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well ,he become sick at a very convenient time, and resolution 2231 on missile test says

well it won't ban Iran from Designing or testing such missile it just nicely ask Iran and by the way I'm not aware of any Iranian missile to be designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, Can you name one for me ?

so as you see there is no restriction on our missile program as we never designed such weapons and never had planned for such things as our nuclear program from day one was a civilian one not a military one. and he is right it's he era of negotiation not missiles ,we are not at war with anybody so we won't talk with them by missiles we talk over negotiation table .if we went at war with somebody then it 'll be the era of missiles until the enemy understand it's the era of negotiation.
About that comment about Germany and Japan well to be honest its to some how correct , if we want a strong army we must disband one part of our army and that part is the conscripted part we must move toward an advanced professional army ,a robotic army .why we must send a poorly trained conscript army toward enemy ? at the time if sacred defense we had no choice but why now ? now we had both meas ad time to modernize our army ? why our army must not be equipped with all the equipment that are unveiled now and then.
have you worked with conscripts , have you see them what they do at a conflict l served at the border and in more than just one time I have seen how they performed and how they fire with full automatic with no regard of the fact that that there will be no reinforcement soon and they have only 3 magazine .
میخواهی اینجا تعریف کنم چطوری ریگی پرسنل 2 پاسگاه پلیس را بدون حتی شلیک کردن یک گلوله برد.
If we want our army advance we must abandon this thinking that we need conscripts in our army.

and about the budget well all the budget reduced that time not only defensive budget.
First of all, your interpretation has zero value, those who should remove sanctions don't care about you.

Secodly, according to your interpretation, Iran has banned from nuclear launches just for 8 years, something which is more than ridiculous.

Also you suggested to disband free soldires and replace them with elite forces. So good luck with your funding!
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First of all, your interpretation has zero value, those who should remove sanctions don't care about you.

Secodly, according to your interpretation, Iran has banned from nuclear launches just for 8 years, something which is more than ridiculous.

Also you suggested to disband free soldires and replace them with elite forces. So good luck with your funding!
And what made your interpretation so valuable ?

By the way if you think conscripts are free you are so wrong by the way send 100 of those free soldier against 10 elite one and see the result .
In modern war performance is more important than number no matter if its asymmetric war or symmetric war a weak ring in a chain will break the chain now think what will happen if 2/3th of the chain is weak.

First of all, your interpretation has zero value, those who should remove sanctions don't care about you.

Secodly, according to your interpretation, Iran has banned from nuclear launches just for 8 years, something which is more than ridiculous.

Also you suggested to disband free soldires and replace them with elite forces. So good luck with your funding!
And what made your interpretation so valuable ?

By the way if you think conscripts are free you are so wrong by the way send 100 of those free soldier against 10 elite one and see the result .
In modern war performance is more important than number no matter if its asymmetric war or symmetric war a weak ring in a chain will break the chain now think what will happen if 2/3th of the chain is weak.
2231 was part of the deal, when you agree to the deal, then it means you agree to this resolution too, else the deal wouldn't take place.
Also Iranian government never said we don't accept this resolution, they just offered their own interpretation which has zero value.

You realise this doesn't actually matter when Iran is launching missiles as it pleases?

we just destroyed about $30bn of our nuclear materials in return of NOTHING.

Ok sure, "Nothing". What an economic expert you are.

reducing irgc budget by 36%

You are the only one who says this. Everywhere else says the budget increasing. And there is no evidence of budget restrictions judging by the military projects the IRGC is undertaking.

not launching satellites

Fajr Satellite launch, 2015.


Iran's first launch since 2010.

Ahmadinejad launched no satellites in the last 3 years of his term. Rouhani launched our second space monkey and a satellite less than 2 years after he took office.
And what made your interpretation so valuable ?

By the way if you think conscripts are free you are so wrong by the way send 100 of those free soldier against 10 elite one and see the result .
In modern war performance is more important than number no matter if its asymmetric war or symmetric war a weak ring in a chain will break the chain now think what will happen if 2/3th of the chain is weak.

And what made your interpretation so valuable ?
neither me nor you, but those who are in the charge of sanctions.

You realise this doesn't actually matter when Iran is launching missiles as it pleases?
wasting $30b isn't important? while they reduced IRGC budget with the excuse of not having the money?! provoking people against missile launches isn't important?

Ok sure, "Nothing". What an economic expert you are.
as if you care about experts:

Iran’s Central Bank chief Valiollah Seif, said the U.S. and its European partners have done “almost nothing” to meet the terms of the deal.

You are the only one who says this. Everywhere else says the budget increasing. And there is no evidence of budget restrictions judging by the military projects the IRGC is undertaking.
search this phrase in the google to see it's not just me, but everyone:
کاهش بودجه سپاه ۳۶ درصد

Fajr Satellite launch, 2015.


Iran's first launch since 2010.

Ahmadinejad launched no satellites in the last 3 years of his term. Rouhani launched our second space monkey and a satellite less than 2 years after he took office.
and what about those satellites which became ready and didn't launch?
what about endless delays in our space goals and projects?
neither me nor you, but those who are in the charge of sanctions.

wasting $30b isn't important? while they reduced IRGC budget with the excuse of not having the money?! provoking people against missile launches isn't important?

as if you care about experts:

Iran’s Central Bank chief Valiollah Seif, said the U.S. and its European partners have done “almost nothing” to meet the terms of the deal.

search this phrase in the google to see it's not just me, but everyone:
کاهش بودجه سپاه ۳۶ درصد

and what about those satellites which became ready and didn't launch?
what about endless delays in our space goals and projects?
You see if you want those satellite stay in orbit for two week then its Ok launch them with safir .
Trump is the worst thing for Iran. He may thrash Obama's agreement with Iran. What he proposes is America to be more reactionary and assertive. It is not only a threat to Iran but Pakistan and other countries as well. Overall he is bad for all muslims.
wasting $30b isn't important?

Don't put words in my mouth. I was replying to your comment about the UNSC 2231's toothless "restriction" (if you can call it that) on the missile important, which was not important because Iran ignored it for national security reasons.

That was 7 months ago, and even then he didn't say nothing. Iran has started to reap the benefits of the deal, it has been getting investments and the first batch of passenger planes are expected by the end of 2017.

کاهش بودجه سپاه ۳۶ درصد

Oh, I certainly found it. And by "it", I mean disgusting journalism.


For our non-farsi readers, that article says that Iran had 115 trillion rials IRGC spending in 2014, comprising of a 65 trillion "ordinary" cost and a 50 trillion "exceptional" allocation.

In 2015, it was 74 trillion "ordinary" and 100 trillion "exceptional". Bringing the total to 174 trillion.

Now, the article says that if you use the 2014 115 trillion (including exceptional allocation) and the 2015 74 trillion (EXCLUDING exceptional allocation) then the 2015 budget is lower! No shit its lower, they've obfuscated the figures! The IRGC budget has actually increased by over 50%!
Trump is the worst thing for Iran. He may thrash Obama's agreement with Iran. What he proposes is America to be more reactionary and assertive. It is not only a threat to Iran but Pakistan and other countries as well. Overall he is bad for all muslims.

Can you explain the story behind your signature? Is she your one true love? That's soooo cute if she is!!!
Don't put words in my mouth. I was replying to your comment about the UNSC 2231's toothless "restriction" (if you can call it that) on the missile important, which was not important because Iran ignored it for national security reasons.
what toothless? our nuclear infrastructure has been destroyed and sanctions are still effectively in place, and as long as we keep our missile activities these sanctions will remain in place.

That was 7 months ago, and even then he didn't say nothing. Iran has started to reap the benefits of the deal, it has been getting investments and the first batch of passenger planes are expected by the end of 2017.
seven months ago we were supposed to get these planes in few months, now you say at the end of 2017! what if at the end of 2017 you postpone it to 2100?! this is what we call NOTHING, empty promises (lies) for future while our nuclear infrastructure has already been destroyed.
and now with trump, those little hopes has become even smaller.

Oh, I certainly found it. And by "it", I mean disgusting journalism.


For our non-farsi readers, that article says that Iran had 115 trillion rials IRGC spending in 2014, comprising of a 65 trillion "ordinary" cost and a 50 trillion "exceptional" allocation.

In 2015, it was 74 trillion "ordinary" and 100 trillion "exceptional". Bringing the total to 174 trillion.

Now, the article says that if you use the 2014 115 trillion (including exceptional allocation) and the 2015 74 trillion (EXCLUDING exceptional allocation) then the 2015 budget is lower! No shit its lower, they've obfuscated the figures! The IRGC budget has actually increased by over 50%!
You didn't read the last line (or didn't want to read):

بر این اساس، در واقع تامین مصارف اختصاصی ده هزار میلیارد تومانی قرارگاه سازندگی خاتم الانبیاء در سال آینده بر عهده دولت نیست.

in 2014 IRGC's budget was 11.5 trillion (6.5 trillion for joint staff +5 trillion for Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarter)

in 2015 Rohani completely removed the budget of Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarter, so IRGC had to fund the Khatam-al Anbiya projects from its own budget which was 7.4 trillion.
means budget reduced from 11.5 to 7.4 which is 36% reduction
our nuclear infrastructure has been destroyed and sanctions are still effectively in place

Nope and nope, besides UNSC 2231 =/= JCPOA.

as long as we keep our missile activities these sanctions will remain in place.

If you mean UNSC 2231, that expires in 8 years. If not, what do you expect? Do you really expect the Americans to lift the missile sanctions under any circumstances? You can't have your cake and eat it, y'know...

now you say at the end of 2017!

My mistake. It was a license for 17 planes which had been granted, which confused me. There was news of this last week:


in 2015 Rohani completely removed the budget of Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarter, so IRGC had to fund the Khatam-al Anbiya projects from its own budget which was 7.4 trillion.
means budget reduced from 11.5 to 7.4 which is 36% reduction

The article contradicts itself. It says this, yet at the same time the table shows the 100 trillion in the budget for 1394.
ah...As a Pakistan YOU should know its hard to **** Iran. OOps, you live in Canada now so maybe you dunno that anymore. US had to hide and do undecover dealings to **** Iran, and they were not even that succesful. They were only able to delay the nuclear work a bit AND impose economic costs on Iran. Other than that, they lost in other aspects.
Iraq beat Iran at war
Iraq beat Iran at war
That's why at the end of war Saddam sent a letter to Iran president and accepted all Iran demands including recognizing Algeria agreement that was torn off by him right before war in Iraqi national TV.... actually 'cause Iran was beaten by Iraq as you mentioned he had no choice but to agree with Iran demands .... and again 'cause he beat Iran during that war he needed to start another round of war and invade Kuwait to achieve what he sought to get during Iran-Iraq war and failed ...

For real!?

Let's see...
Saddam went in to take Iranian territory and Iran lost not an inch of land.

That's why at the end of war Saddam sent a letter to Iran president and accepted all Iran demands including recognizing Algeria agreement that was torn off by him right before war in Iraqi national TV.... actually 'cause Iran was beaten by Iraq as you mentioned he had no choice but to agree with Iran demands .... and again 'cause he beat Iran during that war he needed to start another round of war and invade Kuwait to achieve what he sought to get during Iran-Iraq war and failed ...

You guys do know that he is a huge flase flagger that was abusing pashtuns and Pakistanis and in his aggressive abuse he revealed he was from India.

On top of it all he is a troll and he is baiting you guys. Don't fall for it.
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