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Trudeau accuses Indian government of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader

Well done RAW , Seall terrorists to hell .

nonsense.. freedom fighters are not terrorist

how ever India's role in state sponsored terrorism is slowly becoming a globally accepted fact

I can say, i feel proud on RAW, because they have cleanup the dusts from Pakistan, and other countries recently.

you are proud because you support terrorism
nonsense.. freedom fighters are not terrorist

how ever India's role in state sponsored terrorism is slowly becoming a globally accepted fact

you are proud because you support terrorism

do you mean freedom fighter as in like -

Brahumdagh Bugti​

living in Europe?



they are such idiots.. they get caught red handed


Anti-Sikh riots: What happened in 1984 and after?​

The riots killed more than 3,000 Sikhs in Delhi and an estimated 8,000 across India


Sikh shops and establishments were targeted and burnt in Delhi during anti sikh riots in 1984.

New Delhi: The anti-Sikh massacre of 1984 refers to a series of organised pogroms against members of the Sikh community across India by anti-Sikh mobs in response to the assassination of then prime minister (PM) Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards at her residence.

After the assassination of Indira on October 31, 1984, anti-Sikh riots erupted in some areas for several days, killing more than 3,000 Sikhs in New Delhi and an estimated 8,000 across India.


In July, 1983, Sikh political party Akali Dal’s then president Harchand Singh Longowal had invited militant religious leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to take up residence inside the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar to evade arrest.

Later, Bhindranwale made the sacred complex an armoury and headquarters of Khalistani militants.

In the violent events leading up to ‘Operation Blue Star’ ordered by Indira, the militants supported by Bhindranwale had killed 165 Hindus in India.
Operation Blue Star was a military operation carried out between June 1 and 8, 1984, to flush out Bhindranwale and other armed militants from the Golden Temple complex.
In the operation, Bhindranwale died and the militants were removed from Golden Temple.

The military action was criticised by Sikhs worldwide who had interpreted it as an assault on the Sikh religion.


Sikh property was systematically identified and destroyed.

Four months after the operation, Indira was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards — Satwant Singh and Beant Singh.
Many Congress leaders were believed to be behind the 1984 anti-Sikh massacre.
Several cases were registered against Congress leaders HKL Bhagat, Sajjan Kumar, Dharamdas Shastri, Lalit Maken, Babu Ram Sharma and Jagdish Tytler for alleged criminal conspiracy to engineer riots.

However, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) closed all cases against Tytler and other leaders in November 2007 for lack of evidence. Bhagat died due to long illness in 2005.
On April 10, 2013, a Delhi court ordered CBI to reopen the case against Tytler.
In January, 2018, the Supreme Court formed a three-member Special Investigation Team (SIT) of its own to probe 186 cases related to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots that were not further investigated by the SIT formed by the government.
On August 12, 2005, the then PM, Manmohan Singh, had apologised in parliament for the riots.
Bharatiya Janata Party and its ally Shiromani Akali Dal have time and again attacked Congress leaders for their role in the massacre.

They allege that Congress’ entire apparatus was involved in the 1984 genocide against Sikhs in the national capital.

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the heros..


wacking that super hendooo bendooo bitch.

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A sane discussion is something I never discourage, but you must understand how angry it makes one feel seeing what is happening.

As a working person I have all the understanding for another on, even if he isn't in my country. I have no affiliation to any party, and spoke only as a Indian. Why Canadian, if a Pakistani talks about what a asshole govt he has.. I will be the first to say, we got no better here.

I am also not the one, who cribs about some colonial past and engage in enjoying wicked pleasure if some White person is suffering because of immigrants. Every country and its people, have its own problems.

So when I get angry at that clown cribbing in a Parliment, without producing any credible proof.. its not just the Indian in me who gets riled up, but also the individual who asks basic logical questions. What is the basis of such strong allegation? How can you make one, while saying its based on strong suspicions?

How can a Govt let few hijack bilateral relations? How can a Govt allow open disrespect of another Country's departed PM, where her assassination is re-enacted?

Leave Canada in protest - if you disagree with its policies !

Stand up for your principles....
First off, apologies if I made you feel that way. Wasn't the intention bud.

Starting with the basis of the accusation, while I still use the word "allegedly", JT no matter how much of a buffoon he has been, would not go before Parliament and especially our media knowing that it is conservative owned (and who would relish nothing more than to crucify him) and make a claim like that without credible evidence from CSIS or another member state of the 5 eyes network.

Now I am not privy to the alleged evidence and neither do I believe the Canadian public will be, possibly due to compromising intelligence gathering mechanisms.

What should have been done, and this does not assume anything from my end was to deal with it through diplomatic channels. JT knows he fucked up bad with first allowing the Khalistan issue to fester here in Canada but defending of the CSIS over successive governments has ensured that CSIS cannot investigate thoroughly in a short time frame to make critical decisions, so until then it would have to be assumed that any and all discussions of Khalistan were/are an expression of free speech, protected by the Charter. I don't have to like it but it is what it is. The depiction of the assassination of Indira Gandhi was extremely tasteless agreed, but an expression that is still protected. It's not like it was a recreation of the Jallianwala or Babi Yar massacres.

There are multiple faults here that should have been addressed long ago
- Integration of new comers into Canadiam society that would have prevented ghettos like Surrey or Brampton
- immigrants bringing their baggage of hate (whether religiously, racially or regionally motivated) into a place which essentially is supposed to represent a new beginning for them
- a lack of proactive intelligence sharing but the last 10 years of JT and Modi's hostility towards each other have not pushed any clear action on this.

If GOI indeed authorized such an action, then it has the potential to spell trouble for the Indian diaspora here from other Canadians/GOC. GOC is already taking crap over the Chinese influence here, but GOI would represent an easier target to attack publicly and by extension Indians on work/visit visas here, just on the basis of the weight of power China and India represent individually.

Again, I apologize if my post did not enable us to have a constructive discussion at first.
Well I will apologize for getting triggered, and flying off the handle honestly.

I agree with everything you wrote, but this is not something JT promoted did he? Its been there since his dad's time, nearly three decades or so by now. Am sure as a Canadian you will not want, any of this shit near your home. However look how it works for us here - These people sitting in a NATO allied country with its status as G7 partner, has used its power to spread their tentacles here. India's situation even today isn't that of a developed and rich country, so our reach isn't that great compared to a China. So thirty years back, JT's dad spat on our faces and said naah we ain't sending anyone anywhere.

Sure its your law, where you can say anything and call it freedom. Take this case of Nijjar, every news channel is digging up his details. Seems he got to Canada for asylum, on a fake passport and was rejected asylum. Then a woman mysteriously, who herself got married about a month or two ago to a Canadian dumps that husband and marries Nijjar and thus getting some temporary residence. How convenient is all this, and what were the authorities doing? Its clear that, things have been arranged for bringing in of such individuals from long time now as what I mentioned happened as per news channels in 1998.

A Interpol notice was given in 2011 or so these channels add, but the Canadian Govt went silent on that too. It is clear that in the name of freedom of expression, your country has been doing this for long. Providing shelter to people who openly call for secession of a part of our country.

Will be brutally honest, I wish they did authorize but don't think they would. Cause am sure we aren't that inept to throw a trail of clues, to say JT please come and show us that we are the ones who did it. As per targeting of Indians, well am sure they are already targeted.. as in under surveillance. Am sure your CSIS is the name right, must be after people. Perhaps they will do more, and show how liberal the society is.

Another point to be noted is that, such accusations are never ever made in the open. JT clearly got pissed off at G20, and is now taking it out after getting home. What is even more stupid is that, he is asking GOI cooperation without saying on what. Does he expect GOI to provide proof of their complicity seriously? Just few hours ago, he now says I don't want to escalate and provoke India. What is wrong with this man?

Leave Canada in protest - if you disagree with its policies !

Stand up for your principles....
You crazy bro lol

Am in India, if you meant other Indians .. let them decide for themselves. Anyways India doesn't have dual nationality, and am not sure how many Indians with Indian passports are in Canada. Which means the number is higher of Canadians in Canada, of Indian origin.
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I don't know why Paks are celebrating this to be honest

This just shows that India has its priorities in the right place and won't tolerate any anti-state aggression in the slightest, it has balls and self-respect

Pakistan has no balls and no self-respect hence it can't even do this shit inside their own country, separatists make speeches with huge crowds in person and on online spaces. They literally debate how to balkanise Pakistan and lumber 1 tucks its own balls away in fear.
I don't know why Paks are celebrating this to be honest

This just shows that India has its priorities in the right place and won't tolerate any anti-state aggression in the slightest, it has balls and self-respect

Pakistan has no balls and no self-respect hence it can't even do this shit inside their own country, separatists make speeches with huge crowds in person and on online spaces. They literally debate how to balkanise Pakistan and lumber 1 tucks its own balls away in fear.

Would you allow Canadians to kill those they don't like in India?
Would you allow Canadians to kill those they don't like in India?
That's just a stupid question I'm not even going to answer

Anyone who thinks the world works on what people choose to "allow" based on actual logic and facts is foolish.

It works on what's in your interest and the capabilities you have - you simply act in your benefit. You don't ask for permission or care about the morality.

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