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Which constitution and what Human rights. According to constitution it is responsibility of state to provide for security of each individual. State is to ensure that religious freedom is granted to every citizen. It is the responsibility of state to ensure basic needs of each Pakistani is met, which means food, shelter, education and health.

Have you read the constitution? I have. If this constitution before the (18th amendment) has all the elements of an ideal state provided those articles are followed. Each and every politician has been violating all the articles of this so called sacred book. they have been abrogating constitution from day one, to date.

I agree with you 101%!.. but two wrongs can't make one right..
you are comparing the mass graves of people who were killed without any trial in court with the graves of soldiers who died in the line of duty? you kidding right?

these are your words "so army didnt have any option to make them disappear" and you are accusing me of maligning Army? Did anywhere army say it officially that they are involved in forced abductions? well that was your unintentional self parody..

The law your are referring to is basically a black law.. which will install the reign of terror instead of reign of law!! This bill is just virtual outlawry as it is against constitution and human rights.. nothing else!.. Similar law has been enacted by India in Kashmir and was enacted British to enslave Indian people! in independent countries, there is no place of such outlawry..

1. but are related ... the missing terrorist uy are reffering to is the reason of that soilders died in line of duty ...My father did that as well ..it bared gud results .. when bugtis kidnnepied a FC soilders ..

2. ill tell u my real lie experience ...my dad abducted all the nazims in dera budghti ... and send a msg that when they will relase the soilder he will realise the nazims .. before that they were saying they didnt have it .,. but after picking up their guys they released The FC guy and my father released the nazims .. SO what my father did was right .. By the book No? but did it get result .. Yes ...

3. just see ur above post u said that army is involved in forced abduction ...
I think it was a knee jerk reaction not planned, unless one believes HM taking six bullets in his body is also a part of this Drama.

Minutes after the attack, his brother taught HM is DEAD, so obviously he let loose the hell on authorities HM pointing out to him previously.
Geo started running this story at Hyper speed after 2 minutes of attack , in the next 10 minutes the DG ISI was put on as a culprit & Amir Mir started Blaming them on the basis of a Video that Hamid Mir sent ( which there is no record of ) for the next 24 hours Geo showed nothing as if the whole country did not matter , only thing they tried their best at was to make sure that public will think that ISI did this ( Which Backfired ) .

When his Brother came on , Doctors already declared that wounds were non fatal & he is out of danger .

So I would say it was very much planned , even if not the attack then the story .

1. i will answer point by point
10000 soldiers died just in swat operation .. they have mother too ... the mass graves u are mentioning countr them all then country the marked graves are soilders ... they are much more in number.. as o said unthankfull people

From where the bloody hell did you get this amount ?

The Number does not exceed 500 in both the operations collectively .

Stop Spread BS .
Geo started running this story at Hyper speed after 2 minutes of attack , in the next 10 minutes the DG ISI was put on as a culprit & Amir Mir started Blaming them on the basis of a Video that Hamid Mir sent ( which there is no record of ) for the next 24 hours Geo showed nothing as if the whole country did not matter , only thing they tried their best at was to make sure that public will think that ISI did this ( Which Backfired ) .

When his Brother came on , Doctors already declared that wounds were non fatal & he is out of danger .

So I would say it was very much planned , even if not the attack then the story .

From where the bloody hell did you get this amount ?

The Number does not exceed 500 in both the operations collectively .

Stop Spread BS .
General sajjad ghani did that operation .. he was GOC in mangla ...got the figure from his son .. he is my bst friend ..he is core commander karachi now .. Armies do lie about the caulities to keep the moral of the soliders up .. US did that .. after every war there are different figures from both side .. Bro everyone in my family is in army as well .. i couldnt go .. due to my eye sight ..
1. but are related ... the missing terrorist uy are reffering to is the reason of that soilders died in line of duty ...My father did that as well ..it bared gud results .. when bugtis kidnnepied a FC soilders ..

2. ill tell u my real lie experience ...my dad abducted all the nazims in dera budghti ... and send a msg that when they will relase the soilder he will realise the nazims .. before that they were saying they didnt have it .,. but after picking up their guys they released The FC guy and my father released the nazims .. SO what my father did was right .. By the book No? but did it get result .. Yes ...

3. just see ur above post u said that army is involved in forced abduction ...

this is create the thief to catch a thief philosophy which has been proven wrong time and again... the situation in Karachi is the best example of this.. I have high regards for your father what he was doing might be because of his patriotism but it was just fire fighting and iniquitous!.. this is NOT permanent solution. Top brass must think about to take such preventive measures that FC jawans are not abducted.
So I would say it was very much planned , even if not the attack then the story .

Might Be, The point is there was a Cold war situation between GEO and Agencies for past couple of years.....since Shuja Pasha, As their was a persistant visible compaigne against them in social media and various channels. There administration thinks this is the best time to level some score on the deadbody of their.....anchorperson.
this is create the thief to catch a thief philosophy which has been proven wrong time and again... the situation in Karachi is the best example of this.. I have high regards for your father what he was doing might be because of his patriotism but it was just fire fighting and iniquitous!.. this is NOT permanent solution. Top brass must think about to take such preventive measures that FC jawans are not abducted.
u wouldnt have given such statement if u have seen the tarrain :) sitting on internet and talking about laws is easy .. but in reality its totally different .. laws are use by terrorist to get out of jails .. i dnt help the state ;)
General sajjad ghani did that operation .. he was GOC in mangla ...got the figure from his son .. he is my bst friend ..he is core commander karachi now .. Armies do lie about the caulities to keep the moral of the soliders up .. US did that .. after every war there are different figures from both side .. Bro everyone in my family is in army as well .. i couldnt go .. due to my eye sight ..
Then he gave you some huge Crap , Our Looses did not exceed 500 , and yes if he did give you that figure then legal action should be taking again him for spreading wrong information .

And yes i agree Armies do life , but think again the difference between 500 and 10,000 .. use your brain a little ,

and a MG is not that careless that the will tell his Son confidential information, if he did then he can technically be court martial'd .

So Next time dont spread this Crap , without any actual basic to support this on ..
u wouldnt have given such statement if u have seen the tarrain :) sitting on internet and talking about laws is easy .. but in reality its totally different .. laws are use by terrorist to get out of jails .. i dnt help the state ;)

yes in that terrain it is difficult but not impossible. Why do we have to choose easy way out always? What do think by such measures the outlawry would end, the answer is NO? & focus on the idea mate.. you are too focused on personality!..
Then he gave you some huge Crap , Our Looses did not exceed 500 , and yes if he did give you that figure then legal action should be taking again him for spreading wrong information .

And yes i agree Armies do life , but think again the difference between 500 and 10,000 .. use your brain a little ,
well i stick to my figures .. u can take any action u want bro ;)
well i stick to my figures .. u can take any action u want bro ;)
Keep Sticking .. and i cannot take any action .. i can only refer to authorities .. that i will . :)
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yes in that terrain it is difficult but not impossible. Why do we have to choose easy way out always? What do think by such measures the outlawry would end, the answer is NO? & focus on the idea mate.. you are too focused on personality!..
U seem to lack any experince about military .. so ill not get into the argument.

gfor point 2 . Sirilanka did that it worked .. isreal did that it worked .. india did that in kashmir it worked .. i can give u like 100 example ... but u missing out the main point .. army is requesting for legeslatoion to help prosecution, laws for wittness protection but government didnt make any .. so how is at fault? bro u r not getting my point .. army is not taking esay way out .. there is no laws to procequte them .. the wittness arte threathene and killed .. there is no wittness protection law .. judges dnt hear cases of hard core criminals ... bcoz they are worried about their safty .. how is it army fault ..??? bhie if u r notgetting my point tu bata duh ill explain my self in detail
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