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Trolling and hate?

He is not going to change.

And unchanged he is a far sight better than many here.

Not just unbanned, but carrying some title or the other.

Maybe he could be requested to go easy on the colorful language. Other than that, what unspeakable evil did he commit man?

He is very young i believe.... We have crossed that age to know how does it feel then....
Ok sir I give up trolling. I promise I will not troll from now on. I am banned from Chinese section can you please lift my ban.
Thanks and regards
@WebMaster could do it,but I do appreciate your initiative:)

I came across this pretty late, probably too late.

I have a question and a commitment to make.

The question: according to what you outlined above, I have never trolled. The sole exception might be #2; it is possible that I am too harsh on occasion to people who do not seem to have learnt enough about the subject. This is a sincere self-assessment.

What bothers me is that both Indians (more often than any other) and Pakistanis have accused me of trolling, and that leaves me confused and bewildered.

The commitment: I will neither troll, consciously, nor hand out negative ratings in future. For the first, that was never the intention of joining this forum; to take it up now simply doesn't make sense. If anyone says I have been trolling, I really would like samples pointed out, so that I can avoid that sort of thing like the plague. For the second, I have very strict views on what is acceptable, in terms of information and in terms of presenting information, in terms of interacting with people, and in terms of what is negative interaction. People react wildly to a negative rating (no audible complaints about positive ratings, btw); I would rather report the incident and sleep soundly knowing I have done my duty.

What IS the general Indian point of view on this forum? I suspect you mean that the Sangh Parivar point of view is or should be the general Indian point of view. If not, what is it?

You need to ignore what people say and do what you find best:)

will they lift my section bans from china and far east and Pakistan strategic affairs sections if I pledge not to troll ?
@Slav Defence I see you thanked my post, sir, so I take that as a yes.

very well then, I hereby pledge not to troll in a nasty manner.

could I please have my section bans lifted ?

A Right wing, Capitalist, pride towards hindu religion - but not overt religiousity (yes we reserve the right to hit back if someone ridicules our religion) point of view is the "general" point of view of majority of Indians on this forum. @jamahir is the anti-thesis of all these points. He is left wing, socialist, islamist who practically worships Gaddafi. He does not represent the general view of Indians on this forum

I think he should be given space for his views, and I also think that he is anything but an Islamist.

Regarding your specific outline, what do you mean by 'right wing'? The rest of it seems neutral and harmless to me.
I think he should be given space for his views, and I also think that he is anything but an Islamist.

Regarding your specific outline, what do you mean by 'right wing'? The rest of it seems neutral and harmless to me.

He is not saying whether we should give him space for his views or not , he's getting that already.

His point still remains that his views in general(right or wrong) are very different than majority of Indians here hence ain't an ideal choice for an Indian mod (if they ever plan to make one).
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When knowledgeable right of center opinions are routinely banned, the trolls proliferate. Like any medicine if you kill off all the good bacteria the bad take over.
He not saying whether we should give space him for his views or not , he's getting that already.

His point still remains that his views in general(right or wrong) are very different than majority of Indians here hence ain't an ideal choice for an Indian mod (if they ever plan to make one).

I have to agree, reluctantly.
A Right wing, Capitalist, pride towards hindu religion - but not overt religiousity (yes we reserve the right to hit back if someone ridicules our religion) point of view is the "general" point of view of majority of Indians on this forum. @jamahir is the anti-thesis of all these points. He is left wing, socialist, islamist who practically worships Gaddafi. He does not represent the general view of Indians on this forum

in other words, you want a nri version of "bharat rakshak".

He is not saying whether we should give him space for his views or not , he's getting that already.

His point still remains that his views in general(right or wrong) are very different than majority of Indians here hence ain't an ideal choice for an Indian mod (if they ever plan to make one).

i would also be happy if @Joe Shearer is made mod.

the point is most indian members undeniably are primarily a embarrassment to india and generally spoil the atmosphere with their right-wing anti-human views... this is also true about members from certain other nationalities - all the saudis and jordanians, most of the turks.

as joe shearer observed once, such indian members have the same manner of writing posts and i will add that their posts are very superficial, with no attempt made to concern themselves about the injustices and wrongs that happen in india, whether the death of farmer gajendra singh or some other issue.

this is a international forum and would you really like these members to represent india?? we should learn from many of the pakistani members, see how they criticize the wrongs in their society.

also, this platform has so much potential to be a solutions platform, but will be so if the wrong posts and members are prevented from turning discussions into pointless circular argument.

did you not see how soumitra openly declared that he wants some capitalist right-winger as mod?? that too when because of extreme capitalism of india, between 1997 and 2010, 200,000 farmers/related-people suicided?? how many times can i keep posting this??
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in other words, you want a nri version of "bharat rakshak".

It is not necessary to cite another web-site, whether as a positive or as a negative model; it smacks of an unhealthy obsession with that site and its character. It is enough to say, for instance, an nri version of a pracharak.

i would also be happy if @Joe Shearer is made mod.

This is so patently a bad selection that it has never seen any serious examination. @Joe Shearer is too angry, and too resolute in his determination to confront the political philosophy of right-wing elements, including quasi-fascists in Pakistan as well as in India, and to confront the religious beliefs of fanatics in Pakistan as well as in India, and cannot be counted on to remain calm in the presence of an advocate of either set of values, or of both. He is not a neutral player.

If selected, he would veto the selection.

the point is most indian members undeniably are primarily a embarrassment to india and generally spoil the atmosphere with their right-wing anti-human views... this is also true about members from certain other nationalities - all the saudis and jordanians, most of the turks.

as joe shearer observed once, such indian members have the same manner of writing posts and i will add that their posts are very superficial, with no attempt made to concern themselves about the injustices and wrongs that happen in india, whether the death of farmer gajendra singh or some other issue.

this is a international forum and would you really like these members to represent india?? we should learn from many of the pakistani members, see how they criticize the wrongs in their society.

also, this platform has so much potential to be a solutions platform, but will be so if the wrong posts and members are prevented from turning discussions into pointless circular argument.

did you not see how soumitra openly declared that he wants some capitalist right-winger as mod?? that too when because of extreme capitalism of india, between 1997 and 2010, 200,000 farmers/related-people suicided?? how many times can i keep posting this??

Unfortunately, that sort of Indian constitutes the majority on our forum. It is possible to draw up a black-list - members who are here solely to create trouble, ill-will and friction - and a gray-list - Indians who readily succumb to the bad example of the black-list but can be scolded into proper behaviour. To what purpose? There is an endless line of manufacture of these propaganda-spouting scoundrels, with their identical parroted views, and their vile prejudices, their superficial patriotism.

Who should represent them? One of their own.

But here it is not representation that is being considered. It is moderation. It means calm consideration of the views expressed, evaluating them with regard to suitability for publication, on various criteria, evaluating the past record of the poster, and coming to a conclusion regarding action to be taken.

There are only a handful of such individuals available. Definitely the administrators know of them, and know them. Apparently some peculiar problem obstructs the appointment of an Indian moderator, and we need to leave it to the judgement of the administration to deal with this matter. For now, best to cultivate our garden.
This is so patently a bad selection that it has never seen any serious examination. @Joe Shearer is too angry, and too resolute in his determination to confront the political philosophy of right-wing elements, including quasi-fascists in Pakistan as well as in India, and to confront the religious beliefs of fanatics in Pakistan as well as in India, and cannot be counted on to remain calm in the presence of an advocate of either set of values, or of both. He is not a neutral playe

Don't sell yourself short, you are also one of the few people who can genuinely recognize when you are in error, apologize, correct yourself and move on....that is HUGE...and though we pretend we don't see it, we do and it is appreciated. ...plus of course your wealth of historical knowledge on Pak/India relations.

It means calm consideration of the views expressed, evaluating them with regard to suitability for publication, on various criteria, evaluating the past record of the poster, and coming to a conclusion regarding action to be taken.

Agreed and also the person should have the respect of both the management and most of the other Indian members here. You cannot do the job without the respect of both sides.
Don't sell yourself short, you are also one of the few people who can genuinely recognize when you are in error, apologize, correct yourself and move on....that is HUGE...and though we pretend we don't see it, we do and it is appreciated. ...plus of course your wealth of historical knowledge on Pak/India relations.

Agreed and also should have the respect of both the management and most if the other Indian members here. You cannot do the job without the respect of both sides



There is this frightening sense of being under the keen observation of a multitude.
In my opinion @Bratva and @Jungibaaz are Mega trolls for their role in deletion of some thread created by me and an accomplice.
The problem on this forum is that if a certain argument does not come from a certain set of members, it's not worthy of a thread or not even a comment.
You can have a magazine or blog section where only certain individuals are allowed to write and the rest are only expected to read what they wrote.
In open forum or message board as thus type if website us called, people come under the impression that it's free for all discussion where all can contribute.
Likewise certain members won't let any discussions to happen which "they have discussed in a certain thread ". Well tell you what,you have discussed it,others haven't and they should be able to discuss it in their own way without being told to go and read what you wrote somewhere last year.
Same topic when discussed by different people can arrive at different conclusion.
This habit of pisssing on people from your high chair of certain memvers with names written in a different colour needs to be tackled. They behave like insecure school bully.
Another issue was raised about me posting videos from a certain so called rival FB page. I do it across the internet on many forums, but nowhere it shows video + whatever written along with the video on FB, this only happens here. On other forums it's same as posting a vimeo or YouTube video, only video gets embedded not the whole text from uploader's video channel. May be settings here need to be tweaked so that people can embed FB videos without whole text from FB page automatically getting embedded.
The last issue is girly fights,getting personal and digging people's past comments on the forum.
Forum has been around for 10 years now, if someone had written something you didn't like 5 years ago and then they change and try a different approach, don't come digging their past comments or something they wrote elsewhere, better stick to the topic at hand or stay away.ReResist the urge to comment in every thread.

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