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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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When govt blocked social media on Friday to stop TLP organizing, every Pakistani was calling it against freedom of speech and cursing the govt. Now that TLP has reorganized with free and open social media, even Indian accounts are supporting on going protests.
This is all happening because Pakistanis can't make up their minds. They want fitna of TLP gone without sacrificing anything for it.
That decision would have been taken based on intel reports from ISI, IB, Police etc. But all the pseudo liberals in Pakistan including Dawn were croaking about it. When required even the so called custodian of the free world - USA blocked it's own President Trumps twitter and other social media accounts. But these cnuts were complaining. If their office is burnt down by the Ishq-e-Rasool(SAW) momins I would not shed a tear.

Editorial: Govt's blanket ban on social media communication has set a dark and dangerous precedent

One possible solution, stupid as it may sound. Government should discuss with the leadership of TLP that they'll expel the French ambassador but in return TLP will be disbanded and their leaders will never take part in politics. I am sure this is not much of a price to pay for Ishq e Rasool (SAWW) i.e. if they really are!
More chances are that they'll not agree to these terms. Might help PTI government in unveiling their true motives (politics and power) infront of masses and reduce their support.
Pak needs a firewall like China to block certain content on social media.
China is light years ahead of pakistan in terms of control and technology.Also they have alternatives where they can control the flow of information.Also what will a common man in pakistan will do. what else do they have without social media considering there are close to no outlets for entertainment for youth
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All this hue and cry. Pages full of rant. Nothing will happen. Absolutely nothing. This is nothing new in Pakistan where a group has come out on the streets. Things will be forgotten in a matter of days.
All this hue and cry. Pages full of rant. Nothing will happen. Absolutely nothing. This is nothing new in Pakistan where a group has come out on the streets. Things will be forgotten in a matter of days.
Not when all major religious parties are supporting TLP terrorists
Establishment killing tlp on the expense of PTI politics. Well played boys. You guys were wonderful in model Town, Red mosque and in karachi.
On the topic. Tlp should be banned and jailed but killing is not the right way.
Exactly. Deep down inside all religious parties are radical extremists. Now govt must ban them all as they did with TLP to stop their nonsense.

I sincerely hope so, for Pakistan to progress these snakes need to be caged for good. GOP needs to act fast time is not on thier side.
Exactly. Deep down inside all religious parties are radical extremists. Now govt must ban them all as they did with TLP to stop their nonsense.
I don't think you know how deep the problem is. If you did what your asking it would unite them all and trust me that is the last thing you want. Best strategy is take each one down one by one. This issue was pregnated in 1947 and has been gestating for the last 70 years. You can't just erase it now.

There is a reason why PMIK acts more momin then even the Ishq-e-Rasool(SAW) momins. That is the only way to pull the rug underneath them even if the situation goes sureal and almost brings to mind The Gulag Archipelago, where Solzhenitsyn describes how the crowd begin clapping and clapping for Stalin. They clap harder to out do the other until eleven minutes later people begin bleading and falling down in exhaustion. That is how crazy it looks sometimes. That is why PMIK made those statements about rape which shocked his followers in the west. What they did not know was he was obliging that crazy crowd and thus hoping to placate/please them like our clappers in The Gulag.
pakistan need a population halt ..... its growing like anything and all of them are born illiterate resulting more and more easy targets of extremism, and for God sake for few years our establishment should stop creating any more mess like MQM TTP and TLP ... when we will learn lesson???? what have we become??i can bet a muslim is more safe in a non muslim country than here in pakistan.
One possible solution, stupid as it may sound. Government should discuss with the leadership of TLP that they'll expel the French ambassador but in return TLP will be disbanded and their leaders will never take part in politics. I am sure this is not much of a price to pay for Ishq e Rasool (SAWW) i.e. if they really are!
More chances are that they'll not agree to these terms. Might help PTI government in unveiling their true motives (politics and power) infront of masses and reduce their support.
Disagree. First it will paint Pakistan as a weak, banana republic. Secondly it will embolden TLP even more. In fact I think the government should have taken this action right at the begining. As histort has shown jus by now every time state gave a incxh it lost a yard and that yard turned into mile. Think TTP, think Swat etc.

But again I add the caveat I don't know the full picture. Could the state be aware of danger of mutiny in the security apparatus?
Establishment killing tlp on the expense of PTI politics.
Why on the expense of PTI? It is in the interest of PTI to get rid of all radical Islamic parties as party stands for moderate Islam.
In these very forums I have been screaming about this for well near a decade. Now you can see the battle developing between the state and the defenders of Ishq-e-Rasool(SAW).

And anybody doubting is more then welcome to go and discuss with these guys that they are not espousing Ishq-e-Rasool(SAW) but that the state is. See the reaction.

It is question of belief. Their belief is they are the true, yes TRUE defenders of Islam and sipahi of Ishq-e-Rasool(SAW).

Anybody who has read European history will know they went through centuries of mass bloodshed and wars of religion. Between catholics and protestatants, between catholics and hugenots, between themselves. Europe tore itself apart. Until centuries of bloodshed they wore out and decided.

Religion. Let's keep it in private space. And birth of secularism. That is why the once mighty pope now rules only Vatican. A tiny area size of a cricket field in centre of Roman. All other temporal power rests with European secular governments.

@Joe Shearer @saiyan0321
My diagnosis is different on the subject. I my opinion religion should be from state given our particular circumstances and needs. You once asked why other Muslim countries are not burning? That’s because all there Mosques, Ulama and so forth are part of state sanctioned structures. In our country every two bit person can build a mosque and start preaching as he wants. We have left this very powerful aspect of our society in complete autonomy giving rise to parallel system answerable to no one. While any every Muslim country that is worth being taken as an example this is not allowed.

In Islam, state is the authority on religion. We have delegated it to individuals and are reaping the results.
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