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Today suicide attack in Russia related to Saudi Prince Bandar’s alleged threats?

Of course you thank god first but what if the Arabs were like the lazy and just plundered the place that used to exist that we called Persia. Almost makes me wish the arabs had and butchered all the dogs would have saved the ummah from this cancer that exists now

Is that how you refer to someone you don't see eye to eye? Dogs?? I am not a supremacist therefore for me, claims of supremacy of a race or nation over another on such grounds is the very negation of Islam.
Joking with him. Said his mothers family were from Najd originally or something like that.

He will not answer me where I can buy the green turban that his avatar uses. it is awesome!

Why you want a turban you wear ghutra like jews you don't need a turban
Is that how you refer to someone you don't see eye to eye? Dogs?? I am not a supremacist therefore for me, claims of supremacy of a race or nation over another on such grounds is the very negation of Islam.
Shittyeyes are the msot supremacist race after jews they even have songs saying curse on the ummayads and kill there sucklings so they can ok killing my chidren in the future because im a proud follower of the salaf us saleh and not that jew saba
Why you want a turban you wear ghutra like jews you don't need a turban

Mister you never heard about this Arabic proverb?

العمائم تيجان العرب

Turbans are as Arabic as anything can get in the region.


Do I need to say Turban + Hijaz to make my point for you? I am serious. Where can I get such a big green turban?

I have only seen some that look like that among some traditional Sunnis of Hijaz and Yemen. But not the same.

Shittyeyes are the msot supremacist race after jews they even have songs saying curse on the ummayads and kill there sucklings so they can ok killing my chidren in the future because im a proud follower of the salaf us saleh and not that jew saba

First of all, this has nothing to do with the topic of the thread as you can clearly see i am sure. Secondly, even if i know deep down that someone isn't following Islam and cursing so and so that won't force me to brand their entire nation to the stereotype of my liking. Do you claim to know all Persians and Arabs personally to know how they conduct themselves in their daily lives and which ones curse others and which ones don't?? Thats the point i was raising and nothing else.
First of all, this has nothing to do with the topic of the thread as you can clearly see i am sure. Secondly, even if i know deep down that someone isn't following Islam and cursing so and so that won't force me to brand their entire nation to the stereotype of my liking. Do you claim to know all Persians and Arabs personally to know how they conduct themselves in their daily lives and which ones curse others and which ones don't?? Thats the point i was raising and nothing else.
All Arabs are tolerant but shia abuse that to the point where we have to eradicate them a bit like chemotherapy they openly brag about atrocities against ahlusunnah ao we should brag about hitting back they rebelled against us before we cant trust them say in a situation where there's caliphate what if they help dismantle it even though they will be the minority they will not think for the greater good therefore they can either surrender and stop all this military build up against Arabs and accusing Pakistan isi inter services intelligence for there problems on our border our the Arabs will be forced to let US and Israel destroy everyone common enemy and remember i said IF so its a possibility.
All Arabs are tolerant but shia abuse that to the point where we have to eradicate them a bit like chemotherapy they openly brag about atrocities against ahlusunnah ao we should brag about hitting back they rebelled against us before we cant trust them say in a situation where there's caliphate what if they help dismantle it even though they will be the minority they will not think for the greater good therefore they can either surrender and stop all this military build up against Arabs and accusing Pakistan isi inter services intelligence for there problems on our border our the Arabs will be forced to let US and Israel destroy everyone common enemy and remember i said IF so its a possibility.

You still haven't answered my question, i am not saying Arabs aren't tolerant but not every Arab would be as tolerant as you claim them to be and not every Persian would be bloodthirsty that is just common sense. How can one claim to offer judgements on not even a group of people but an entire nation, be it any nation for that matter??
The Russians wont be sitting idle and whom ever, is behind it will find itself in a dead end street sporting his balls and di-ck as a bow tie.
Caucasus should be independent anyway.

What is your problem with Safavids?
Safavids were the ones who reunited Iran after mongols invasion and made Iran as one of the most powerful countries of the world at that time. That era is one of the most glorious, eras of post islamic Iran. What's the problem? If your problem is about shia-sunni stuff, we or at least I as an secular Iranian, do not care much about it, even I am happy that they made a sect as the official religion and ended the nonsense sunni-shia conflicts in Iran. That strategy was brilliant at those times.
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If you think that Russia will give its land to someone - you're wrong. Instead, Russia will create a Eurasian Union. In 10-20 years Russia will be more powerful than the USSR were. So do not hesitate - the perpetrators will be punished sooner or later.
If you think that Russia will give its land to someone - you're wrong. Instead, Russia will create a Eurasian Union. In 10-20 years Russia will be more powerful than the USSR were. So do not hesitate - the perpetrators will be punished sooner or later.
Sweet dreams
If you think that Russia will give its land to someone - you're wrong. Instead, Russia will create a Eurasian Union. In 10-20 years Russia will be more powerful than the USSR were. So do not hesitate - the perpetrators will be punished sooner or later.

90% of all your land is not even original Russian land. In fact the areas of what is now Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc. were inhabited by Finno-Ugric peoples. The "Russians" who were just Slavic back then came from what is now Ukraine.

You can still see the traces of that when you look at Russians from Northern Russia. Many of them look Mongoloid or have Mongoloid traces.

Just look at Putin, Jeltsin etc.


Everything east of the Ural Mountains only became Russia 350 years ago or so under Peter the Great.

The Caucasus 250-150 years ago. All of them are not Russians. Have their own languages, culture, religion, customs, looks everything. Totally different from any other area in Russia. Impossible to brainwash them into losing their identity.

Which union are you talking about? None of the people want to be part of Russia. Not even the people of Ukraine and in Belarus if they had a choice. What are you left with then? Kazakhstan? LOL. Nobody else.
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Safavids are being viewed in the Sunni Arab culture as "intolerable evil". Needless to say that the reason is their massive conversion of Iranians to Shiasim -- or may be to en extreme version of it as Ali Shariti have thoroughly explained in his books.

Obviously, the conversion has caused a tremendous and everlasting pain on the Sunni "campaign".

To this day, the word "Safavid" is being used as an insult when being mad at a Shia -- whether an Iranian shia or an Arab shia.
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I am serious. Where can I get such a big green turban?

I have only seen some that look like that among some traditional Sunnis of Hijaz and Yemen. But not the same.


If you are serious, you need to ask Shah Ismail I where he bought his turban.:lol:
Anyway, in cold regions, like in Azerbaijan, they were using this kind of big turbans as we saw in old paintings, probably for keeping the head and neck warm. I have seen that traditional hats of caucasus and turkey are also very big :-) I guess that's the reason.
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