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The problem of Turkey is the border areas from where they cross to Turkish territory. If we have to be clear PKK is not a problem for Iraq its a problem for Turkey. KRG will give a support for such operation and even joint operation can occur like in the past but what about the Iraqi central government? What is stopping the Iraqi central government to give a green light for the solution of the biggest problem of Turkey? It would be good if we act together but as I see there is little hope so we will most probably act on our own. “If (Baghdad) cannot, we may turn up in Sinjar suddenly one night and clean up the PKK there”.

Border area is just an entry point, entry points are not the problem but an enabler for PKK to cross in and out of Turkey. If you want to destroy the enabler (impossible in this situation). That leaves the real problem which lies in the KRG itself, a safe haven for the PKK (gerila) whatever they wish to call themselves.

The KRG is not going to seriously combat the PKK, their support is vocal and one to save face in front of Turkey and the US, do not forget that they traveled from Qandil through KDP territory to PUK territory --> Kirkuk not too long ago to fight the ISF alongside KDP Peshmerga.

The Iraqi government refrains from giving green light because approval for such an operation would come with long-term results which are unapproved foreign bases, this is to be seen from the Bashiqa base which Baghdad did not approve of and has no purpose other than influence as ISis defeated and there is no PKK there. It's a base established and maintained on lies, one of the lie is that it would be removed once IS was defeated.

If Turkey was to propose a solely military operation, in and out to destroy the PKK and leave then there would be no need to meet it with opposition. However given what it would take to achieve destruction of the PKK that would not be an in and out operation but one of building bases, which still is not enough as they're roaming the KRG freely. It requires intervention against the KRG itself, which has to come from Baghdad given it is the entity legally able to make such changes.

Tell me about PKK activity pre 1991, then you will know the breathing room the PKK has been given by the KRG since the Iraqi army (under Saddam back then) was forced to leave the north as a result of the northern no-fly zone. KRG is the enabler of PKK, solving that problem requires tackling the enabler.
I really like Turkey's strategy at the moment. Instead of being on the defensive and protecting its border it is pushing the line of defense away from its border to the south. In Iraq our special forces are using the same tactics as PKK right now. Small task forces who roam the area and go on search and destroy missions ala guerilla warfare.
Yarubiya gate is vital to the forces that protect the PKK. Probably after the PKK was forced to make a statement , operation date was taken to end of March. Institutionalization of the pkk( with ybs or other names ) here, a very important issue for Turkey's national security.
Sinjar where exactly, Sinjar is under ISF control as far as I know (according to maps).
Be prepared for the incoming propaganda:
"Turkey finishing ISIS genocide of yezidis!!!"
"ISIS come back in NATO uniform!!"
"#stopsinjaryezidigenocide #barbarturkey"



These terrorist supporters are all mentally ill b!tches... you can only heal them with a bullet in the head. :suicide:
According to maps N.Iraq is under KRG control but PKK rules 1/3 of the region and almost all mountain areas.

Sinjar is not under KRG anymore. No PKK in Sinjar, a remnant of YBS militia remained who are under Baghdad command.

It's stated by ministry of defense that there's no military activity in Sinjar and that it's under ISF control.
Sinjar is not under KRG anymore. No PKK in Sinjar, a remnant of YBS militia remained who are under Baghdad command.

It's stated by ministry of defense that there's no military activity in Sinjar and that it's under ISF control.

Looks that under ISF control?
PKK occupied Iraqi Territories but you guys do nothing.

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