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Three Pakistan Navy ships

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This is neither a F-16 procurement thread nor a political one. Everyone, let's get back to the topic at hand. Thnx
Originally posted by Sid@Feb 21 2006, 05:02 AM
There's a difference between having the capability to manufacture missile boats, auxillaries, midget subs and the capability to manufacture state-of-the-art 'frigates','destroyers' and 'modern subs'.

PN currently cannot even stand up to the IN more than a week I would say. Their surface combatant fleet is 80s vintage as well as a major part of its submarine force. The Agosta-90Bs have somewhat improved the situation but they are only THREE of them. Chinese F-22P frigates would take time to be constructed and delievered to the PN but they are still small (only 2500 ton displacement) as compared to IN's frigates which easily displace up to 5000 tons.

Now the IN has ordered Scorpene subs from France which are already under contruction.

Recent reports suggest that DCN has offered to build a completely new sub for the PN as per its requirements to counter Scorpenes but the proposal is still in its infancy stage with a lot of political opposition in France due to Indian pressue.

PN also needs to procure more formiddable frigates to counter increasing IN presence in the Indian Ocean.
[post=5967]Quoted post[/post]​

i agree :thumbsup: , i heard F-22P is 2 weak in terms of defense(from Thailand)............... if i were u i would go for 054A ffg.... then again u guys might chose other used western friagte instead........ therefore is a very hard decision....... main message dont put 2 much hope on F-22P try keep buildin Agosta-90B.......
i want to see the pics of these beauties....
PNS Gawadar is not a sucky ship. Its a much credible ship which is conduction operatiosn with American destroyer USS Sullivans and French frigate FS Surcouf in the Gulf Oman. It would be ideal to get its capabilities and pictures if someone can.

Pakistan set to command multinational anti-terror naval force

27 March 2006

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan is set to become the first non-NATO country to command the multinational Task Force 150 of the US-led Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMPC) early next month.

The Pakistan navy has already named Rear Admiral Shahid Iqbal as commander of the task force that had been created in October 2001 to deter terrorists and arms- and human-smuggling in north Arabian Sea.

“It is a big responsibility and an honour for us to lead a multinational maritime counter-terrorism force,” Lt. Commander Rizwan, a Pakistan Navy spokesman, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) on Monday.

Iqbal will lead the force for one year from the Naval Central Command headquartered in Bahrain.

The CMPC is the maritime component of “Operation Enduring Freedom,” the US-led coalition launched in Afghanistan in 2001 against Al Qaeda. The CMPC operates in the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea and Horn of Africa.

In recognition of Pakistan’s efforts in the anti-terror war, the United States declared it as a major non-NATO ally in 2004, thereby opening avenues of bilateral and multi-lateral military cooperation for the Muslim country.

Pakistan navy’s ’Babur’ ship has been conducting operations with American destroyer USS Sullivans and French frigate FS Surcouf in the Gulf of Oman, and has taken part in interdiction operations intended to disrupt terrorists’ movement by sea. :flag:

Besides Pakistan and the US, the CMPC includes Britain, France, Australia, Italy, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.
Where r the pictures?
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