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Trump says one-state solution could lead to Israeli PM called ‘Mohammed’

No Muhammad is an Arabic name and in the law they passed they said the only language acceptable in Israel is Hebrew. Before this Arabic was a recognized language in Israel but not anymore.

So what? They can't stop anyone in Israel from speaking Arabic.
So what? They can't stop anyone in Israel from speaking Arabic.
Please go read the law they passed first. Nobody can stop anyone from speaking any language, but I'm 100% sure they would never allow a man named Muhammad to rule them after they pass a law stating Israel is for Jewish people.
Okay so the only solution left for Israel is genocide because moving embassy to Jerusalem already killed 2 state solution?
Okay so the only solution left for Israel is genocide because moving embassy to Jerusalem already killed 2 state solution?

They don't dare. Don't forget. Russia and China do recognize Palestine unlike America which does not. If Hebrews go for final solution, Russia and China militarily intervene to stop genocide of Arabs.
They don't dare. Don't forget. Russia and China do recognize Palestine unlike America which does not. If Hebrews go for final solution, Russia and China militarily intervene to stop genocide of Arabs.

There is no other solution in one state solution a Palestinian can become PM and in a 2 state solution they need to recognize 1967 borders. Only thing they can do is genocide. Russia and China will only condemn them not fight them. It will always be Muslims who will fight them.
There is no other solution in one state solution a Palestinian can become PM and in a 2 state solution they need to recognize 1967 borders. Only thing they can do is genocide. Russia and China will only condemn them not fight them. It will always be Muslims who will fight them.
First time your words are making sense:toast_sign:
If Israel is a democracy than why they care if PM is Muhammad or Netanyahu ?
At least with Trump you know where he stands, however revolting "his" position. The previous administrations shared the same views but just did a much better job sanitising their views for public and international consumption.

I will be honest and say that I prefer this version.
that is the whole point, a free Palestine. One state solution. Notice Trump does not state a one state solution would mean terrorists would be killing jews all over Palestine, because they know who the terrorists are and the terrorists are the zionists.

"Letting Mexicans in would mean there could be someday a Pedro as President"

So what? Are we to only have mass murderers as "presidents" and crime ministers?
Its why israel can't afford to be a democracy it has to be a apartheid state

The total number of Palestinians plus their birth rate is higher then the jews

So the jews will gradually become more and more apartheid to ensure jew rule over everyone

They will fail, but they will try nevertheless
Its why israel can't afford to be a democracy it has to be a apartheid state

The total number of Palestinians plus their birth rate is higher then the jews

So the jews will gradually become more and more apartheid to ensure jew rule over everyone

They will fail, but they will try nevertheless

They want more and more apartheid

Which is why they don't even want a permanent two state solution, they want to get rid of the Palestinians, one way or another.

It took 2000 years to steal Palestine. So it could be another 500 years or more to get all the land stolen. But a one state solution where Palestinians are allowed to live in peace and security would end that mission quick.

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