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Time to create Ottoman Empire 2.0

I would say It is time to create Persian empire 2.0..more durable..
PS: Iran was never part of Ottman empire.
persian empire.jpg
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan

you missed Hindu-stan
It may not be a good reference for many Turks. Because when the Ottomans are mentioned, we think of more betrayal, tribes bought with golds or worse with empty dreams, and elements that eagerly accepted to be the proxy terrorist organization of the western states that swore to destroy the East. With the vacuum created by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the colonial areas of the western world that spread from Africa to Siberia grew by about 10%.

Shortly, We don't need to resurrect anything. What we need is to create a fair, equal and fraternal order that is suitable for today's world.

Turkey and Pakistan (and most countries in the list) are Turks and will staunchly oppose a Persian Empire.
But for most of the 6 century history of the state you refer to, its eastern neighbors were the Turkish or Turko-Iranian states. Turks are an inseparable part of Iran's geography and of course today's Iranian state. Iranian nations and Turks have shared their homes and homelands for centuries. The dynamic that enabled the Turks to settle in Anatolia, Egypt and the Levant geographies was made possible by the power that the Turks gathered in the lands of today's Iran.
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan

When the time comes what's to say India will not also be merged? Your old Muslim masters will return from sabbatical.

Will be just like the good old times (before the brits).
oh what happened to your plan for “undivided india”?

India will be annexed by Pakistan.

When the time comes what's to say India will not also be merged? Your old Muslim masters will return from sabbatical.

Will be just like the good old times (before the brits).

Yes but annexing India will the responsibility of Pakistan as it is the only country having a border with India. Turkey will provide military, economic and political/diplomatic support to Pakistan to make it happen.
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