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Tokyo governor apologises for remarks on Muslims, Istanbul

Interesting, This is what I got from the article that is apparently Islamophobic:

"Islamic countries, the only thing they share in common is Allah and they are fighting with each other, and they have classes," Inose.

Now, lets analyze it:

Islamic countries, the only thing they share in common is Allah- True to a certain point. Many muslim nations do have more common history/ cultural ties.

And they are fighting with each other. True completely every word.

And they have classes- Is this guy talking about socio-economic classes? If so, they all countries are guilty of that.
I only said 2 words "white masters" and for some reason you got super butt hurt about that.
Does it pain you to hear that Whites STILL consider others to be sub human?
Does it destroy your liberal hippy dippy notion that some how white people have reformed and that racism does not exist anymore?

Because most Western white countries also follow the US. Thats why. So we all have a "white master" lol.
Because most Western white countries also follow the US. Thats why. So we all have a "white master" lol.

Yes, but you are not considered Sub human like we are.
You know back in like 2006 when the Lebanon war happens, the Canadian government started b!ching and whining that they had to spend money to save all those "brown Canadians" who were trapped there.
In Harper's opinion, they were not worth the money to save, despite being Canadian.

Compare that to the British government declaring war on Argentina to save their white citizens half way around the world.
I am not trying to be antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic, but I really have to call you out.
You think that it a privlage that White people allow me to live in Canada?
I will have you know that my Grand father fought in WW2, and my great grandfather fought in WW1.
British India has paid for the "peace" we enjoy today with our blood. We feed your solders with our crops and fought YOUR enemies with our men.

So please, don't act like we are some kind of leaches who are lucky to be in white people's land.
We earned it! and we are some of the most productive people here, while almost all the people on welfare are whites and natives.

As for Japan, I have my own personal experience while actually living in that country and there is nothing you can do take that away from me.

Are you sure you are not an Indian?
You seem to be quite good at setting up strawmen.
I never once mentioned Pakistan , yet you seem to think I wrote a book on how amazing Pakistan is.

I only said 2 words "white masters" and for some reason you got super butt hurt about that.
Does it pain you to hear that Whites STILL consider others to be sub human?
Does it destroy your liberal hippy dippy notion that some how white people have reformed and that racism does not exist anymore?

Monsieur/janab You are taking me wrong, stop hating the entire white race as you put it, Japon is a successful countrie because they worked hard not because of americanne. Also do not take me as a white wash person, I am proud of my partial heritage and take it upon myself to learn as much as I can and I do consider myself also a pakistanaise too. However Japonaise are great people, had a mon ami growing up on east coast and to be honest majority remain in there countrie as they have opportunities and this is not to say people that come here for Canadienne dream are beggers by any means and probably au contraire it is quite the opposite. Also Canada is not a so called white countrie but rather multicultural to be frank, however this does not mean crapping about your countrie in another countrie forum. Once again I merely pointed out that japonaise do not come here for opportunities and are not refuges to our countrie in contrast.

Anyways lets stop fighting mon ami, we can agree to disagree as we are on a pakistanaise forum not canadienne militaire forum and we should act as cohesive on international forum!.
I support Istanbul for 2020 Olympics. There are only two true contenders IMO and it's always good to have a new place organizing the Olympics. Spain shouldn't even be bidding for it with the kind of economy they have right now. With more than 25% unemployment they clearly have their priorities wrong when it comes to channeling their resources.
Yes, but you are not considered Sub human like we are.
You know back in like 2006 when the Lebanon war happens, the Canadian government started b!ching and whining that they had to spend money to save all those "brown Canadians" who were trapped there.
In Harper's opinion, they were not worth the money to save, despite being Canadian.

Compare that to the British government declaring war on Argentina to save their white citizens half way around the world.

The falklands was a strategic issue with Argentina trying to grab the islands. You probably know Israel sympathizers have a lot more financial and political influence in the Canadian government compared to the Lebanese, so its no guess the government would show less support.

Btw, Lebanese dont like being called brown.
The falklands was a strategic issue with Argentina trying to grab the islands. You probably know Israel sympathizers have a lot more financial and political influence in the Canadian government compared to the Lebanese, so its no guess the government would show less support.

Btw, Lebanese dont like being called brown.

he has alot of anti canadienne thoughts and is ignoring the fact that the government were able to still evacuate the folks from Lebanon that had not even seen Canada in real life to be frank and @Rusty does a brown lebonaise exist not that I care about color? also side question do you believe in Israel's right to exist and believe in holocaust, it's a simple question don't avoid it!
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The falklands was a strategic issue with Argentina trying to grab the islands. You probably know Israel sympathizers have a lot more financial and political influence in the Canadian government compared to the Lebanese, so its no guess the government would show less support.

Btw, Lebanese dont like being called brown.

Actually, the UK had for years tried to give away the Falkens to Argentina, the only thing that stops them are the white inhabitants.

And yes I agree, Isreal has a death grip on the Conservatives, to the point where there are two classes of Canadians.
he has alot of anti canadienne thoughts and is ignoring the fact that the government were able to still evacuate the folks from Lebanon that had not even seen Canada in real life to be frank and @Rusty does a brown lebonaise exist not that I care about color? also side question do you believe in Israel's right to exist and believe in holocaust, it's a simple question don't avoid it!

I don't have anti Canadian thought, I have anti imperialist thoughts. I have never once said anything bad against Canada, that is just you reading into it.

Isreal's right to exist?
No country on earth has a right to exist.
That is a made up notion.
look it up, nowhere in the UN charter does it say a country has a right to exist.
If a country had a right to exist then how do you explain all the new counties? the most recently South Sudan? If Sudan had the right to exist then south Sudan is an illegal state. We can take that all the way back to the end of WW2. If a country had the right to exist then logically all the new countries, such as Pakistan, India, Malaysia, etc do not have that right since they ended the life of the old British slavery countries that used to exist.
So please, don't insult my intelligence by asking such nonsense questions.
2. I believe in 2 holocosts. The first one that happened to the jews and the second one that the Jews are doing the the Palestinians.


btw, nice try at trying to paint me as anti jew or what ever.
The problem with you people is that after you murder a sub human brownie, you start acting like it was your familiy/culture/people that were killed.
You people excel at murder and then playing the victim card.
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Actually, the UK had for years tried to give away the Falkens to Argentina, the only thing that stops them are the white inhabitants.

And yes I agree, Isreal has a death grip on the Conservatives, to the point where there are two classes of Canadians.

I work with an Argentenian redhead. Seen the new pope?
They are white.
I work with an Argentenian redhead. Seen the new pope?
They are white.

are they the right kind of white tho ;)

remember, Canada was only meant for North Western Europeans
are they the right kind of white tho ;)

remember, Canada was only meant for North Western Europeans

That's culture and religious (they are catholic) difference. Race is irrelevant in the Falklands conflict.
I don't have anti Canadian thought, I have anti imperialist thoughts. I have never once said anything bad against Canada, that is just you reading into it.

Isreal's right to exist?
No country on earth has a right to exist.
That is a made up notion.
look it up, nowhere in the UN charter does it say a country has a right to exist.
If a country had a right to exist then how do you explain all the new counties? the most recently South Sudan? If Sudan had the right to exist then south Sudan is an illegal state. We can take that all the way back to the end of WW2. If a country had the right to exist then logically all the new countries, such as Pakistan, India, Malaysia, etc do not have that right since they ended the life of the old British slavery countries that used to exist.
So please, don't insult my intelligence by asking such nonsense questions.
2. I believe in 2 holocosts. The first one that happened to the jews and the second one that the Jews are doing the the Palestinians.


btw, nice try at trying to paint me as anti jew or what ever.
The problem with you people is that after you murder a sub human brownie, you start acting like it was your familiy/culture/people that were killed.
You people excel at murder and then playing the victim card.

I was just curious mon ami nothing to worry about and as far as subhuman brownie, I do not understand your point as we canadienne are multicultural so your racial arguement is simply not valid. Random occurance of racism happen no doubt but to say that we the people tolerate racism is being rather ignorant. If we Canadienne treat you like subhuman based on your phenotype, then you can always renounce your royalty to her majesty and leave for the greener pasture away from your beloved motherland or sue the government for not honouring your right. I am not trying to purposefully instigate you but brother please save us from that hatred, we cannot change the mistakes of our ancestors but we as a people can create a society that is just and my familie is a testament to the Canadienne dream so you cannot simply cry racism on everything. Lots of Canadienne have partial or full pakistan heritage, it does not mean we are not proud of it heck the government encourages us to preserve our culture and to be frank that was my initial attraction to this website ironically aside from the defence goodies ooolala ! (defence goodies + urdu langue= :) )

Also I ask that holocaust question as litmus test my dear friend, a lot of people you will be surprised reject the very notion of it and blame it on some zionist conspiracy theories. As far as the entire issue of palestine vis israel, it is a very touchy and probably the toughest issue as both sides have committed excessive violation as far as human rights are concerned and both point of view are valid in some perspective(I especially enjoyed a video amazing atheist made on this). Anyway this is an interesting topic in itself and one I cannot discuss in entirety as it does not do justice to the thread about the tokyo governor's stupid remark and brother once again, if I said something offensive I will take it back as I said it in the heat of moment. It is very difficult to stay level headed with nationalism being a strong influence that sometimes can bring some irrationality in debates.

There is an excellent thread on this forum called naswaristan(it is not drug related, the thread opener has clarified) and if you want to continue this debate on racism vis people with brown phenotype in Canada, I will be glad to and heck we can do it in roman urdu to practice the langue of our heritage I assume ;) (not persian alphabets yet, very bad with them :) )
I was just curious mon ami nothing to worry about and as far as subhuman brownie, I do not understand your point as we canadienne are multicultural so your racial arguement is simply not valid. Random occurance of racism happen no doubt but to say that we the people tolerate racism is being rather ignorant. If we Canadienne treat you like subhuman based on your phenotype, then you can always renounce your royalty to her majesty and leave for the greener pasture away from your beloved motherland or sue the government for not honouring your right. I am not trying to purposefully instigate you but brother please save us from that hatred, we cannot change the mistakes of our ancestors but we as a people can create a society that is just and my familie is a testament to the Canadienne dream so you cannot simply cry racism on everything. Lots of Canadienne have partial or full pakistan heritage, it does not mean we are not proud of it heck the government encourages us to preserve our culture and to be frank that was my initial attraction to this website ironically aside from the defence goodies ooolala ! (defence goodies + urdu langue= :) )

Also I ask that holocaust question as litmus test my dear friend, a lot of people you will be surprised reject the very notion of it and blame it on some zionist conspiracy theories. As far as the entire issue of palestine vis israel, it is a very touchy and probably the toughest issue as both sides have committed excessive violation as far as human rights are concerned and both point of view are valid in some perspective(I especially enjoyed a video amazing atheist made on this). Anyway this is an interesting topic in itself and one I cannot discuss in entirety as it does not do justice to the thread about the tokyo governor's stupid remark and brother once again, if I said something offensive I will take it back as I said it in the heat of moment. It is very difficult to stay level headed with nationalism being a strong influence that sometimes can bring some irrationality in debates.

There is an excellent thread on this forum called naswaristan(it is not drug related, the thread opener has clarified) and if you want to continue this debate on racism vis people with brown phenotype in Canada, I will be glad to and heck we can do it in roman urdu to practice the langue of our heritage I assume ;) (not persian alphabets yet, very bad with them :) )

You know very well that I am talking in a historic sense.
While Racism is reduced quite a bit in Canadian society, to which I do give credit, it is still there on a national level.
Do you know that the recent Bangaldesh building that collapsed and killed hundreds of people had a Canadian company factory there?
How did the Canadian people respond to this?
no one cared.
What do you think would have happened if that building was full of white Canadians?
The whole country would be raising candles and the CEO of that company would be in jail!
But because it was some brownies...... oh well.

Your part about Palistine/Isreal is BULL FING SH!T

Look at the causality numbers, Thousands of Palestinians are killed vs 10s of Isrealies.
It is not even comparable, Isreal is by an far the aggressor and has all the power.
But again, because Isreal is white and a product of last ditch western colonialism, you support it while thousands and thousands of brown Paternalistic are killed for no reason other than being born the wrong color.

I really have no interest in continuing this, you and I view history and the world differently.
You view it from the point of view of the conquers and I view it from the point of the conquered.
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