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Obviously the ones who are against the leader are the ones who are against the government and supreme national security council, the ones whom by attacking parliament members try to portrait a weak and unsecure picture of Iran in the international arena, the ones whom in every step try undermine the decision made by the Governing Body of the Country because they don't like it , no matter they are conservative or Reformist or in between or outside it.
The ones who are against the leader are those who ignore and disobey even the most blunt and clear orders of him, having a position wont hide this. didn't we have a traitor as our president which after his treasons were revealed escaped to west? didn't we have a deputy leader which was cooperating with MKO? being a low life puppet as some politicians in Iran are dreaming for isn't going to portrait us as a strong country, neither it will bring us security. if it was then Saudis were the strongest country in the world. how much face and security we gain by these puppets in 2009 unrests?! how much security we are going to gain by undermining our missile forces?! what about the corruption in the family of these traitors, should we stay silence to become a corrupted country like U.S? well I know there are people who want that!
Stopping trade agreements harms both sides, including the workers. And if you impose harsh tariffs (like the 45% tariff trump is proposing on China) countries will respond in kind. The 1920s are a great example of this.
Pressure tactics is a thing, my friend. As I pointed out, Canada is willing to re-negotiate the terms of NAFTA. This is a sign that pressure tactic is working.

And this isn't 1920s. US got away by imposing 100% tariff on Japanese products during 1980s.

Read: https://www.google.com.pk/amp/www.l...de-china-tariffs-20160721-snap-story,amp.html

China is not immune to American pressure either. Cheap Chinese goods are not good for domestic industry anywhere. A reasonable tariff should be enforced. China can do squat about it.
. .
The ones who are against the leader are those who ignore and disobey even the most blunt and clear orders of him, having a position wont hide this. didn't we have a traitor as our president which after his treasons were revealed escaped to west? didn't we have a deputy leader which was cooperating with MKO? being a low life puppet as some politicians in Iran are dreaming for isn't going to portrait us as a strong country, neither it will bring us security. if it was then Saudis were the strongest country in the world. how much face and security we gain by these puppets in 2009 unrests?! how much security we are going to gain by undermining our missile forces?! what about the corruption in the family of these traitors, should we stay silence to become a corrupted country like U.S? well I know there are people who want that!
what about the president who go to congress and promise something in front of everyone then deny it what about a president when supreme leader order him something instead of obeying like a 4 years old girl sulks make a tantrum and go home for 10 days

and which part of our missile program has stopped ,as far as I'm aware the government has always stated our defensive strategy is not for negotiation ,the only difference I see is that our missiles are distancing themselves from their SCUD and Nodoung root and becoming more precise day by day now its up to others to decide what we need ,a 2000 km range missile that fall with in 20m of the target or a 10000km missile that may fall in middle of Atlantic ocean .

رئیس مجلس فقط به فکر منافع خودش و اطرافیانش هست ، شما فقط کافیه جایگاه مجلس و وضع کشور رو قبل از روی کار آمدن لاریجانی و زمانی که این آقا سر کار بود رو مقایسه کنید ...
رئیس مجلس تشخیص مصلحت نظام هم کسی هست که اختلاس رو توی کشور عادی سازی کرد و در هنگام رئیس جمهوریش می گفت : « اگر توی یک پروژه ی ده میلیاردی سد سازی ، 500 میلیون تومن اختلاس بشه ، چیز طبیعی هست و نباید ناراحت بود ، چون اون سد برای کشور باقی می مونه ! »

مقدس سازی و عدم شفافیت و عدم انتقادپذیری دولت و مجلس در زمان ریاست این آقایان کلید خورد که حالا حتی اگه بری توی یک خانه بهداشت که توی یک کانکس هست این جمله رو می بینی که می گه : « مطابق قانون ماده ی 6 : هر گونه توهین و اخلال در کار مامورا دولتی در حین انجام ماموریت مجازات شلاق و حبس تعلیقی از 3 تا 6 ماه را دارد »

یعنی خفه شید و اگه طرف داشت موبایل کار می کرد ( که همینطور هستند ) و به شما می گفت برید 6 ماه دیگه بیاید ، حق ندارید اعتراض کنید وگرنه با شلاق و از حبس و جریمه ی مالی باهاتون برخورد می شه ....
اختلاس از زمان رفسنجانی شروع نشد توی سالهای جنگ شروع شد
در ضمن ما کی باید یاد بگیریم با کارگر و کارمن نباید بحث الکی کرد بهجایی که با کارگر بحث کنید برید قشنگ با بازرسی اون اداره یا با بالا دست اون شکایت کنید اگه جواب نگرفتید از راه قانون اقدام کنید
اما در مورد روسای مجلس این ترتیبشان از ویکیپدیا کپی کردم
اولین رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی علی اکبر هاشمی بهرمانی بود و پس از وی به ترتیب مهدی کروبی، علی اکبر ناطق نوری، مهدی کروبی ، غلامعلی حداد عادل و علی اردشیر لاریجانی در این پست انتخاب شدند.
شما لاریجانی را قبول نداری کدام را قبول داری لطفا نگو حداد عادل

It is not supposed to be a great wall, LMAO. It refers to appropriate fencing of the Mexico-US border and a large number of Americans want it because the region is plagued with issues of drugs and human trafficking. If you think that this project can ruin US economy, you are living in a basement then; US economy is the largest and most diverse in the world (border fencing would not be a problem).

Also, Mexico doesn't have to pay for that fencing initiative in cash, LMAO. US can divert funds from its aid to Mexico for the said purpose.
He talked about wall , now the other republican in congress made another plan and want offer him the new one which is a lot cheaper and consist of fences and check points.

by the way the plan for wall just mean more job for Mexican after all just think how many Slaves they need for it and then just think how many the Mexican cartels need to make ISIS style tunnel to bypass the wall.
now by thinking a little more it become clear that the Chinese must fear the wall more than American ,They are building their own version of great wall and planning to snatch tourists bounded to China , I believe if they put several resort ,and attraction there some cinema , popcorn and Ice-cream stand and several swimming pool and tennis court and won't forget Golf :o: then nobody go to China , Guess Its trump master plan to get revenge on China :rofl:
its clear that China ust do something about it otherwise the future is bleak for them.:coffee::pdf:
اختلاس از زمان رفسنجانی شروع نشد ، ولی حمایت علنی از اختلاس و عادی سازیش از زمان رفسنجانی شروع شد که همراه بود با سرکوب هر گونه مخالفی در کشور ...
what about the president who go to congress and promise something in front of everyone then deny it what about a president when supreme leader order him something instead of obeying like a 4 years old girl sulks make a tantrum and go home for 10 days

and which part of our missile program has stopped ,as far as I'm aware the government has always stated our defensive strategy is not for negotiation ,the only difference I see is that our missiles are distancing themselves from their SCUD and Nodoung root and becoming more precise day by day now its up to others to decide what we need ,a 2000 km range missile that fall with in 20m of the target or a 10000km missile that may fall in middle of Atlantic ocean .
even if the lies about Ahmadinejad was true, still a man who allegedly wanted to disobey is better than the man who disobeys with no shame:
ماجرای ۱۱روز خانه‌نشینی احمدی‌نژاد چه بود؟

government has always stated our defensive strategy is not for negotiation?!
really?! then what about negotiating and accepting 2231 resolution? what about their comments like: "it's the era of negotiation not missile"? provoking people against missile test.
or "Germany advanced because had no army", suggesting that Iran should do the same!
reducing military and specially IRGC (36%) budget is another obvious attempt.
even if the lies about Ahmadinejad was true, still a man who allegedly wanted to disobey is better than the man who disobeys with no shame:
ماجرای ۱۱روز خانه‌نشینی احمدی‌نژاد چه بود؟

government has always stated our defensive strategy is not for negotiation?!
really?! then what about negotiating and accepting 2231 resolution? what about their comments like: "it's the era of negotiation not missile"? provoking people against missile test.
or "Germany advanced because had no army", suggesting that Iran should do the same!
reducing military and specially IRGC (36%) budget is another obvious attempt.
well ,he become sick at a very convenient time, and resolution 2231 on missile test says
Resolution 2231 (2015)
Ballistic missile-related transfers and activities
What are the restrictions on Iranian ballistic missile activities?
Paragraph 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231 (2015) calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

What are the restrictions on ballistic missile-related transfers to or activities with Iran?
Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Annex B of resolution 2231 (2015), if approved in advance on a case-by-case basis by the Security Council, all States may participate in and permit:

  1. the supply, sale or transfer directly or indirectly from their territories, or by their nationals or using their flag vessels or aircraft to or from Iran, or for the use in or benefit of Iran, and whether or not originating in their territories:
    • of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology set out in S/2015/546;
    • of any items, materials, equipment, goods and technology that the State determines could contribute to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; and
  2. the provision to Iran of any technology or technical assistance or training, financial assistance, investment, brokering or other services, and the transfer of financial resources or services, or Iran’s acquisition of an interest in any commercial activity in another State, related to the supply, sale, transfer, manufacture or use of the items, materials, equipment, goods and technology described in subparagraph (a) above or related to the activities described in paragraph 3 of Annex B.
In the event of an approval by the Security Council:

  1. the contract for delivery of such items or assistance should include appropriate end-user guarantees; and
  2. Iran should commit not to use such items for development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.
How to submit a request for approval?
States shall submit proposals to participate in and permit the activities set forth in paragraph 4 of Annex B of resolution 2231 (2015) to the Security Council Facilitator. States are encouraged to send these proposals, through their Permanent Missions to the United Nations, at the Email address: SC-Resolution2231@un.org.

How long will the restrictions on ballistic missile-related transfers and activities apply?
All these restrictions shall apply until the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day (18 October 2015) or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.
well it won't ban Iran from Designing or testing such missile it just nicely ask Iran and by the way I'm not aware of any Iranian missile to be designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, Can you name one for me ?

so as you see there is no restriction on our missile program as we never designed such weapons and never had planned for such things as our nuclear program from day one was a civilian one not a military one. and he is right it's he era of negotiation not missiles ,we are not at war with anybody so we won't talk with them by missiles we talk over negotiation table .if we went at war with somebody then it 'll be the era of missiles until the enemy understand it's the era of negotiation.
About that comment about Germany and Japan well to be honest its to some how correct , if we want a strong army we must disband one part of our army and that part is the conscripted part we must move toward an advanced professional army ,a robotic army .why we must send a poorly trained conscript army toward enemy ? at the time if sacred defense we had no choice but why now ? now we had both meas ad time to modernize our army ? why our army must not be equipped with all the equipment that are unveiled now and then.
have you worked with conscripts , have you see them what they do at a conflict l served at the border and in more than just one time I have seen how they performed and how they fire with full automatic with no regard of the fact that that there will be no reinforcement soon and they have only 3 magazine .
میخواهی اینجا تعریف کنم چطوری ریگی پرسنل 2 پاسگاه پلیس را بدون حتی شلیک کردن یک گلوله برد.
If we want our army advance we must abandon this thinking that we need conscripts in our army.

and about the budget well all the budget reduced that time not only defensive budget.

Who says Iran accepted 2231? We launched so many missiles that violated the terms, which weren't binding in the first place, they were only "calling upon" Iran.

it's the era of negotiation not missile"? provoking people against missile test.
or "Germany advanced because had no army", suggesting that Iran should do the same!

Not official policy.

Pressure tactics is a thing, my friend. As I pointed out, Canada is willing to re-negotiate the terms of NAFTA. This is a sign that pressure tactic is working.

And this isn't 1920s. US got away by imposing 100% tariff on Japanese products during 1980s.

Read: https://www.google.com.pk/amp/www.l...de-china-tariffs-20160721-snap-story,amp.html

China is not immune to American pressure either. Cheap Chinese goods are not good for domestic industry anywhere. A reasonable tariff should be enforced. China can do squat about it.

I suppose these can be interpreted as pressure tactics. But that doesn't mean his policies won't hurt the US.

As for Japan in the 1980s... this isn't the 1980s :)
haha, iranians you're all dead. Hope Trump would nuke iran soon. remember, trump is backed by israel. and remember, netanyahu's final un speech about iran. and I hope you all die.
haha, iranians you're all dead. Hope Trump would nuke iran soon. remember, trump is backed by israel. and remember, netanyahu's final un speech about iran. and I hope you all die.
A loser that can even find a girl for himself and choose breasts drawing as his avatar , should close his mouth
haha, iranians you're all dead. Hope Trump would nuke iran soon. remember, trump is backed by israel. and remember, netanyahu's final un speech about iran. and I hope you all die.
A loser that can even find a girl for himself and choose breasts drawing as his avatar , should close his mouth
. . .
From Trump's victory speech:

We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. We will be. We will have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/donald-trump-victory-speech/index.html

Trump is a business man. Give him some business and you are good. ;)
Who says Iran accepted 2231? We launched so many missiles that violated the terms, which weren't binding in the first place, they were only "calling upon" Iran.
2231 was part of the deal, when you agree to the deal, then it means you agree to this resolution too, else the deal wouldn't take place.
Also Iranian government never said we don't accept this resolution, they just offered their own interpretation which has zero value.

And yes, we launched our missiles and sanctions remained in place too, forgot that?
we just destroyed about $30bn of our nuclear materials in return of NOTHING.

Not official policy.
reducing irgc budget by 36%, not launching satellites, talking against IRGC missile launches, these are official policies in action, though we know they are coward enough not to admit it in public.

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