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Troll Fest:Bharatis are Sad that Netanyahu Didn't Include Indian Flag in his Tweet


China bans Muslims from fasting Ramadan in Xinjiang

Ramadan in China: Faithful Dwindle Under Limits on Religion

“My children know who our holy creator is, but I don’t give them detailed religious knowledge,” he said, speaking through a translator. “After they reach 18, they can receive religious education according to their own will.” :D

A decade ago, 4,000 to 5,000 people attended Friday prayers at the Id Kah Mosque in the historic Silk Road city of Kashgar. Now only 800 to 900 do, said the mosque’s imam

Why are you spreading these lies?

Let’s see...

- Indian airforce = operation swift retort = fail
- Indian army = wacked by PLA , lost men and land = fail
- Indian economy = highest unemployment rate = fail
- Indian health = thanks to naked public bath - horror show with thousands of dead = fail
- foreign policy = failed to isolate Pakistan , black list Pakistan etc etc = fail
- social media = Jew boss forgot to put India’s flag on the thank you butt lickers list = fail

Yes it is clear whose arse is on fire,.
you forgot sir g kal ishtrike (failed):D
Well not all Jewish are like this of course, but some people in Israel are kind of extreme, just like in other countries.

There are Israelis who believe that God made them the chosen (intellectually superior) people and therefore the non-Jews (Goyim) are inferior and supposed to serve them in a lower capacity, Not as slaves but not as equals either. Seems these are settler beliefs - based on why they arm themselves but not all settlers of course are like this.

I saw lots of interviews with West Bank settlers who say that non-Jews cannot even eat at the same tables as a Jew. :-)

Kind of surprised that in 2021 you'd have beliefs like this, but then you have ISIL as well.

Too much extremism in the world today.
Jews =/ Israelis, you know that. Yes everyone is different but asshole culture runs deep in Israel.
the best part is that it's been nearly a week since nathan the yahoo made the tweet excluding india and still hasn't bothered to give two turd pellets worth of response the to indians cryin' like...
the best part is that it's been nearly a week since nathan the yahoo made the tweet excluding india and still hasn't bothered to give two turd pellets worth of response the to indians cryin' like...
View attachment 745369

why yahoo cares about Indian's feelings? they consider Hindus as dirty and lower race, idol worshippers
the best part is that it's been nearly a week since nathan the yahoo made the tweet excluding india and still hasn't bothered to give two turd pellets worth of response the to indians cryin' like...
View attachment 745369
Why embarrass yourself by talking like a fool? Indian govt did not support Israel and hence Israel govt did not thank India. Expecting Israeli PM to thank Twitter handles is absurd
Why embarrass yourself by talking like a fool? Indian govt did not support Israel and hence Israel govt did not thank India. Expecting Israeli PM to thank Twitter handles is absurd
For the last week millions of little Indians have cared more that Israel gave no recognition to India for offering phull sapport sirjeeee and not getting a pat on the back - that’s been gold and entertaining. Watching Israelis saying go forth and multiply look after your poor and hungry and covid.
This thread should be made into a sticky so all Indians can be reminded of how insignificant your nation is on the international stage. Well done to Modi jeeeeeee.
I am really surprised about Bosnia.
Da-fuq why is Albania and Bosnia supporting Israel?
Albania is a NATO member and EU aspirant. they act more American than Americans themselves. Albania blindly support every move of US and EU.

Bosnian Foreign Minister and Bosniak leaders protested the inclusion of their flag by Netanyahu.
Bosniak leader says his country does not support Israel
Sefik Dzaferovic calls on Israeli premier to end 'disproportionate attacks' on Gaza

Bisera Turkovic, the country's foreign minister, also rejected the Israeli premier's tweet. "Bosnia and Herzegovina supports a just solution between Palestine and Israel, no attack will lead to peace and stability," she said in a statement.
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