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According to maps N.Iraq is under KRG control but PKK rules 1/3 of the region and almost all mountain areas.
After a couple of months of ops no alphabet soup terrorist scum orgs - illegitimate brain children of illegitimate agents at the foreign intelligence - will be all dead and gone to Hell!! They drew the maps to optimize the pains to Turkey, who is simply redrawing them....
My post still is an answer towards edited parts of your post.

I am talking about after the Kirkuk crisis between Bağdat and KRG, not before. Iraqi officials told us dozens of times that they are ready to cooperate and fight PKK together with Turkey, until our retard in palace starts threatening Iraq for no reason.
I don't remember any joint Iraqi-Turkish anti PKK operations in the close past but I remember such moves with KRG. Also the protests over Turkish operations on "Iraqi" territory are not after Kirkuk crisis. They always protested against such operations and airstrikes. At the end we must just invade KRG territory 20km deep and make a security zone and if attacks are following expanding our security zone 2km at attack and then both the KRG and the Iraqi Central Government will understand if you can fck with Turkey or not. Im pissed of governments that cant secure the territories inside their own countries and cry when Turkey decide to do it. If they are not going to prevent terrorists from their territory to enter Turkey then we will. Its not that hard.
Having some control on Sinjar region is a way to cut supply lines to North Syria...
The Next Target...
Having Turkey involved in North Iraq region... is a way to weaken KRG and therefore give more leverage to Iraqi Gov in the Coming elections... and an attempt to reshuffle the power table in the next KRG election... (In few month)

This op...is not just for "Turkey"...
I don't remember any joint Iraqi-Turkish anti PKK operations in the close past
Okay my head starts hurting..

I am talking about after the Kirkuk crisis, not before. Current Bağdat government was not ruling Iraq for 20 years. They came to power while ISIS started occupying half of it's country, and KRG took advantage to occupy Iraq's further territories by giving IS as an excuse. After Kirkuk operation, Iraqi officials offered us cooperation against PKK dozens of times.


Turkey's business is between Kandil mountains and Khabur triangle, between Iraq, Syria, Turkey where YPG and KRG connects, and where USA feeds it's terrorist proxy in northern Syria. Clearly not Sinjar, specially after all those words our president told Iraq for no reason. We acted like an aggressive side, this will not work.

Oh you want to work with Iraq again? Show some respect them, apology them, starts further cooperation with them like arming them training them. You will collect fruits afterwards. Retards like Erdoğan is a clear disaster for our foreign policy.
Having some control on Sinjar region is a way to cut supply lines to North Syria...
The Next Target...
Having Turkey involved in North Iraq region... is a way to weaken KRG and therefore give more leverage to Iraqi Gov in the Coming elections...

This op...is not just for "Turkey"...

The iraqis have sent their army to sinjar i think to protect the pkk/ybs. That kinda looks to me like they "somewhat want to protect the pkk".
Okay my head starts hurting..

I am talking about after the Kirkuk crisis, not before. Current Bağdat government was not ruling Iraq for 20 years. They came to power while ISIS started occupying half of it's country, and KRG took advantage to occupy Iraq's further territories by giving IS as an excuse. After Kirkuk operation, Iraqi officials offered us cooperation against PKK dozens of times.


Turkey's business is between Kandil mountains and Khabur triangle, between Iraq, Syria, Turkey where YPG and KRG connects, and where USA feeds it's terrorist proxy in northern Syria. Clearly not Sinjar, specially after all those words our president told Iraq for no reason. We acted like an aggressive side, this will not work.

Oh you want to work with Iraq again? Show some respect them, apology them, starts further cooperation with them like arming them training them. You will collect fruits afterwards. Retards like Erdoğan is a clear disaster for our foreign policy.
And what they have done to control PKK? Taking PKK affiliate YBS under their command umbrella. KDP is giving us the same messages and what are they doing? PKK is active in their territory. We saw in the Kirkuk crisis that PUK listens to Iraq but wait a second... PKK and PUK are related and are opposing KDP. The conclusion is that non of the sides worth it. If Iraq is going to help us with PKK then we must help them with KDP. I know what is their problem and desire.
The iraqis have sent their army to sinjar i think to protect the pkk/ybs. That kinda looks to me like they "somewhat want to protect the pkk".
Iraqi central Gov, don't want PKK or any affiliate... At some moment in those past years, they had to close their eyes bc of a common enemy...but now it's over... PKK&Co are becoming a liability... and more powerful...

KRG/PUK land grabbing since the ISIS events is also not to the liking of Iraqi gov...
But, in this current situation, they can't just say "Hey guys, give it back!" They need an "Excuse" and this escuse is PKK... But they can't do it alone, bc of KRG support and International "blindness"... so they need "Someone" who share the same "Enemy" and has the "Will" and "Manpower" to do so... and that's is Turkey.
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Taking PKK affiliate YBS under their command umbrella.
You forgot something, they started paying YBŞ (yazidi PKK) payments after Erdoğan threatened Iraq for Iraq's Mosul operation (mosul was under IS control before the operation) o_O

Lets, stop blaming others for our own stupidity. You hit them, they will try to hit you back. Just don't hit them, and they will not hit you.

It's that easy.
You forgot something, they started paying YBŞ (yazidi PKK) payments after Erdoğan threatened Iraq for Iraq's Mosul operation (mosul was under IS control before the operation) o_O

Lets, stop blaming others for our own stupidity. You hit them, they will try to hit you back. Just don't hit them, and they will not hit you.

It's that easy.
When they started PUK payments? When we started KRG payments against PKK. And we are coming to the start of my messages "We pressure PUK/PKK/Iraq with KDP and Iraq is pressuring us with PUK/PKK. KDP is traitor so you hit hard on the table.
When they started PUK payments? When we started KRG payments against PKK. And we are coming to the start of my messages "We pressure PUK/PKK/Iraq with KDP and Iraq is pressuring us with PUK/PKK. KDP is traitor.
I am talking about YBŞ, not PUK or KDP? You talked about YBŞ and that is why i talked about YBŞ o_O

Blaming others for our own mistakes may feel better, therefor it's just a denial and not a solution.
I am talking about YBŞ, not PUK or KDP? You talked about YBŞ and that is why i talked about YBŞ o_O

Blaming others for our own mistakes may feel better, therefot it'ss just a denial and not a solution.
YBS/PKK/PUK they are multiple names for the same gamer. Some older some younger.
YBS/PKK/PUK they are multiple names for the same gamer. Some older some younger.
YBS is PKK's yazidi wing. PUK is a rival against KDP, supported by Iran and revolutionary guards. PUK is not PKK nor YBS. You probably confused names so much.

KRG, a seperatist region in Iraq divided into two main region; KDP (Erbil and surrounding), and PUK (Süleymaniye and surrounding). These are political dictatorships that rule the land.
The iraqis have sent their army to sinjar i think to protect the pkk/ybs. That kinda looks to me like they "somewhat want to protect the pkk".

Perhaps they send and have army presence in Sinjar because... Sinjar is Iraqi territory that falls outside of KRG but under Baghdad command.
YBS is PKK's yazidi wing. PUK is a rival against KDP, supported by Iran and revolutionary guards. PUK is not PKK nor YBS. You probably confused names so much.

KRG, a secessionary region in Iraq divided into two main region; KDP (Erbil and surrounds), and PUK (Süleymaniye and surrounding). These are political dictatorshipts that rule the land.
I am confusing nothing. PUK with their own peshmerga have also PKK as unofficial armed wing. The ultimate goal of PKK and KDP is the same. Independent Kurdistan while Iraq controls PUK. Thats why when PUK peshmerga retreated on Iraqs command PKK stayed. The thing is that we couldn't control KDP like we wanted because our power there was because of fear while the situation with Iraq and PUK is not like that. The relation between Iraq and PUK is stronger.
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