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"Trucker carrying drugs to India has Diplomatic immunity"says Pakistan.

I don't know how much truth this has. On one side, we have the Indian version of events, on the other, no Pakistani news source is even reporting it, and the military is quiet about this.

I think India's side should just let this one go, release the drivers and trucks, destroy the drugs and issue a warning to the Pakistani truck drives to double check their shipment next time.

To me, it doesn't add up that drug smugglers would use an open route to get into India, when they know Indian security is going to check the shipment. So to me, it seems that the drivers really had no idea what was int the shipment. Either that, or the Indian side is being somewhat dishonest with what their revealing.

On the other hand, the surprising quiet from the Pakistani side is worrying, because it just adds to the views that Pakistan supports this sort of behavior. Either they're baffled by what has happened, or their letting junior officers handle the situation, which is a terrible idea.

Ignoring every thing else, how do you propose the bold part is even possible? Its not a frikkin traffic violation :)
"diplomatic immunity " ki to koi ijjat hi ni reh gyi ab
Same logic can apply to Dr Afridi too.. That he was not aware that he was working for CIA.. Would be wrong logic in both cases.. Lack of knowledge of law or crime you are committing does not absolve you of the responsibility

Two different cases, and your comparison is completely flawed. I'm not going to derail the thread, so I won't get too much into it. All I'll say is that Afridi should have know something was up when he was asked to run a fake vaccination campaign. Whereas the truck drivers, to them, it's a routine job they do every day. They come and they go, what do they care what they're transporting. It could be chickens or it could be melons.

Ignoring every thing else, how do you propose the bold part is even possible? Its not a frikkin traffic violation :)

It's completely possible. Just let them go for the sake of peace. It's not that hard, and similar situations have happened before.

The warning will deter future drug smugglers, and won't harm the efforts that both nations are making to actually promote peace this time. This situation has the potential to get out of hand, and I think it would be wiser to just let the drivers go. We have a real chance of promoting friendship, it would be a shame if the Indian side refused to let this one incident slide.

I'd also like to say that I seriously doubt that anyone from the Pakistani side even suggested the drivers had diplomatic immunity. I think it's just an exaggeration or miscommunication. Besides, the general is retired, what does he know about who has diplomatic immunity or not? So I think there was either some sort of miscommunication, or exaggeration on somebody's part.
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And then Indians say we don't care about them...Your army officers in Kashmir should try it, it's good stuff:flame:
Does that that mean your army-men have already tried it.... They must be pretty hi.. thats why comments like this surfaces...:pleasantry:

The retired brigadier just went full retard.
No No... he has tried the same hash... Don't blame him...
You may be right but then carriers are equally culpable for the goods they carry.

This thing about immunity seems absurd.

Pak ought to trace back the roots on their end and India shd dig out the onward channels for sale/ distribution.

Yeah - Diplomatic immunity for truck drivers is absurd thing, but keeping in mind hostile relations any side can allege other side's driver for spy, smuggling etc. So - either their should be proper mechanism to make sure that no innocent gets trapped or simple stop this trade as drugs problem can't be 100% on halt unless there is proper government in Afghanistan or we withdraw transit facility from Afghanistan and mine the border.
The retired brigadier just went full retard.
That's assuming he actually made such comments. I'm not saying he didn't, but we don't know if the guy is telling the truth or at least the complete truth. Believing someone's words without evidence, because they're the same nationality as you, is the last thing you should do.

Do this to china.. and your driver gets a meet with Allah....

Be careful with your words next time. I may be more tolerant than most members, but your offensive tone may piss of the wrong person who'll report you |(and you will get banned) for insulting the religion of the majority of members that come on this forum.
I don't know how much truth this has. On one side, we have the Indian version of events, on the other, no Pakistani news source is even reporting it, and the military is quiet about this.

I think India's side should just let this one go, release the drivers and trucks, destroy the drugs and issue a warning to the Pakistani truck drives to double check their shipment next time, because it seems that the drivers really had no idea what was in the shipment

To me, it doesn't add up that drug smugglers would use an open route to get into India, when they know Indian security is probably going to check the shipment. So to me, the Indian side seems to be hiding some facts.

On the other hand, the surprising quiet from the Pakistani side is worrying, because it just adds to the views that Pakistan supports this sort of behavior. Either they're baffled by what has happened, or their letting junior officers handle the situation, which is a terrible idea.
Do this to china.. and your driver gets a meet with Allah....
The Guy.. You did not understood... Drug trafficking is a capital punishment offence in china...
The Guy.. You did not understood... Drug trafficking is a capital punishment offence in china...
No, I understood completely. There is just no need for you to involve Islam in any way shape or form. The religion of the drivers has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

[Edit] By the way, you're probably the first and only person who I've ever given a negative rating too. Congratulations, and don't make me do it again, or worse, report you. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is report people.
That's assuming he actually made such comments. I'm not saying he didn't, but we don't know if the guy is telling the truth or at least the complete truth. Believing someone's words without evidence, because they're the same nationality as you, is the last thing you should do.

Be careful with your words next time. I may be more tolerant than most members, but your offensive tone may piss of the wrong person who'll report you |(and you will get banned) for insulting the religion of the majority of members that come on this forum.
Truth is hurting and bitter my friend... You have clearly misunderstood the context....
Drug trafficking is a capital punishment in China.... So the person gets death penalty.

No, I understood completely. There is just no need for you to involve Islam in any way shape or form. The religion of the drivers has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

[Edit] By the way, you're probably the first and one person who I've ever given a negative rating too. Congratulations, and don't make me do it again, or worse, report you. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is report people.
You are the first and only person to give me negative rating...
Truth is hurting and bitter my friend... You have clearly misunderstood the context....
Drug trafficking is a capital punishment in China.... So the person gets death penalty.

Nothing about it is hurtful to me, nor bitter, considering I think of Canada my home first and foremost. This incident matter little to me.

Your comment was just inappropriate.
Nothing about it is hurtful to me, nor bitter, considering I think of Canada my home first and foremost. This incident matter little to me.

Your comment was just inappropriate.
May be you are right.... But that does not change the truth....
I don't know how much truth this has. On one side, we have the Indian version of events, on the other, no Pakistani news source is even reporting it, and the military is quiet about this.

I think India's side should just let this one go, release the drivers and trucks, destroy the drugs and issue a warning to the Pakistani truck drives to double check their shipment next time, because it seems that the drivers really had no idea what was in the shipment

To me, it doesn't add up that drug smugglers would use an open route to get into India, when they know Indian security is probably going to check the shipment. So to me, the Indian side seems to be hiding some facts.

On the other hand, the surprising quiet from the Pakistani side is worrying, because it just adds to the views that Pakistan supports this sort of behavior. Either they're baffled by what has happened, or their letting junior officers handle the situation, which is a terrible idea.

All consignments in a trucks are not always checked. The driver has a responsibility to check consignments before it is loaded in his trucks. But powerfull people do not allow the driver to check.
Secondly, polices check a box of 3 or 4 and let them pass. So it makes sense.
Another possibility is, drug dealers have bribed an Indian authority to let the truck pass, and he was either absent or others accidently found about the drugs.
The driver should be released with the least minimum sentence . Probably a cash fine might be good.
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