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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

I'm sorry, but very uncomfortable to see , you discussing Kashmir issue on context of Turkey's stance, or possible impacts to Turkey with the choices of Pakistan. This shows that a pragmatic perception has gained weight by moving away from the moral ground. Let's not let the debate here produce another fitna. God willing, we are always in favor of Pakistan's rightful struggle in all circumstances.

Go through these again... Keep calm and see
@dBSPL @Turan09
You both are taking this news to a whole different level.

You have to understand, Pakistan is not in a strong bargaining position with arabs at the moment. Changing and creation of new blocs require time and transitions. Immediate changes like Turkey did can only be done by stable countries like turkey who are quite much self reliant.

Pakistan has a great and strong future ahead if things go progressively, not more than 2022-2023, we will come out as major players of asia as well as world. Just wait and watch. And when that time comes, turkey and malaysia will consider it an honour to be an ally of Pakistan.

No beef with brothers

Instead of correct, you must say pointless.

Now write this out. KSA played their card.
Now, in the summit, expect something big referring to Pakistan’s continued support for this summit directly by the big mouths.

Could be Erdogan, Mahatir or Rouhani. Former 2 being most probable.
They will clear misconceptions and will further declare to the world ‘AS A DIRECT POLITICAL MESSAGE’ to KSA that Pakistan will remain whatsoever.

Time for Turkey to play their card at the summit in response to KSA

@Mangus Ortus Novem Am I predicting right or we would eventually have to wait some more time ?
We will see that if genocide starts ..

Turkey already knows how it happened to Rohingyas and now they can use that knowledge gained to preempt the salvation of Muslims of India.

Malaysia hosts a healthy Indian Muslim diaspora as well and they can use their ties to help save Muslims.

Its not about Pakistan. Its about Ummah as the Summit clearly states.

Looks like, its about time, Pakistan today needs a bank account investigation :-):-)

Go for it
Well, Turkey won't even doubt a second Pakistan's support for sure but still will upset the attenders of this new initiative.

We Stand Ashamed Brother We Stand Ashamed:(:(:(:cry::cry:

If Pakistan already decided not to become country in that block then Pakistan should ask mahatir to have access for meat market export full swing I may be playing dirty like $30 billion and then after approval let saudi know about it and see if they can have better deal for us.

Not Everything Is About Money Man
This is no reason to change a principle stance of a Nation.

Politics however is natural and can be used in a progressive way rather than the regressive ways which we are all accustomed to. I can assure you Erdogan is not going to be hurt by this at all.

Pakistan and Turkeys best bet on regional connectivity is in the age old RCD and ECO platforms.

The Malaysian initiative in the Pacific is deeply appreciated by Pakistan and respected for its dedication to cause and nobility.
Ohh, after a thorough deep read,

Summit is Supposed to DISCUSS
Next Para claims SUMMIT will Directly Take Actions

Once it proves worthy, it will fetch more members

However, it is not intended to replace OIC.
We Stand Ashamed Brother We Stand Ashamed:(:(:(:cry::cry:

Not Everything Is About Money Man
Well my friend for Pakistanis everything is about money.

When IK said NS took money and it will take time what was the response of public? We don't know we want cheaper things and don't want to pay tax.

When we stopped importing Tomatoes from India just 1 month back ? what was the response of the public what is govt doing why it's so high this and that we don't know anything war or no war we want cheap tomatoes.

Now if Pakistan goes and then later this block come out to be nothing just a air baloon then we will be making our ally tested one in every situation saudia arabia angry and if they pull out money from us then what will be the response of public? we don't know anything we cheaper things and anchor will be saying " ais mei ghareeb ka kia kasoor hie" etc.

So I say IK did good why any of these country came forward to support Pakistan economically?
Okay. But I believe you will still gonna buy from us. No need to hard feelings. Business is business.
Of course, I assume that this topic we are talking about right now, is correct.

I'm sorry, but very uncomfortable to see , you discussing Kashmir issue on context of Turkey's stance, or possible impacts to Turkey with the choices of Pakistan. This shows that a pragmatic perception has gained weight by moving away from the moral ground. Let's not let the debate here produce another fitna. God willing, we are always in favor of Pakistan's rightful struggle in all circumstances.
IMHO ... we Pakistanis are getting worked up for all the wrong reasons.

The only Muslim power that matters on Kashmir is Pakistan, and no one else.

So, whatever conferences or words Erdogan, Mahathir, etc might say on Kashmir isn't going to physically help the Kashmiri on the ground.

But some kind of material intervention by Pakistan will have an impact, and that intervention isn't on the table (sad to say, but it's the truth).

Our government and Army leadership has signed Kashmir off to India, and that's the end of it.

I'd much rather the whole world (Turkey, Malaysia, etc included) stay on silent on Kashmir if it meant Pakistan intervening actively on the ground than to hear nice words, but the real-world result being no change in Kashmir.
BTW will Malaysia continue to follow this path post Mahathir ? He will be gone next year.
Well my friend for Pakistanis everything is about money.

When IK said NS took money and it will take time what was the response of public? We don't know we want cheaper things and don't want to pay tax.

When we stopped importing Tomatoes from India just 1 month back ? what was the response of the public what is govt doing why it's so high this and that we don't know anything war or no war we want cheap tomatoes.

Now if Pakistan goes and then later this block come out to be nothing just a air baloon then we will be making our ally tested one in every situation saudia arabia angry and if they pull out money from us then what will be the response of public? we don't know anything we cheaper things and anchor will be saying " ais mei ghareeb ka kia kasoor hie" etc.

So I say IK did good why any of these country came forward to support Pakistan economically?

Are you done wallowing in self pity?
You cannot have Iran invited, and not invite Saudis/Emirates, and they not have a word about it. Pakistan is heavily involved with Saudi/Emirates block with a chunk of its population working in these countries besides getting loans and aid. At best Pakistan plays a very delicate balancing game and acquiesces Iran and other foes of the above. Since then the number of countries opposed to Saudi/Emirates has increased namely Turkey, Qatar, Libya etc...

Besides, the above, Saudis have a history of not allowing a Muslim block or cohesion of any kind. It suits them and their hegemony. They have played active role in the past of quashing any unity be it by Mecca conference in the past or funding Arab nationalism and other similar nationalistic movements elsewhere. If Muslims are to seek political unity it will have to be a private effort as these guys will do everything in their power to undo such cohesion.
no one asked illuminati version.

stop seeing the country as a business enterprise in Karachi Stock Exchange.

No need to bring in internal political mess out for the international play nor bring the external mess in your country.
stop seeing the country as a business enterprise in Karachi Stock Exchange.

No need to bring in internal political mess out for the international play nor bring the external mess in your country.
Core problem will remain same, we need money, good trade, better economy.

These moment of joy will disappear after month but Pakistan will left with same economical crisis.

No way Pakistan should make their saudi ally anger they are tested in number of occassion and had done more than enough for Pakistan economically. In return if they ask few things thats fine.
Core problem will remain same, we need money, good trade, better economy.

These moment of joy will disappear after month but Pakistan will left with same economical crisis.

No way Pakistan should make their saudi ally anger they are tested in number of occassion and had done more than enough for Pakistan economically. In return if they ask few things thats fine.

Pakistan government can rekindle her interest in the ECO and RCD as tools for trade.

Moreover OIC should be used as a platform for a free trade agreement of countries within the OIC.

There are no need for specialised kitty party clubs if the Ummah is the fundamental concept of all treaties within Muslim Nation States.
There are two lessons to take away from this decision:

The current Pakistani government will sell out their closest allies for short term benefits.

The IK government simply doesn't care about Kashmir and Kashmiris.

One thing should be clear on this matter, it's the people of Kashmir who are losing the most (again).
There are two lessons to take away from this decision:

The current Pakistani government will sell out their closest allies for short term benefits.

The IK government simply doesn't care about Kashmir and Kashmiris.

One thing should be clear on this matter, it's the people of Kashmir who are losing the most (again).

Agreed !!

Pakistan should hold new fresh and free elections. This is a popular demand in Pakistan right now too.

I like how frequencies of Pakistani populace matches with the frequency of Turkish populace.

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