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Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

You're obviously a bit simple. They didn't stand with France because they're white or Christian, they stood with France because they share freedom of expression ideals. I know in Pakistan you can't do/say much, but other countries believe in freedom of expression.

LOL in your imagination Zionist poodle.

It is funny you would lecture others about freedom of speech. Try denying Holocaust in any of these freedom of speech loving nations.

We have already seen what this farce freedom of speech means on the world stage. You shove it up your rear. Hating and cussing Muslims is freedom of speech.

Like I said, fvck you and fvck the Zionists. Now stop wasting our time bunch of beggars and take a hike from this forum. You don't belong here. Go and cry on Indian forums where they will lick your boots.
From hating Arabs to sucking up. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites sucking each othef LOL
Hating arabs? You do know big part of Israeli jewish population are immigrants from arab countries
You're obviously a bit simple. They didn't stand with France because they're white or Christian, they stood with France because they share freedom of expression ideals. I know in Pakistan you can't do/say much, but other countries believe in freedom of expression.

Keep shouting at the clouds mate.

Whilst Israelis are setting up food stalls in Arab states and UAE businessmen buy 50% stakes in Israeli football teams.

I don't have to shout bruv, it's a matter of fact

Their is widescale hatred of Jews for their crimes in Palestine

Why would I need to lie?

Just because a bunch of dictatorships have made notional relations, their is incredible hatred for Israeli crimes

Nothing will stop this until the Palestinians get justice
Hating arabs? You do know big part of Israeli jewish population are immigrants from arab countries

Yeah hating Arabs. Don't tell me now suddenly the Arabs and Israelis have started loving each other after all the hate and warmongering of the past.

It looks pathetic and fake. These two were at each others throat for a million reasons. Now you guys who used to cuss and hate each other are suddenly hugging and sucking.
Yes You, and Your Zionist folk.
Pakistan had diplomatic relationship with soviet union when it was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population, Pakistan had diplomatic relationships with Yugoslavia when it was persecuting and suppressing its Muslim population. Pakistan even had diplomatic relationships with India while India was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population.

So why does Pakistan show such hypocrisy when it comes to Israel??

Because y'all kiss Arab arse, you jump when they tell you, bend over when they tell you, and bark when they tell you.

Munafiq country filled with munafiqeens
Yeah hating Arabs. Don't tell me now suddenly that Arabs and Israelis have started loving each other after all the hate and warmongering of the past.

It looks pathetic and fake.
About 44.9% percent of Israel's Jewish population identify as either Mizrahi or Sephardi, 44.2% identify as Ashkenazi, about 3% as Beta Israel and 7.9% as mixed or other.[27]

The paternal lineage of the Jewish population of Israel as of 2015 is as follows:



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About 44.9% percent of Israel's Jewish population identify as either Mizrahi or Sephardi, 44.2% identify as Ashkenazi, about 3% as Beta Israel and 7.9% as mixed or other.[27]

The paternal lineage of the Jewish population of Israel as of 2015 is as follows:

What do you want to prove?

Arabs and Zionists don't get along very well. No matter how many Arabs live on any side.

It is hilarious how Israelis are flying into Arab deserts and pretending that they are the best of buddies. It is disgusting and cringeworthy.
Pakistan had diplomatic relationship with soviet union when it was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population, Pakistan had diplomatic relationships with Yugoslavia when it was persecuting and suppressing its Muslim population. Pakistan even had diplomatic relationships with India while India was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population.

So why does Pakistan show such hypocrisy when it comes to Israel??

Because y'all kiss Arab arse, you jump when they tell you, bend over when they tell you, and bark when they tell you.

Munafiq country filled with munafiqeens
Spot on. Pakistan only treats Israel differently to show solidarity with the Arabs (sentiment that is less and less being reciprocated). If Arabs themselves want to recognize Israel why should we get all emotional about it??
About 44.9% percent of Israel's Jewish population identify as either Mizrahi or Sephardi, 44.2% identify as Ashkenazi, about 3% as Beta Israel and 7.9% as mixed or other.[27]

The paternal lineage of the Jewish population of Israel as of 2015 is as follows:

Which ones are responsible for the occupation and oppression of Palestine
Pakistan had diplomatic relationship with soviet union when it was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population, Pakistan had diplomatic relationships with Yugoslavia when it was persecuting and suppressing its Muslim population. Pakistan even had diplomatic relationships with India while India was suppressing and persecuting its Muslim population.

So why does Pakistan show such hypocrisy when it comes to Israel??

Because y'all kiss Arab arse, you jump when they tell you, bend over when they tell you, and bark when they tell you.

Munafiq country filled with munafiqeens

It is up to us. No one can force us to accept anyone. Why do you people force Pakistan to accept Israel?
Spot on. Pakistan only treats Israel differently to show solidarity with the Arabs. If the Arabs want to recognize Israel why should we get all emotional about it??

We don't support Palestine to please Arabs. We support Palestine because it is the right thing to do.

If we support Palestine to please the Arabs we would have accepted Israel to please the Arabs. It is the Arab stance that changed. Not ours. It shows Pakistan's principled stance.

The Arabs can do whatever they like. If they want to accept Israel it is their choice. No one cares about Arab choices. Arabs cannot force Pakistan to accept Israel which they are trying to do. We won't accept Israel.
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It is up to us. No one can force us to accept anyone. Why do you people force Pakistan to accept Israel?

We don't support Palestine to please Arabs. We support Palestine because it is the right thing to do.

If we support Palestine to please the Arabs we would have accepted Israel to please the Arabs. It is the Arab stance that changed. Not ours. It shows Pakistan's principled stance.

The Arabs can do whatever they like. If they want to accept Israel it is their choice. Arabs cannot force Pakistan to accept Israel. We won't accept Israel.
There is no viable Arab military threat to Israel. Redefining borders is not possible. Two state sate solution won't work. Any Palestinian state will be created weak and dependent on Israel. Arabs only have one option....political recognition and legitimacy in exchange for concessions for the Palestinians.

Don't kick a man when he is down. We have to understand that the Arabs are in a very weak position. The Jews are not as evil as the rumors claim. They will make and honor deals. Your principled stance does not help the Palestinians.
There is no viable Arab military threat to Israel. Redefining borders is not possible. Two state sate solution won't work. Any Palestinian state will be created weak and dependent on Israel. Arabs only have one option....political recognition and legitimacy in exchange for concessions for the Palestinians.

Don't kick a man when he is down. We have to understand that the Arabs are in a very weak position. The Jews are not as evil as the rumors claim. They will make and honor deals. Your principled stance does not help the Palestinians.

If the Jews were not that evil then humanity would not have repeatedly attempted to wipe them off the face of the planet

Repeated pogroms and a full blown Holocaust don't lie

The Arabs are down in the gutter out of choice

There is alot wrong with Iran but they have not Bowed or been broken

The Arabs had multiple states and people's, resources, money

They have chosen this path

The people haven't, they are not democratic that the people have agreed

It's their dictatorships

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