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Ties strained as India cuts fuel subsidy to Bhutan

There goes the last friendly neighbour for India :taz:
and who are these other BIG NATIONS?

:))))))))))))))) US? Russia?

and if you are using a friendly nation for own interests then you had raciprocate it as well hence no why and buts and ifs here.

Smartly avoided the tricky part in first post and replied to second !!! :woot:

Well i think you are here for enough time to understand that. So i let that to your KNOWLEDGE !!!

now you dont like ifs and buts ??? Just remember that in other threads too

Nivody is using them. Its call controlling favours. You have to be in desired area to receive the favour. And i didnt see India stopping Bhutan from anything. India is just stopping its own charity.

If you think Bhutan has strategic importance that China can exploit then India too have some options that can be expolited against said nation. No worries.

There goes the last friendly neighbour for India :taz:

And we bid fare well to them.
Do post when they returns taking a full U-turn.
Bhutan was the first nation to send troops in 1962 war.

Though Bhutan's ties with China are bad due to the Chinese arrogance and Bhutan is making great effort to improve ties with China, India should take a page from American foreign policy. Traditional American allies like Thailand making a tilt towards China still USA-Thai ties remain unaffected.
Wana bet ??? ;)

sure :D, no matter which govt comes into power will not give that army transit because we are not allies and most of the bangladeshis do not like India that much. Furthermore army always plays big role in this issue and BD army has strong ties with China :oops:
Then we shall carve out the necessary transit rout from your puny country by force.How about that Bangal babu??
Just a thought.

Hey,I just trolled a trol.

try that if you can ...i wish you could troll :omghaha:
sure :D, no matter which govt comes into power will not give that army transit because we are not allies and most of the bangladeshis do not like India that much. Furthermore army always plays big role in this issue and BD army has strong ties with China :oops:

Then you should be updating your PM ASAP on this :rofl: i hope you understand what i mean. ;)
Then you should be updating your PM ASAP on this :rofl: i hope you understand what i mean. ;)

nothing to worry about PM, even she did not able to give you transit fully for your goods and she also being forced to spend more in armed forces to increase armed forces strength :D
nothing to worry about PM, even she did not able to give you transit fully for your goods and she also being forced to spend more in armed forces to increase armed forces strength :D

Right now we are happy with the things she is giving us ;)
Well we have difference of opinion here. So we have to wait till the need arises.
BTW you should be buying Chinese weapons then NOT Russian ;) they might not function against India.
Right now we are happy with the things she is giving us ;)
Well we have difference of opinion here. So we have to wait till the need arises.
BTW you should be buying Chinese weapons then NOT Russian ;) they might not function against India.

we have many sources for weapons:-

China, Russia, Serbia,South korea, Turkey etc

btw Belarus has passed a bill in parliament to increase defence ties with Bangladesh which includes joint weapons projects, sharing technologies. PM is now in England , from there she will go to Belarus to finalize the deal ;)
we have many sources for weapons:-

China, Russia, Serbia,South korea, Turkey etc

btw Belarus has passed a bill in parliament to increase defence ties with Bangladesh which includes joined weapons projects, sharing technologies. PM is now in England , from there she will go to Belarus to finalize the deal ;)

Thats great news :tup: hope you forces get what they want. And Belarus should help you with your ancient airforce :tup:
So if something happen between our countries people should not say India destroyed small force ;)
Thats great news :tup: hope you forces get what they want. And Belarus should help you with your ancient airforce :tup:
So if something happen between our countries people should not say India destroyed small force ;)

do not worry about airforce, within 10 years you will see 5 layers air defense system which will make no-flying zone to the enemy :D

2X free Upodesh:

1.Never wish for something which you actually do not want.

2.Be carefull what you wish for;it might come true!!

OOOOOOOokkkkkk :laughcry:

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