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"Trucker carrying drugs to India has Diplomatic immunity"says Pakistan.

All consignments in a trucks are not always checked. The driver has a responsibility to check consignments before it is loaded in his trucks. But powerfull people do not allow the driver to check.
Secondly, polices check a box of 3 or 4 and let them pass. So it makes sense.
Another possibility is, drug dealers have bribed an Indian authority to let the truck pass, and he was either absent or others accidently found about the drugs.
The driver should be released with the least minimum sentence . Probably a cash fine might be good.

I don't know about that. Most trucks have a minimum check done. Even on the Canada-US border, even though both nations have a FTA, US border agents still check every truck that comes by, because there is always a minimum check requirement. Considering the history of Pakistan and India, I doubt the checks wouldn't be harsher. Though, there is always the possibility that you're correct and someone was payed off.

Still, I don't think a fine will do. I think India is going to have to swallow it's pride and just let this one go, if it wants to keep the peace and not let this escalate any further. No minimum sentence, no court appearance.

The ball is fully in India's court, and nothing Pakistan can do is going to affect the outcome. India holds all the cards, and it's up to India to decide if it wants to escalate or let bygones be bygones.

If we continue to hear about this for three more days, it means India has chosen to escalate, if it drops off the news spectrum, India let the drivers go.
LOL!!! This kind of examples are not expected from you, but anyway his case is in court to decide, and he is lucky that he was not booked under charges of working for foreign agencies. So, most of chances are he will be released sooner or later.
Sorry.. I guess i was not clear.. What I mean to say as an example was that ignorance about the impact of your actions (if illegal) does not absolve you.. It might make the sentencing a little lenient.. And its upto the accused to prove that he really was ignorant...
Chinese don't have drug distribution network, Don't forget that there was/is Indian customer who asked drug trafficker to deliver 114 packs.
Off-course... The Indian customer should be prosecuted with utmost rigor..
Two different cases, and your comparison is completely flawed. I'm not going to derail the thread, so I won't get too much into it. All I'll say is that Afridi should have know something was up when he was asked to run a fake vaccination campaign. Whereas the truck drivers, to them, it's a routine job they do every day. They come and they go, what do they care what they're transporting. It could be chickens or it could be melons.

Probably flawed comparison and will leave it at that.. But really, hard to believe a trucker not knowing what he is carrying.. Ultimately he is responsible for the delivery..

It's completely possible. Just let them go for the sake of peace. It's not that hard, and similar situations have happened before.

The warning will deter future drug smugglers, and won't harm the efforts that both nations are making to actually promote peace this time. This situation has the potential to get out of hand, and I think it would be wiser to just let the drivers go. We have a real chance of promoting friendship, it would be a shame if the Indian side refused to let this one incident slide.

I'd also like to say that I seriously doubt that anyone from the Pakistani side even suggested the drivers had diplomatic immunity. I think it's just an exaggeration or miscommunication. Besides, the general is retired, what does he know about who has diplomatic immunity or not? So I think there was either some sort of miscommunication, or exaggeration on somebody's part.

I believe that letting them go just like that will actually promote the idea of trying this out by others hoping that similar lenient stance will be taken by the govt on future offenses.. And really, how is peace linked to this. A Pakistani committing crime in India and caught with evidence (and vice versa) needs to go thru the legal process associated with the crime.

Also, I dont think the Pak govt or state dept has approached India for the release of this driver. Have they ?? I might have missed it
I don't think so, It looks like everything will be put under carpet by blaming driver.
Does not solve the problem..
If there is a requirement of a certain commodity, there would would be supply...
Have seen cases where customers are prosecuted in Narcotic drugs cases...
The bottom line is that Indian customer is nothing but a distributor who would supply this hash between public... I wonder whether he is Kashmiri....
I don't know about that. Most trucks have a minimum check done. Even on the Canada-US border, even though both nations have a FTA, US border agents still check every truck that comes by, because there is always a minimum check requirement. Considering the history of Pakistan and India, I doubt the checks wouldn't be harsher. Though, there is always the possibility that you're correct and someone was payed off.

There is a x ray machine installed at the border/loc crossing, every truck is checked.
Does not solve the problem..
If there is a requirement of a certain commodity, there would would be supply...
Have seen cases where customers are prosecuted in Narcotic drugs cases...
The bottom line is that Indian customer is nothing but a distributor who would supply this hash between public... I wonder whether he is Kashmiri....

From customer i meant was distributor, obviously cross border smugglers don't sell drugs to end consumer. I don't know about Kashmir but it's actually Punjab region of India where drugs business is prevalent, haven't seen any significant convictions, neither any decline in drug usage to show that your authorities are doing any serious effort.

There is a x ray machine installed at the border/loc crossing, every truck is checked.

How? they unload and scan every carton/bag?
Is Brown sugar considered a drug?
From customer i meant was distributor, obviously cross border smugglers don't sell drugs to end consumer. I don't know about Kashmir but it's actually Punjab region of India where drugs business is prevalent, haven't seen any significant convictions, neither any decline in drug usage to show that your authorities are doing any serious effort.

Can't agree more than this...
The warning will deter future drug smugglers, and won't harm the efforts that both nations are making to actually promote peace this time. This situation has the potential to get out of hand, and I think it would be wiser to just let the drivers go. We have a real chance of promoting friendship, it would be a shame if the Indian side refused to let this one incident slide.

I'd also like to say that I seriously doubt that anyone from the Pakistani side even suggested the drivers had diplomatic immunity. I think it's just an exaggeration or miscommunication. Besides, the general is retired, what does he know about who has diplomatic immunity or not? So I think there was either some sort of miscommunication, or exaggeration on somebody's part.

I was going to post a rebuttal, but your idea holds merit. This has the potential to sabotage the recent opening up of trade.

Spending 20 years in a hellish Indian prison does nothing really.

And it spoils the potential of warming up of relation because the actions of a few criminals.

No, I understood completely. There is just no need for you to involve Islam in any way shape or form. The religion of the drivers has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

[Edit] By the way, you're probably the first and only person who I've ever given a negative rating too. Congratulations, and don't make me do it again, or worse, report you. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is report people.

Sorry for my friend over there, I apologise :-)
How? they unload and scan every carton/bag?

This sorta set up basically.

Cargo scanning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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