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Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back

Why you are anti Israel and the west?! I remember you used to be anti-Kurd anti-Sunni like erdogan, nujaifi and Ali hattem am salman,But now you are anti west,Israel and Iran.

The west and Israel which is an extension of western colonization in the world have no interest in seeing any middle eastern country/bloc grow and become a possible threat to them, hence their efforts against Saddam's Iraq and today's Iran. Also the west has made Iraq suffer massively for the past few decades, you need to keep that in mind and not forget so quickly, my only interest is their departure of the region as far as me being against them.

Kurds are fifth columnists in our midst, they'll cause trouble whenever they can. Although personally I've always disliked them more than most other Iraqis.
Erdogan facilitated the trouble in Syria and meddles in other states.
Nujaifi, Ali hatem. Both were seeking cover in the KRG conspiring against Baghdad, their own country. Traitorous behavior that is.

I believe that whether it is Saddam or Qais al Khazali ruling the state, despite being of different ideologies if you fight against your own state you're aiding enemies. Syrians that chose this path joining the FSA in 2011 ruined their country. They've no right to invade our country, unfortunately our fellow Arab neighbors (Jordan and Kuwait) mainly are client states of the US enabling it.
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