask anyone who danced at that time to go back in time and dance again, he will tell the public the horrors he has seen due to Saddam's decision.

Saddam was brave, but a fool.. same fate was avoided by your leadership today.

Well it is certainly in everyone interest that war was avoided. But this is still not the end of it. There will be no more attack by Iran directly, but expect to see many covert operations now killing officials. Iran's Khameini said this was just a "slap".

Personally I want Iran to focus on its economy, become much more powerful first and then it will be in a much better position.
Bhai, my point is that deescalation was done by Iran by not targeting the US forces. The way Iranian public demanded a retaliation, if IRGC didn't do what it did today early morning, their government would have been overthrown in no time.

I will wait for the videos to come to light.. because if what you are saying is true, Trump administration will have to do something for face saving too.

For now, Americans are happy... they killed the most important person after Khamenei, and get no casualties in return (officially).
They will realize by time.. today they just lost everything...iran will get power day by day...small countries will take shadow under iran flag...you are right in some point. Losing two generals is not big price to pay when you demolish a superpower...
General Sulemani shahadat, helped his country in so many ways, one unified Iran, two turned Iraqis again US, third established Iranian deterrence against yanks.

Also IRGC is military organisation, the good general will have a successor who would have been well groomed to take over.

Iran has so far won this mini battle hands down.
US needs Iran as a bogieman of the Mideast, to sell expensive weapons to GCC countries. Even tho John Bolton Is itching to carpet bomb Iran, US defense establishment is stopping Trump n Bolton. Iran was scared of US response otherwise he would have targeted US 5th fleet stationed across Persian Gulf. Iran opted for empty hangers.

An attack on US assets is an act of war regardless of loss of life. If Iran decided to kill, it would be in war right now and only a fool would be okay with a war. It showed however it is no scared to attack if need be, but they that they still prefer no war.

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