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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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some of then aint too bad

Yes they're actually very pretty. Well the ones I've met. Not into Indian chicks, but I've always found mixed races beautiful.
prefer Chinese guys. Pakistanis are bad people
Yes they're actually very pretty. Well the ones I've met. Not into Indian chicks, but I've always found mixed races beautiful.
true that. its interesting for eg. on one hand i find black women ugly, but on the other hand some of the black white mixes are amazing, i just saw a leona lewis vid 5 minutes back

soo hot...

Is she an African American actress?
google images from "chindian"
STOP IT. you guys are going off topic


The only one map Indians keep posting in almost 3000 -5000 years of history of this region is the 30 years life of Ashoka rule, and the map has been blasted so many times as being faked, lied upon and only came into existence during the later part of British raj of the subcontinent region. There is no map which has any existence and that too in damn color, lol.

Asoka and this Mauryan gibberish of whole ruling of South-Central Asia is another big Lie.

James Prinsep who is the only one who created this and brought back historical findings has made big flat lies, based on to divide the Muslim and Sikhs rule over Indian subcontinent, and give a worth to Hindus. James Prinsep around 1819 made these revelations from a small number of Buddhist sources itself, nothing to do with Hindus or Hindustan etc. It has no relevance with Bharat or India as its now called. Jame Prinsep was part of East India Company plan in order to capture the region from Muslims.

Remember I am not denying existence of Ashoka a Buddhism but making a claim of this empire, and this fake map existence. Ashkoa was only 40 years from the past 4000 years region history.
So racist. :no:

You guys are on the same skin color map as Africans, so it's hypocritical too.

dont quote me out of context scheming Cman,
besides who you find attractive is called "preference" while racism means something else entirely
true that. its interesting for eg. on one hand i find black women ugly, but on the other hand some of the black white mixes are amazing, i just saw a leona lewis vid 5 minutes back

soo hot...

google images from "chindian"

She's beautiful as well, btw I find black girls pretty :tup:

Btw I just googled Chindians, you should see all the hate comments from Chini men, seeing Chinese women marrying Indian guys :lol:
She's beautiful as well :tup:

Btw I just googled Chindians, you should see all the hate comments from Chini men, seeing Chinese women marrying Indian guys :lol:
i dont blame them. chinese women are throwing themselves to foreign men. from what i hear, if you are a white guy in mainland china, women will line up to have sex with you. not so much in hong kong and taiwan though

Only different that existed was between people east and West of Indus river. India extended until Indus river and your claim is not true. ;)
Region is a vague term as everything is a region from village to continent. The land was called Bharatam, Bharatavarsha or Bharat khand originating from Emperor Bharata referred to the land between Mountains of the North and three seas of the South. The same region was called as Hindustan and India and actually we don't need any kingdom to claim a Indian identity because its embedded in our culture.
Names of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to that the name Pakistan was coined by Choudhary Rahmat Ali and there is no basis of Pakistan identity apart from two nation theory. Unlike Indians there is no historical basis for Pakistan identity.

Thats what am pointing out, it is a vague, and faulty term, it has no real basis, other than constitution of India, linking Bharat and India as one term, while there is no historical existence of Bharat Kingdom or India Kingdom or Hindustan Empire. It has no basis and certainly not a country or state.

Second part of your comment, Do you think Pakistan would have ever existed if Muslims of nearly over 300m never existed in the subcontinent region?
She's beautiful as well, btw I find black girls pretty :tup:

Btw I just googled Chindians, you should see all the hate comments from Chini men, seeing Chinese women marrying Indian guys :lol:

Why? So many people across the world love East Asian women, that's a good thing not a bad thing. :lol:

dont quote me out of context scheming Cman,
besides who you find attractive is called "preference" while racism means something else entirely

Check the skin color map, you Indians are exactly the same skin color as Africans. So you have no right to make comments about their skin color. :no:
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