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Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back

face saving announcement..

Iran just directly and deliberately took out a 200 million dollar American military asset in (according to US accounts) international water.

there is absolutely nothing they can do about this. and their hollowness is being exposed. so now we will hear fantasy stories of trump wanting to do this or that and he stopped last second out of the mercy of his heart.
some of the wreckage which so far has been retrieved from Iranian waters







LMAO. So he gave an order to attack and then changed his mind at last second. You'd have to be a special kind of retard to believe this story. This was nothing but an attempt to save face, failed badly as well.
The US military was ready to go, but the President doesn't want to start a war.

President Trump, despite my issues with him, has always been against starting wars in the middle east (it was one of this main campaign platforms) something that I actually support him on.

It's likely that people like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are frustrated, as they've been calling for strikes against Iran for a long time. It's why the strikes have only been declared temporarily halted.

Right now, the president is likely having constant meetings with his security advisors, as well as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, to decide if he wants to go ahead with the strike or not. John Bolton in particular will likely be pushing him to go ahead, while Mike Pompeo is likely being hesitant, ad the president has just announced his reelection bid, and these strikes could hurt his chances of winning, especially if these strikes end up escalating the conflict even further.

He was partly elected as an anti-war president, something he knows he cannot simply ignore these coming elections.

Despite having issues with Trump our white house insider @That Guy was allowed in the meeting and above is from those meetings..

War is imminent on iran today or tommorow

Our corespondent from UAE, asking for death and destruction signs of good Muslim..

The american Republican base and Trump core base isnt anti-war. It is pro-war but with the least american casualties.

Trump isnt anti-war because he cares about iranian lives or other 3rd world people... He is anti-engagement that wastes american resources.

If Trump goes to war against Iran... He is gauranteed a win as americans will rally behind their president during war time... Unless it turns unti a Vietnam style quagmire

Needs no introduction, our Homer J Simpson.


Please wait for more war experts....
by occupying part

for how long? one year with many many losses? iran is no tiny country and they wont stand for lang on a hostile huge populated area.. sure iranian losses would be very high.. like the vietnamese losses and the filthy attacks of filthy people (us invaders).. they gassed them napalmed them and did genocide there

shure these tactics (mass killing and poisen the area with who knows what) would also work in iran for some time but in the end it would cost too much money, people and time..

iranians had every right on earth to shoot down that drone commanded by filthy people.. as if they are just flying with a toy.. they are there for war preperations.. and iranians should just sit and wait? whats next if they get bombed from saudi arabia by US they should accept that? no they should attack saudi arabia their cities their economy their hospitals their water supply their food supply their police their military their fire fighters.. I would fight with anything from poisen their food industry to bring people with ebola and better stuff to spread deseases as vergeltungswaffen..

in Iraq war if I would have been saddam.. I would have also done that to turkey as they hosted US

I would have let rain death from the skies even with gas, because its death what those ppl bring to your country your family your children by helping and hosting those invaders... really saddam showed the turks a face they didnt have in that times (I was against americans invading Iraq, I feeled ashamed and harassed as a muslim and neighbor that so many so called muslim countries supported the killings there,

also I said on that time saddam had every right to send rockets to turkey.. but he didn't.. but it would not be what I would do if someone attacks my country my city my family my children and brothers and sisters..

if you sit and let yourself be killed or you sit and hope not to die.. what a dogs life!
Well, buy good stuff..cheap is not good for health..he cares about Iranian lives.. joke of centuries..reason why he backed down from agreement which was agreed between USA EU and Iran...he is the one who did not fulfil the agreement and sanctioned people of Iran.he is pro Israel and pro Israel can not be be pro Muslims.. simple is that
O said he doesnt care about 3rd worlders brownies... Nor should he.

In this world... You are nly care for your own.

Needs no introduction, our Homer J Simpson.

Americans have always rallied behind a war president. America is build on domination of others. Only naive hippies believe in peace and love.

Its a world where might is right.

Pakistan first!
Trump started a crisis by pulling out of the nuclear deal

now like the casino fraudster that he is claims to have "fixed" the problem he started claiming to be a hero in the process

total cowboy mentality
Despite having issues with Trump our white house insider @That Guy was allowed in the meeting and above is from those meetings..

Our corespondent from UAE, asking for death and destruction signs of good Muslim..

Needs no introduction, our Homer J Simpson.

.View attachment 566139

Please wait for more war experts....
It's called geopolitical analysis, and I'm not the only one who's saying this. Look at respected media houses, from BBC to Reuters, they're all saying the same thing.

My opinion is based upon actual experts.

If you don't have anything to contribute, I would suggest keeping your mouth shut.

You can't talk tough then back down. You appear like a wimp. Trump is not anti-war, he is anti-nation building. Launching missiles at Iran is okay. Sticking around in Afghanistan is not.
He never claimed he would go to war with Iran, nor that he was willing to strike Iran.

He talked tough on sanctions, not military confrontations.

The american Republican base and Trump core base isnt anti-war. It is pro-war but with the least american casualties.

Trump isnt anti-war because he cares about iranian lives or other 3rd world people... He is anti-engagement that wastes american resources.

If Trump goes to war against Iran... He is gauranteed a win as americans will rally behind their president during war time... Unless it turns unti a Vietnam style quagmire
I guess you can interpret it that war. Not a bad interpretation either.
well Iran is just getting started wait for more surprises.

“We shall not stand idly by if signatory countries will not find a way out for Iran to regain its trade, energy and commercial position in the international market. If sanctions are not lifted one way or another, we are only at the beginning of the crisis. Much more can be expected. Iran will never accept to be disarmed of its missiles because they are a guarantee for its security and that of the region. Today Iran is much stronger, enjoying the support of the population and harmony between the political and military leadership. We shall not submit and no negotiation with Trump can be expected as long as sanctions are hovering over our heads. The world should expect more surprises in the coming days because Iranians refuse to starve. Therefore, we are no longer afraid of any war, even more significant against a superpower country”.

It's called geopolitical analysis, and I'm not the only one who's saying this. Look at respected media houses, from BBC to Reuters, they're all saying the same thing.

My opinion is based upon actual experts.

If you don't have anything to contribute, I would suggest keeping your mouth shut.

The US military was ready to go, but the President doesn't want to start a war.

My bad, above sure sounded like a fact to me, but who knew that was just a political analysis or opinion ..:blink:
My bad, above sure sounded like a fact to me, but who knew that was just a political analysis or opinion ..:blink:
If you paid attention to his campaign rhetoric during the 2016 election, President Trump's stance would have been clear to you. His voter base are extremely anti-war.
Middle east has to develop capability to burn the west/Israel, that's the only way these monkeys behave. It won't work by buying western weapons
Why you are anti Israel and the west?! I remember you used to be anti-Kurd anti-Sunni like erdogan, nujaifi and Ali hattem am salman,But now you are anti west,Israel and Iran.
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