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Three Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed near Pakistan border

If drones were ever lead by Pakistan army... than the first Casualty would be Bait ulla Mehsud, as Pakistan military provided his co-ordinates to US on various occasions, this was long back during Musharraf era and which is a public knowledge.

Whatever drone strikes happened during Zardari era.. those were just an attempt to trigger an ethnic war in Pakistan... by killing certain sect. of society by drones and other by terrorist attacks... the obvious plan was to raise public against Pak state and apparently they are still pursuing same plan.. this time with support of 300'000 strong anti Pakistan, ANA. 'useful idiots' of Pakistan.

Where as truth about Baluchistan is that.. ever since Pak army have moved in, terrorism against Pakistan have declined there, which has apparently upset Iran.

Drones are jointly operated by Pakistan army and United states army be it now or be during that time of Zardari. Pakistani establishment is like in between United states and China. This point need to be notice that when drones are flying all over Pakistan then why nothing on the Iran and Pakistan border were the oil smuggling is taking place ?
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