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Tibet will be Free’ says a massive banner welcoming Xi to US.

Harry Potter

Dec 14, 2011
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Tibet will be Free’ says a banner welcoming Xi to US.
'Xi Jinping: Tibet Will Be Free' reads a 52′ x 20′ foot banner rappelled over the Arlington Memorial Bridge in Washington D.C. welcoming China’s heir apparent, Xi on Monday. The two Tibet activists, Bianca Bockman and Tenzin Jigme were arrested and later released. (Photo/SFT)

DHARAMSHALA, February 14: As Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping landed in the U.S. Monday for a trip that includes meeting with President Obama, Tibetans and supporters unfurled a huge banner.


‘Tibet will be Free’ says a banner welcoming Xi to US | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News
OMG, My fellow Americans finally starting to get it.

Cathy Justice on WSJ comment section wrote:

I wonder why we are so obsessed with Tibet. There about all together 4 million Tibetans in the whole world, and most of them live in China. All over news these people are being murdered, ignored, and abused, thanks to the commies in China. The fact is that these ignored and abused population increased at an astonishing rate of 10.7‰ way about China's national average over the same time frame. The total population of Tibetans grew from about 1 million to nearly 3 million under the commies from 1953, while the population of Tibetans remained about 1 million for over 100 years prior to that. Check the stats on Wikipedia. Our native American population is about 4 million (roughly the same as Tibetans) including anyone with a drop of native blood, and "Native Americans rank at the bottom of nearly every social statistic: highest teen suicide rate of all minorities at 18.5 per 100,000, highest rate of teen pregnancy, highest high school drop-out rate at 54%, lowest per capita income, and unemployment rates between 50% to 90%. " Why are we spending so much time and effort to lecture China on taking care of its own citizens? How would we as a country to respond if the Chinese leadership/lawmakers expressed concerns for us failing to take care of our native Americans? We have reservations for the native Americans, but in China the reservations are for pandas! "Free Tibet?" Who are we kidding?

Harry Flupper then wrote:
To those obssessed with the Tibetan cause,the golden opportunuity is here to show that you share not only the aspirations of the Tibetan people (as propagated by the anti China circles), but also that you share their pain. You can immolate yourself outside the White House to show your disgust with the Chinese guest. Lets see if the US Government is more adept at handling this sort of protestors compared to the Chinese. Otherwise you are hypocrites in encouraging those foolish and misguided Tibetans who immolate themsleves without being prepared to make the same sacrifice.

Any Indian Tibet lovers want to take up Harry's challenge outside the Chinese embassy in Delhi??? The petro is on me. I'll PayPal your family.
They can raise dozens of such banners. Nothing is going to change on ground.
what most people dont realize is that a barren undeveloped tibet is good gor over 2 billion pelple of south asia..
moonsoon is caused by a barren tibet...
the vast tibetan platue gets hot in sumers...air rises up and creates a vaccume to draw in moist air from the oceans...that moist air on the way to tibet...gives rain to whole of south asia.

cultivate tibet...or develop cities there and the cycle of moonsoon will be disturbed...that will be devastating.
Chinese brothers we must be vigilant but without going paranoid. The enemies of our country is always going to working against us. To do our duty as citizens, it is essential to report suspicious people to authorities. As long as we control these separatists they would not be able to inflict damage on our society and people.
Chinese brothers we must be vigilant but without going paranoid. The enemies of our country is always going to working against us. To do our duty as citizens, it is essential to report suspicious people to authorities. As long as we control these separatists they would not be able to inflict damage on our society and people.

I think we should stay more vigilant in Xinjiang/Tibet/HK, since our enemies have implanted more hostile groups in these places.

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