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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Everyone was once an convert. But we share history with Mughals since we ruled over your people.
How so ?
Explain... there is a difference in being free to adopt and being dragged ......

Anyhow it appears that since you take great pride in belonging to folks who were forcefully converted and later took part in crimes against your once own hindus-its a matter of shame.

Actually this mentality was shown in great effect in East pakistanh, when your army went on an orgy of rape and pillage to "muslimify" the bengali populace..... Since the same rape and pillage was what forces your ancestors to adopt the current relegion, the seeds of barbarism was sowed back then and continues to blossom now and then....
Men seem like western UP people were offended when i suggested UP and Bihar are same. Why biharis are hated by even up walas?

Snowwhite, I told you your real history why you getting angry. :omghaha:
How so ?
Explain... there is a difference in being free to adopt and being dragged ......

Anyhow it appears that since you take great pride in belonging to folks who were forcefully converted and later took part in crimes against your once own hindus-its a matter of shame.

Actually this mentality was shown in great effect in East pakistanh, when your army went on an orgy of rape and pillage to "muslimify" the bengali populace..... Since the same rape and pillage was what forces your ancestors to adopt the current relegion, the seeds of barbarism was sowed back then and continues to blossom now and then....

I know in Dravidian schools it always taught that we have no identity like you guys. But we are IVC inhabitants and mostly converted through feudalism. It would take millions of years to convert people through swords. Once a feudal lord is converted, then the population can be converted easily. Same what Spanish used to do with Mayans and Incas.

But eventually after we stop believing in torching widows alive, burying girl babies, and killing people based on caste, we rose up and started ruling you again. Good AINT it
Pakistani heritage is since 1947, before that they were part of british ruled India and before that savages like all of SE asia.

One thing I hate to see, is spewing plain lies. If Pakistani heritage is since 1947, Muslim Pakistan would have never come into existence or the two nation theory had no basis at all, Do you understand what I meant with this sentence. The advent of Muslims in 664 the Muslim Umayyad Caliphate, led by Al Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah towards Multan in Southern Punjab, in modern day Pakistan, become the seeds of Pakistan based on Islamic ideology.

Before British rule of 150 years, there was nothing called India or country, it has always been the Central-South Asian region and always, I mean the region always had Kingdoms & Empires.

Even the world 'Subcontinent' is an English term coined after 1800s.

Pakistanis or its IVC is as similar to India and its Gandara |Civilization as Zimbabwe is to England. Nearly 90%+ Indians has no similarity to Pakistanis, except a few Punjabis or the Kashmirs. It is pretty easy to recognize the complete differences in almost all aspects of life, style, face features and personality between Pakistanis and Indians nowadays, and this is how it existed centuries before too.
Ahh okay so now Dravids are now claimed of IVC and GVC. Good to know

Beta, bring some proof, I already proved Indians are the realest inheritors of both IVC and GVC.
@INDIC @Icewolf

The world is planning and working on gaining so much in Science and Technology as well as in Art and in other fields and you people are still stuck in this age old debate that who actually owns which Civilization/Monument or an Apple was invented by Indians..an Orange by Pakistanies etc ...keep on indulging yourself in Sabzi and Fruit Inventions/Debates only:meeting:

Just watch this Video and see the comparison yourself! You Backward People!:enjoy:

Before British rule of 150 years, there was nothing called India or country, it has always been the Central-South Asian region and always, I mean the region always had Kingdoms & Empires.

India/Bharat/Hindustan have existed till eternity,(the land until Indus river), the term Pakistan was heard for the first time only in 1930s and came into existence in 1947. ;)
Beta, bring some proof, I already proved Indians are the realest inheritors of both IVC and GVC.

Alright buddy I agree with you! Dravids are sole inheritor of every civilization of earth.
I know in Dravidian schools it always taught that we have no identity like you guys. But we are IVC inhabitants and mostly converted through feudalism. It would take millions of years to convert people through swords. Once a feudal lord is converted, then the population can be converted easily. Same what Spanish used to do with Mayans and Incas.

But eventually after we stop believing in torching widows alive, burying girl babies, and killing people based on caste, we rose up and started ruling you again. Good AINT it

All of india does not have dravidian roots. I guess these are not taught in the pakistani 20 rupees fee a month madrassas..but hey cheap education does enable a person to take great faith in his ancestors being raped and converted .

WHat do you mean converted by fuedalism? Its slavery..it means there was a strong man in your ancestors village who whipped the living daylights of your ancestors into following his will.and that continues ...the fuedal lord , who abused your ancestors, decided to convert to islam, and then whipped your ancestors asses into accepoting the same.
This is what you yourself are suggesting..

Rule us ..yeah right convert,
One thing I hate to see, is spewing plain lies. If Pakistani heritage is since 1947, Muslim Pakistan would have never come into existence or the two nation theory had no basis at all, Do you understand what I meant with this sentence. The advent of Muslims in 664 the Muslim Umayyad Caliphate, led by Al Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah towards Multan in Southern Punjab, in modern day Pakistan, become the seeds of Pakistan based on Islamic ideology.
Before British rule of 150 years, there was nothing called India or country, it has always been the Central-South Asian region and always, I mean the region always had Kingdoms & Empires.
Even the world 'Subcontinent' is an English term coined after 1800s.
Pakistanis or its IVC is as similar to India and its Gandara |Civilization as Zimbabwe is to England. Nearly 90%+ Indians has no similarity to Pakistanis, except a few Punjabis or the Kashmirs. It is pretty easy to recognize the complete differences in almost all aspects of life, style, face features and personality between Pakistanis and Indians nowadays, and this is how it existed centuries before to

The crux of the matter is you dont have to be a pakistani to be a muslim in SE asia.The bangladeshi broke away from your nation. Reflect on what i wrote and question your learning.
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