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Today suicide attack in Russia related to Saudi Prince Bandar’s alleged threats?

Lets not go off-topic here anymore buddy.
but, In summary, No, he is not ;) We can talk about it later in a more proper thread ;)
Ok , but he is . just look at his treatment of mulla-sadra and then give free reign to the ones who opposed him just because he disagree with him on the source of kings legitimacy.
it was for example the reason that Iran lost it's scientific golden age and those Retards who trained Shah Sultan Hussein gained power.
Mr Rafay continues to abuse his power by giving negative ratings, just cause he doesn't agree with Topics or response . But the Topics or response are with in the guidelines I request the Mods to please take notice of this abuse as he is not capable of handling responsibilities given to him or this power is given to all.
He gave you negative rating too....I also wondering why he gave me negative rating. Anyway....
no, according to the history the khalif to be wanted to escape , we stopped him just to make a point sent an army less than 1/10 of the enemy advancing army and just used 1/5th of that tiny army to crush the mighty army of Abbasid
:lol: :laugh: :D :rofl: :omghaha:

Are you taking pride of such a role less to the Muwalis? :cuckoo::haha::dance3::tongue::enjoy:

Don't blame you though. After all, your civilization disappeared from the face of the earth.
He gave you negative rating too....I also wondering why he gave me negative rating. Anyway....

Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them T.S. Eliot
Terrorist attacks in Russia, the hand of the Sultan?
2 terrible attacks hit only 2 days the city of Volgograd, located southeast of Russia near the Caucasus, suicide attacks occur in a general tension on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi

Sunday noon , Station Volgograd, intense caused by a female suicide bomber killed at least 18 dead and many wounded explosion

Monday morning , the nightmare continues, an attack by a suicide bomber completely dislocated a trolley, killing at least 14 people

Voice of Russia interview 2013.12.30 phone Françoise Compoint JY the Gallou and Yvan Blot, about the recent terrorist attacks that have devastated Volgograd Russia and their potential sponsors.

While there is little doubt that these attacks were perpetrated by Islamists, the question that immediately comes to mind is that of their sponsors on it three assumptions:

- The false flag, yeah even if the trademark is U.S. , other states may be tempted to draw, who knows?

- Interior attack produced by Caucasian separatists since the war in Chechnya is constant tension in the region, let us remember the tragedy of Beslan!

- The planned attack by foreign powers, we naturally think of the Syrian conflict and the oil monarchies who have seen their "plans" recently ruined by Russian diplomacy ...

It is childish to think that the Russians will sit idle...If the culprit and its sponsor are found, whether it is Bandar or other, they will find themselves in a dead end alley wearing their genitals as a bow tie.
Another article that points Bandar....
Wahhabi groups controlled by Bandar attack Russia with the complicity of the CIA
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By Philippe Tourel
Published on: 12/30/13
The Wahhabi-inspired terrorist groups seeking to disrupt the Olympic Games in Sochi which holds tremendous success Vladimir Putin perpetrating spectacular attacks across the Russian territory. As we have seen in the city of Volgograd. How will react the Russian state? He will fight against the Saudi and Qatari financial of these groups?


After failing to overthrow the Syrian regime, the jihadi groups and takfiris, of Wahhabi inspiration turned against Russia they hold responsible for their collapse in Syria. Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the almighty head of Saudi intelligence, and liege man of the CIA, which was received - at his request, twice by Russian President Vladimir Putin , in less than a year for convince in vain to release Bashar al-Assad in exchange for lucrative contracts, so going at top speed and uses terrorist groups that control the bend, with the blessing of the CIA. All this weeks Olympic Winter Games in Sochi that some Western leaders, including François Hollande comes to pay a visit to Saudi Arabia where he called for overthrow Bashar al-Assad, have already announced they will boycott. To replace that? At the same nebula jihadist strikes today at the heart of Russia, more precisely the city of Volgograd. What will the reaction of the master of the Kremlin to this "insult"? He will, as some analysts believe, take the fight to the heart of the Wahhabi kingdom? Knowing the determination of Putin in his relentless war against terrorism and its funding, it is more than likely. According to Russian official information published following the second meeting between Bandar and Putin held December 3, 2013, "Putin and Bandar Sultan spoke at length about the Syrian case in the light of the Geneva talks II will be held on January 22. They exchanged views for hours on this subject. "The situation in Iran and Egypt were discussed. But according to unofficial Russian sources, the meeting had resulted in a total failure either on Syria or Iran. She almost even turn into a undiplomatic verbal confrontation.

Bandar Bin Sultan was thought clever to offer his guest to curb the enthusiasm of terrorist groups Chechen "he controls, to allow the Sochi Olympics itself out" (sic!)

The reaction was immediate and virulent Putin. "If the Salafists set foot in AsiaCentrale, we will break their feet. "

Russian services were expecting terrorist attacks during this period. They even had foiled some including Moscow.

By choosing the city of Volgograd (Stalingrad from 1925 to 1961), located along the Volga in southern Russia), symbol of heroic resistance against the Nazis during the Second World War, the terrorists had wanted to demoralize the opinion Russian public.

In his latest video online this summer, Doku Umarov, the self-proclaimed leader of the Chechen Islamist rebellion in the Russian Caucasus, the Russian president had warned of an impending wave of terrorism on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi, on the edge of the Black Sea and at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains.

Click to view the video:

A few weeks before the second meeting Putin-Bandar, the first attack took place 21 October 2013 in a bus Volgograd, killing seven people and wounding 30. A 30 year old woman, a native of Dagestan (Russian Caucasus republic of) would be suicide bomber. Naïda Assialova was the wife of a Russian girl from the suburbs of Moscow, Dmitry Sokolov, converted to Wahhabism and specializes in the manufacture of explosives. Member of a terrorist group Makhachkala, capital of Dagestan, Sokolov is involved in the organization of numerous attacks in the region. According to the newspaper, it was he who had "prepared" his wife in the attack.

On Sunday 29 and Monday, December 30, two other attacks that seem to bear the mark of the jihadist group Doku Umarov took place. Sunday, at least 17 people died and forty were injured in an explosion at the station in Volgograd.Monday morning, 14 people were killed and 28 injured by a suicide bombing that completely destroyed a trolley downtown.

Russia had not experienced an attack of this magnitude since the January 24, 2011 in Moscow airport Domodedovo, which had killed 37 people. The attack had already been claimed by Umarov. In all three cases, the target is a busy public place where civilians have died as anonymous unrelated disorders in the Caucasus or the Olympics.

Commenting on the attacks, Karim Bouali (journalist Algeria Algerian Site patriotic) writes that " the West is waging a war to Russia by terrorists interposed. " He added :

"It would be hard not to detect a coincidence between the series of terrorist attacks in Russia and support the country to Syria and Ukraine. This relationship between the deterioration of the security situation in Russia and the events that shook the two countries is all the more plausible that Moscow continues its policy of resistance to hegemonic Western inclinations. We must remember that the EU is trying to put all its weight to push Ukraine to jump into the arms of the European ogre, in order to further weaken Russia, which has seen his last years, nibble geostrategic areas. But the Kremlin, which seems to recover, eventually won the standoff by giving his neighbor a loan when Europe tended to perch the Ukrainian opposition, proposing an aid of 20 billion euros, remained at the stage of promise. In the Syrian dossier, Russia, like China, has reacted strongly to Western attempts to make the regime and replace it with an Islamist government, funded by Qatar and the fall in Saudi Arabia , and armed by France and Great Britain. All attempts of this country quarteron unbolt the immovable Bashar Al-Assad were doomed to failure. On the diplomatic front, the Russian veto rendered obsolete the frantic efforts of Paris to impose a resolution for a military intervention of NATO in Syria, as was the case in Libya. On the military side, sending weapons and secret agents to form the Syrian rebellion terrorism was vain. The Syrian army continues to score points with, among others, the military support of Russia, which considers the Arab country as one of the last bastions against the influence of the West. The recent terrorist attacks in Volgograd, who made thirty dead, are a response to the firmness of Moscow that the West wants to break through human bombs, the American invention experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq and exported in areas where conventional war is unfavorable to Western armies.
time has come for the end of Al-Sauds, they are their own enemy now ...I think Al-Sauds will be the next target of change, for the good for all of humanity
time has come for the end of Al-Sauds, they are their own enemy now ...I think Al-Sauds will be the next target of change, for the good for all of humanity

Can you go with us for a ride till we get targeted? :rofl:

What does KSA have to do with this? :lol: The attack was orchestrated by a local terror group.

He gave you negative rating too....I also wondering why he gave me negative rating. Anyway....

You were rewarded with a negative rating because of your useless post :D
Can you go with us for a ride till we get targeted? :rofl:

What does KSA have to do with this? :lol: The attack was orchestrated by a local terror group.

You were rewarded with a negative rating because of your useless post :D

As long as something makes you happy. MoI guy.....lolzzzzzz
Nothing personal ...lolzz (Now this thread news is endorsing by many media outlets)

And you can't help reporting them. :lol:

Now seriously, I don't think KSA is going to benefit from using this kind of terror at all.
And you can't help reporting them. :lol:

Now seriously, I don't think KSA is going to benefit from using this kind of terror at all.

I know what you saying, but big difference in monarchy and democracy. In monarchy very few people take decision and chances of wrong decision is very high. In democracy , if one govt takes wrong turn then next one has more chances to make it right. No ego involve in democracy. But in monarchy , clan leader repo is always on stake.
This is in no way related to what I said. Anyway:

In monarchy very few people take decision and chances of wrong decision is very high.

This isn't how things work :no:

It depends on what kind of decision you're talking about. In many cases, decisions will be made after spending a tremendous amount of time to find out the pros and cons of every decision.

Additionally, state officials including ministers can't remain in power forever, no clan or King or a prince or a minister can come up with something new without having the approval of the Cabinet, Ministerial Council, and the Shura Council. As such, if something went wrong, the whole Gov't bears the responsibility for it, and try to fix the damage. We did go through this before, and learned valuable lessons from it.

In democracy , if one govt takes wrong turn then next one has more chances to make it right. No ego involve in democracy.

Not always true. We've already seen the best or the-best-yet-to-come from many democratic countries like Greece, Russia, or maybe some countries which try to pretend to be democratic like South American countries or maybe Iran. Does that mean democracy is a remedy for all social illnesses? I doubt that.

I know what you saying, but big difference in monarchy and democracy. In monarchy very few people take decision and chances of wrong decision is very high. In democracy , if one govt takes wrong turn then next one has more chances to make it right. No ego involve in democracy. But in monarchy , clan leader repo is always on stake.
Safavids, especially Shah Ismail, Shah Tahmasb, and Shah Abbas The Great, were very wise political leaders. They had some conflicts with Ottomans as always any other neighbors have tensions between each other. About sects, they did converted many people into shiism, as a very wise political act, which is a well-established fact, and I praise them for uniting country in terms of religion, under one flag ;)
otherwise, currently, Iran would be f***ed up now like Syria, lebanon, Iraq and some of our eastern neighbors in terms of religious tensions. ;)

I see where you coming from, the unity of land and common faith among its inhabitants. The Safavids have also fulfilled the fascination for most Persian nationalists to achieve empire size states, the constant longing for conquest, expansion, and revenge.

Though I must say that the conversion subjected Iranians (among other factors) to a unique type of hostility by its neighbors (from East and West). This hostility is rarely if ever forgotten -- irrespective of the need for peace and reconciliation.

That is on top of other mutual racial hostilities as you know. That partially explains why the Arabs-Iranians enmity is deeply cemented -- and extremely resistant to logical solutions.

It got two sides, racial and sectarian – while the real reason is undoubtedly political.

I have also noted that the sectarian hostility within one religion can, sometimes, be stronger than the hostility with two different religions (e.g. Islam and Christianity).

So I partially agree that the Safavids have united Iran internally – but have also created a long term hostile international relations for it.
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