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Tokyo governor apologises for remarks on Muslims, Istanbul


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
(Reuters) - Tokyo's outspoken governor, Naoki Inose, who heads the city's bid for the 2020 Olympics, apologised on Tuesday for "inappropriate" comments he made about rival candidate Istanbul and Islamic countries.

The remarks, made in a recent New York Times interview, prompted the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to investigate, while Turkey's sports minister said they were "unfair and disheartening" and "did not comply with the spirit of the values of the Olympic Movement".

"Islamic countries, the only thing they share in common is Allah and they are fighting with each other, and they have classes," Inose, who was elected Tokyo governor last year, said in the interview.

"For the athletes, where will be the best place to be? Well, compare the two countries where they have yet to build infrastructure, very sophisticated facilities," he said.

Tokyo is competing with Istanbul and Madrid to hold the Olympics for a second time after becoming the first Asian city to host the multi-sport event in 1964. Istanbul is bidding for a fifth time after its previous campaigns were unsuccessful.

"I said that Islamic countries fight, it was an inappropriate remark and I want to correct it," Inose told reporters at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building on Tuesday.

He accepted that the New York Times story was correct, adding that he would not seek a correction from the paper.

"I apologise. My remarks caused misunderstandings among people from Muslim countries, so I would like to unequivocally apologise."

Inose's remarks sparked concern in Tokyo that it might affect the Japanese capital's bid for the Games as IOC rules ban candidates from making comments on fellow competitors.

Tokyo had yet to respond to an email from the authority enquiring about the meaning of the remarks, a spokesman for the bid said.

"If my remarks (on Istanbul) caused any misunderstanding I would like to apologise for them," said Inose, adding that it was a "good experience" and he now understood where the "lines are drawn".

"I want to keep campaigning strictly in accordance with the IOC rules that one should not criticise other cities," he said. "From now on I will campaign along these proper guidelines with respect to other cities' bids so that such incidents don't happen any more."

A key aspect of the Tokyo bid is that many of its venues have already been constructed. Tokyo planners also emphasise the compactness of its offer, with 85 percent of the venues located within an 8 km (5 mile) radius of the Olympic Village.

The hosts for the 2020 Games will be decided at the next IOC Session in Argentina in September.

Tokyo governor apologises for remarks on Muslims, Istanbul | Reuters
Tokyo governor's ‘Islamophobic' remarks outrage Turks

Inose told The New York Times that “Islamic countries, the only thing they share in common is Allah and they are fighting with each other, and they have classes.”

World Bulletin/News Desk

The controversial remarks of Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose have been met by strong reactions by not only Turkish politicians but also Turkish analysts, who consider his remarks on Muslims and Istanbul unacceptable and Islamophobic.

“The governor's remarks are very disturbing, Islamophobic and racist. It could be understandable if he promotes his city while criticizing rival cities about their developments. However, his remarks about Muslims are definitely unacceptable. His remarks are off track and derogatory,” Orhan Kemal Cengiz, a prominent jurist-writer, told Turkish press.

Inose, who heads Tokyo's bid for the 2020 Olympics Games, said in a recent interview with The New York Times that “Islamic countries, the only thing they share in common is Allah and they are fighting with each other, and they have classes.”

He also added that Istanbul, which is widely perceived as Tokyo's biggest rival to host the 2020 Olympics Games, is less developed and less equipped to host the games when compared to Tokyo.

The three cities that are the candidates to host the Olympic and Paralympics Games to be held in 2020 are Madrid, Tokyo and Istanbul.

Should Istanbul be selected, it will be the first time in history that the Olympic Games will be organized by a Muslim-majority country.

Although he apologized on Tuesday for his “inappropriate” comments about rival candidate Istanbul and Muslim countries, his remarks sparked a serious debate in Turkey.

“His remarks are totally alienating a society for its religion. This is religious discrimination. His remarks are enough for Tokyo not to be selected for the Olympics. The International Olympic Committee [IOC] should not select Tokyo after the governor's remarks,” said Cengiz.

Turkey's Youth and Sports Minister Suat Kılıç also said that the remarks of the governor were “unfair and disheartening” and did not comply with the spirit of the values of the Olympic movement.

The governor's comments appear to break the IOC's rules, particularly Rule 14, which prevents candidate cities from commenting on their rivals.

“For the athletes, where will be the best place to be? Well, compare the two countries where they have yet to build infrastructure, very sophisticated facilities,” said Inose.

The governor's remarks about Istanbul could lead Tokyo to face a reprimand from the IOC Ethics Commission.

“It's very disappointing. We have never been critical of the other cities and we are not about to start. Istanbul is also bidding for 2020. However, we have not made any negative statements about the other candidate cities and we will not do so. We love Japanese people. We respect their beliefs and their culture,” said Kılıç on Twitter, accusing Inose of violating the Olympic spirit.

The chairman of the Felicity Party (SP), Mustafa Kamalak, also stated that the remarks of the governor were incompatible with sports ethics and the peaceful nature of Japanese people. “Associating Islam with fighting is unfair towards the religion as well as towards humanity. ‘Muslims are fighting with each other and the Olympics should not be hosted in İstanbul' is an argument which does not comply with the spirit of Islam and with the language of the Japanese people,” Kamalak told Turkish press.

Tokyo shoots itself in foot with governor's remarks

While the governor's remarks have prompted the IOC to investigate, it also sparked concern in Tokyo that it might affect the Japanese capital's bid for the Olympics.

“Indeed, Tokyo has shot itself in the foot with the remarks of the governor. His remarks are totally Islamophobic and it would be appropriate if Tokyo is not selected to host the games by the IOC. I hope this incident would be a plus point for Turkey in this competition,” Ayhan Kaya, the director of the European Institute at Bilgi University in İstanbul, told Today's Zaman.

Tokyo has yet to respond to an email from the authority enquiring about the meaning of the remarks, a spokesman for Tokyo's bid for the 2020 Olympics said.

The organizers of Tokyo's bid for the Olympics also repeated their commitment to the IOC's rules on Monday.

Inose had also stated that Turkey doesn't have an advantage because of its large population of youths over Japan's relatively aging society, adding that if the Turkish people want to live longer, they should imitate Japan's culture.

“There might be a lot of young people, but if they die young, it doesn't mean much,” he was quoted as saying

Inose is said to be more moderate than his nationalist predecessor, Shintaro Ishihara. However, Turkish analysts believe that Inose is also among the nationalist line which is dominant in Japanese society.

“The Japanese state has for several years argued that it has a homogeneous society. A nationalist language is very dominant in Japan. Therefore, it is not surprising to hear such Islamophobic and racist remarks from a Japanese governor,” said Kaya

While apologizing for his remarks, Inose accepted that the New York Times story was correct, adding that he would not seek a correction from the paper.

“I apologize. My remarks caused misunderstandings among people from Muslim countries, so I would like to unequivocally apologize,” Inose said on Tuesday, adding that it was a “good experience” and he now understood where the “lines are drawn.”

Tokyo governor's ‘Islamophobic' remarks outrage Turks | Diplomacy | World Bulletin
Japan is so isolated from muslims, it really does not matter.

You don't know this guy, even Japanese agrees he is insane.
He wants to bring back the emperor, Make Korea, Taiwan, and China colonies and force all non Japanese to leave Japan.

He also blamed the Fukushima disasters on foreign Koreans living in Japan.

Dude is the Japanese Pat Robertson, but in office.
This right-wing fascist Nips have finally showed their true color towards the Muslims.

Before using ethnic slurs for Japanese, look closer at home

lol, couldn't find a better word other than 'troll' to describe this guy.
What a troll governor....LOL.

u need to learn how to differentiate 'feeling unfavorable' from 'showing hatred'.

Before using ethnic slurs for Japanese, look closer at home


btw, I think it would be a great idea to have an Islamic country to host the Olympics, and Turkey is doing not bad economically. Tokyo already did it once, they can certainly wait.
u need to learn how to differentiate 'feeling unfavorable' from 'showing hatred'.

The guy made a statement about about muslim countries - which was a generalization and wrong. He also apologized for it.

Showing hatred would be calling Japanese people racial slurs, something your comrade did.
so when 'my comrade'(where the hell did you get this delusional impression anyway?) made a statement, it is showing hatred. when a Japanese politician insulted and mocked Muslims, it becomes 'making a statement', is that what you are saying, my 'enemy'?

The guy made a statement about about muslim countries - which was a generalization and wrong. He also apologized for it.

Showing hatred would be calling Japanese people racial slurs, something your comrade did.
so when 'my comrade'(where the hell did you get this delusional impression anyway?) made a statement, it is showing hatred. when a Japanese politician insulted and mocked Muslims, it becomes 'making a statement', is that what you are saying, my 'enemy'?

Racial slur vs politically incorrect and factually incorrect opinion for which one apologizes.

One does not justify the other. Lets agree to disagree.
My first reply to you was merely my opinion of your arguments using the table, I still don't think the unfavorable views of Christians or Jews from the Islamic countries or China can be deemed equivalent to this type of insult.

Regarding your recent posts, the Japanese politician had insulted a religion plus a whole country (although he had to apologize for that), I would say that this is much worse than a forum member calling him names specifically. But yeah, calling him names isn't going to contribute anything to the discussion.

Racial slur vs politically incorrect and factually incorrect opinion for which one apologizes.

One does not justify the other. Lets agree to disagree.
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