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Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

Pakistani leader Imran Khan admitted he refuses to criticize China's treatment of its Uighur minority because they 'helped us when we were at rock bottom'

So, it is OK to put your country's best interests first over one million Muslims in concentration camps and not OK for my country to normalize ties with Israel and return to the 1994 relations?

There are 600 million muslims in South Asia at threat from hindutva extremism

PAKISTAN is central to their defence

China is helping 600 million muslims in humilating and defeating hindutva extremists

China is harsh on its entire population from Buddhists to xtians to its own Han population who step out of line

It's a authoritarian communist state, it is what it is

It's not al Aqsa

Suck Jew balls if you want, but don't expect anyone to call you morrocans anything but trash
Pakistani leader Imran Khan admitted he refuses to criticize China's treatment of its Uighur minority because they 'helped us when we were at rock bottom'

So, it is OK to put your country's best interests first over one million Muslims in concentration camps and not OK for my country to normalize ties with Israel and return to the 1994 relations?

There are no concentration camps. Arabs fully support China at UN vote against Western Uyghur conspiracy LOL

Saudi Arabia and Russia among 37 states backing China's Xinjiang policy

You are comparing fake Western propaganda against real genocide of your own flesh and blood? Shame on your existence.
Who is opposing morrocans on Western Sahara? Is it local people or another country like Algeria?
Algeria, Libya (during Gaddafi), Spain, Egypt, Syria, Cuba and Venezuela have all supported the separatists with weapons, money and diplomatic support.
Like I said. What about peace for Palestinians?
What's that got to do with Morocco or Pakistan?

Oh the fabled Ummah? LOL. that's like Catholic Brazil breaking ties with the UK over the conflict in Northern Ireland. Get a grip.
What's that got to do with Morocco or Pakistan?

Oh the fabled Ummah? LOL. that's like Catholic Brazil breaking ties with the UK over the conflict in Northern Ireland. Get a grip.

LOL when one European nations such as France is boycotted by Muslim nations due to hateful cartoons all other European nations stand in solidarity with France. Despite France being wrong and hateful.

You have no notion of solidarity nor loyalty. Hence your inability to understand why nations stand with each other despite all odds.
What's that got to do with Morocco or Pakistan?

Oh the fabled Ummah? LOL. that's like Catholic Brazil breaking ties with the UK over the conflict in Northern Ireland. Get a grip.

You're screaming peace here in these five threads, but when it comes to the peace of Palestenians, you're a mute dumbfuck.

Your head is shoved way up your ***, pull it out and stop living in denial. Shit, unbelievable.
There are Israelis and Israeli flags on open display in UAE. They have Israeli food stands there now.

I'm really sorry that makes a British Pakistan in a Birmingham bedsit cry. You see war getting further away and you're desperate for it.

You were at your happiest when ISIS were running around the ME cutting off heads. You seemed to be chirpy back then. Now peace is breaking out and you're not part of it. You have a useless Pakistan that has stagnated for decades. It's basically a nothing country. You hear about them every so often when the cricket is on. Otherwise it's a failed state.

The frustration you must have seeing tiny Israel succeed more than Pakistan is understandable. Now making friends with your fellow Muslims whilst you're still in the mire. I understand.

As Muslims we simply support the people of Palestine against injustice that has been forced upon them

It is not for no reason the Jews have been massacred through out history, their behaviour in Palestine is nothing short of insidious

I repeat 40 years of peace treaty with Egypt and Israelis would get lynched if they hung around Cairo for too long

You have no peace with the people

You have arrangements with DICTATORSHIPS and autocrats like kings of morroco or dictator of UAE, general of Egypt

Jews are reviled for their injustice upon the people of Palestine

There will be NO PEACE until the people of Palestine have been freed from the oppression of the Jews

And as I have said, if this binds Israeli hands then Muslims have both TIME and DEMOGRAPHICS on their side within and around Israel

Dosent matter if its PAKISTAN, Egypt, Indonesia the oppression the Jews are inflicting upon the Palestinians will not be forgotten or forgiven
What a load of BS. You neither have the history nor the culture Morocco has. We have stood against superpowers and came on top, we have tussled with the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the French and the Ottomans and have kept our nation united for 1200 years. Educate yourself, you ignorant fool. Western Sahara was and has always been under our rule.

You people speak French, and crave recognition from the USA.
How can you say that you tussled when your population still speaks French.

You're the very definition of a slave.
Who is opposing morrocans on Western Sahara? Is it local people or another country like Algeria?

AU has recognised western Sahara government as true representatives of the people. Algeria biggest backer.
The shape shifting lizard people want peace between the Arabs and their allies. The Arab monarchs must have been neuralyzed to comply. :lol:

LOL when one European nations such as France is boycotted by Muslim nations due to hateful cartoons all other European nations stand in solidarity with France. Despite France being wrong and hateful.

You have no notion of solidarity nor loyalty. Hence your inability to understand why nations stand with each other despite all odds.

You're obviously a bit simple. They didn't stand with France because they're white or Christian, they stood with France because they share freedom of expression ideals. I know in Pakistan you can't do/say much, but other countries believe in freedom of expression.
There will be NO PEACE until the people of Palestine have been freed from the oppression of the Jews

Keep shouting at the clouds mate.

Whilst Israelis are setting up food stalls in Arab states and UAE businessmen buy 50% stakes in Israeli football teams.
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