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China to Russia: You're putting us in a tight spot

No matter how much I love Russia’s belligerence and courage to stand up against west hegemonic behavior but nonetheless its a fact that Putin made a grave mistake in this Ukraine interventions….something of Saddam’s Kuwait proportion. In the longer run Russia’s had to pay against West’s Soft Power alone which is more lethal and destructive than the other one.

China should sidestep in following Russia here, making it more easy for Pakistan to followsuit.
Go and visit Chinese internet chatrooms or online forums and find out how the Chinese are behind the Russians on this。


Not to mention Bahrain、Iraq、Libya、Thailand、Egypt etc。

Do the West really think that people outside their tiny exclusive club are fools?

Or hypocrites as themselves?

The western propaganda machines are again running in full steam。

And brainwashing knows no bounds。
Crimea invasion is in chinas national interests it will hurt Americas face in asia and voices who calls for asian nato will be silent, instead asian countries have to deal with china and cant rely on american false promise when it comes to security. America will probably also focus now more on europe probably even establish a black sea navy which will further take their resources away from asia or further bankrupt them.
China like a 3rd wheel in a relationship between Russia and the West, since both Russia and China never commit to all out alliance with one another, China will errose their interest when China commit to one side over another, China best policy to be a mediator and help spurt a solution to best fit for solving the crisis. The situation in Ukrain not escalating into all arm confrontation why push the situation further and hurt everyone in the process. Best bet for everyone to find a way out of this mess.
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