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This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan

Everyone is confused so far everyone is attacking a man long dead...sad people indeed :tsk:

Indians attacking him to feel good that they were right Pakistan shouldnt exist or is existing on wrong parameters

While Pakistani are attacking what he thought or speeches he gave...Sadly no one realizes this: Pakistan is already alive no amount of analysis can change that so grow up Indians! As for the Pakistanis trying to analyze what he was thinking and what his words really said, well he is dead make anything out of them the truth still stands Pakistani is here to stay ! :pakistan:

pakistan is indeed existing on wrong parameters.......no second thoughts

pakistani's attacking jinnah is like bangladeshis attacking muktibahini and indian army.........no amount of analysis can change that bd is already alive.....
regarding indian posters.......i dont think anyone is trolling.........u r looking at it emotionally not rationally
pakistan is indeed existing on wrong parameters.......no second thoughts
for you...for a Pakistani there is hope...and always will be ...we got a land we will let it live INSHALLAH...

pakistani's attacking jinnah is like bangladeshis attacking muktibahini and indian army.........no amount of analysis can change that bd is already alive.....
No one is attacking BD...it is alive ALLAH HU AKHBAR for them....
regarding indian posters.......i dont think anyone is trolling.........u r looking at it emotionally not rationally
I didnt say anyone is trolling...All I am asking you guys is to stop wasting time in thinking of the past of what he said or she said and see that the land is alive.....
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for you...for a Pakistani there is hope...and always will be ...we got a land we will let it live INSHALLAH...

No one is attacking BD...it is alive ALLAH HU AKHBAR for them....
I didnt say anyone is trolling...All I am asking you guys is to stop wasting time in thinking of the past of what he said or she said and see that the land is alive.....

u got it all wrong........i wasnt saying that pakistan wont survive or creation of pakistan wrong........rather i m saying that what your quaid e azam did was wrong........

if u debate this issue with an Indian it will go the wrong way......discuss this issue with ur brothers then you will understand..........

i have no hard feelings against pak
madam ji aapka pakistan zindabad :pakistan:
u got it all wrong........i wasnt saying that pakistan wont survive or creation of pakistan wrong........rather i m saying that what your quaid e azam did was wrong........

if u debate this issue with an Indian it will go the wrong way......discuss this issue with ur brothers then you will understand..........

i have no hard feelings against pak
madam ji aapka pakistan zindabad :pakistan:
Thank you ...I dont really care much about what Quaid did...all I know is Pakistan is alive and that is all I need to know and that is enough for me to work from there...No point digging dead history which no one will gain anything from ...
BTW, I was not talking about you in particular but those who were fiercely wasting their fingers posting negative and debating something that cant be proven!
Everyone is confused so far everyone is attacking a man long dead...sad people indeed :tsk:

Indians attacking him to feel good that they were right Pakistan shouldnt exist or is existing on wrong parameters
Who said Pakistan shouldnt exist?

Instead we are saying what is happening now in Pakistan is simply the extension of what Jinnah started on Direct Action Day - violence against other communities.

And in any case, Pakistan was founded for Islam by Jinnah, it is high time they get Shariah! It is not excusable that after 65 years Pakistan still does not have Shariah!
Who said Pakistan shouldnt exist?
Many Indians go Pakistan is a failed state Pakistan shouldnt have existed..its like some 60 yrs trauma these people have which hasnt subsided!
Instead we are saying what is happening now in Pakistan is simply the extension of what Jinnah started on Direct Action Day - violence against other communities.
Violence against communities occurs everywhere from Africa, some parts of Europe, Russia, even in America and South America....so its nothing new...However we have more jahil people (uneducated) then educated hence the no. of such violence are more than anywhere else! Then we have educated yet culturally bound who hail culture above any morality....so again we have more violence...
And in any case, Pakistan was founded for Islam by Jinnah, it is high time they get Shariah! It is not excusable that after 65 years Pakistan still does not have Shariah!
:hitwall: This is incredible...just a few months back there were a few Indians showing articles and shouting stuff like this is what shariah does....and now the direct opposite...Can you people make up your minds?! :unsure:

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan
By Juggun Kazim
Published: January 5, 2014


The writer is an actor, an anchor and a model. She is currently the host of “Morning with Juggun” on PTV Home and can be reached via twitter @JuggunKazim

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

— Muhammad Ali Jinnah
A few weeks ago, while I was visiting a friend, I went into her kitchen to pick up a plate. As I reached out to pick up one lying next to the sink, her cook grabbed it from my hand. When I asked him what was wrong with the plate, he said it was used by the Christian maid. When I asked why she needed a separate plate, he said none of the staff — plus the begum sahib of the house — wanted to share plates, glasses or even cutlery with her.

Recently, I wished my viewers “Merry Christmas” on my morning show. Within minutes, there were comments on the show’s Facebook page saying that wishing Merry Christmas is blasphemous and that it makes me a non-Muslim. Apparently, I should not even say the words “Merry Christmas”. Instead, if I ‘insist’ on saying something to the Christians of Pakistan, I should only say “Happy Christmas”. That makes no sense to me. All my life, I’ve been wished ‘Eid Mubarak’ by Christians, Hindus and Jews alike.

My make-up artist and stylist, Irfan, asked me if I would help him register for his Matric. When I asked him how come he hadn’t finished his education, he told me he had dropped out. When he was in seventh grade, the school changed his last name (along with that of all the other Christian students) in the school records to Masih. From then on, the other kids in the school started to make fun of him and even hit him. The teachers also started treating him differently and some children were told by their parents that they could no longer talk to him or play with him. Finally, when he couldn’t take the abuse anymore, he just dropped out of school.

Many years ago, I worked in a television series in Canada. I still remember one line I delivered: “We South Asians are an interesting people. When we can’t find anyone else to discriminate against, we start discriminating against each other.”

Every year we remember the words of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah about how the citizens of Pakistan are free to go to their temples and their churches. And every time I see religious injustice happen in Pakistan, I repeat it to myself, feeling ashamed and enraged.

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan. This is not the dream Allama Iqbal had. I know we are all better than this as human beings and as Pakistanis.

So far as I know, Pakistan was built to give the Muslims of India a separate homeland where they would be free to practise their religion without fear. It was not built so that the majority community could discriminate against minorities.

Why can’t we live and let live? Is it so difficult to let others live their lives with the same dignity and respect we expect for ourselves?

Why can’t we just accept that everyone is different even within one religious framework and that it’s okey to be different?

The bigger point to note here is that prejudice against Christians and Hindus is but one visible facet of our increasingly intolerant society. Once you accept that people have the right to freedom of religion, it applies to everyone — Christians, Hindus, Jews and even other Muslims. Let’s hope that we remember that in 2014.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2014.
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this article is full of BS , the highlighted part it is not right to say merry Christmas to Christians and many highly qualified and educated scholars had proven why we cant wish them , as far as eid is concern if someone from Christianity or Jews wished you Eid mubarak the word doesnt mean that he is agreeing with the reason behind it , calling merry Christmas literally means that you are agreeing on the ideology of jesus pbuh birth of 25 dec which is not right even according to many Christians and Catholics , plus this kind of small things become the worse nightmare for our society , i have seen on news that peoples put Christmas tree in their house , celebrate Easter , Halloween and etc which was never be the part of our culture . we should be stand with christian peoples living in pak and also can go to their parties but our nations faith is so weak , i can prove my fact with the simple example that interest is haram and called as war against Allah but still many peoples do take interest and justify with stupid claims , and second example is MUSIC which is prohibited in Islam but yet almost everyone in Pakistan listen to music and songs .. that is the biggest problem in Pakistan that we are trying to adopt those things which are not the part of our society culture nor religious culture . and yet this kind of article from " do takke ke anchors ki taraf se ate hai " ...
Many Indians go Pakistan is a failed state Pakistan shouldnt have existed..its like some 60 yrs trauma these people have which hasnt subsided!
I doubt you would find any Indian below 30 years of age asking why Pakistan separated. And Under 30 would be almost half the population of India.

So that is turning out well for both our countries.

Violence against communities occurs everywhere from Africa, some parts of Europe, Russia, even in America and South America....so its nothing new...However we have more jahil people (uneducated) then educated hence the no. of such violence are more than anywhere else! Then we have educated yet culturally bound who hail culture above any morality....so again we have more violence...
Nothing to do with us. You started with a clean slate as did we, yet India and Pakistan seem to be on very different trajectories as a nation. Flaws are there even in the best of countries so Im not talking about specific incidents, Im talking about an overall direction of the country.

:hitwall: This is incredible...just a few months back there were a few Indians showing articles and shouting stuff like this is what shariah does....and now the direct opposite...Can you people make up your minds?! :unsure:
Most Indians would probably find it highly amusing that a 21st century State would put up Sharia. And they are right.

I on the other hand believe that the best way to make sure Pakistan never becomes a modern, rich, powerful State that competes with India is - to ensure that Pakistan gets Sharia. That would remove our problem with Pakistan altogether.

And after all, which true Muslim can say that Sharia should not be implemented in an Islamic country. And so - I support Islamists in Pakistan and detest Islamists everywhere else.

Therefore I support any in Pakistan who ask for Sharia. Go @Zarvan !
I doubt you would find any Indian below 30 years of age asking why Pakistan separated. And Under 30 would be almost half the population of India.

So that is turning out well for both our countries.
Good to know :tup:

Thank you for listening!
Nothing to do with us. You started with a clean slate as did we, yet India and Pakistan seem to be on very different trajectories as a nation. Flaws are there even in the best of countries so Im not talking about specific incidents, Im talking about an overall direction of the country. [/quote] 1stly we did not really start with a clean state, we started with loads of people confused, many left large chunks of property but were not able to get anything equal to that...others had connections got land bigger than they need....we also did not start with proper infrastructure while most of Delhi was already running...Then we were cursed with greedy politicians feeding poor for vote banks (right before election and forgetting them after) ...So no we did not start with a clean state we have more corrupts then the world can produce...

Most Indians would probably find it highly amusing that a 21st century State would put up Sharia. And they are right.
1 minute you asked us to get shariah and now the direct opposite let me quote you:
Pakistan was founded for Islam by Jinnah, it is high time they get Shariah! It is not excusable that after 65 years Pakistan still does not have Shariah!
I think Indians really are confused about Pakistan...whether we get shariah or not that is up to us....why confuse yourself?
I on the other hand believe that the best way to make sure Pakistan never becomes a modern, rich, powerful State that competes with India is - to ensure that Pakistan gets Sharia. That would remove our problem with Pakistan altogether.
I see...good for you...sadly even without shariah we are still nowhere...so stop using too much brain power on this dilemma...
And after all, which true Muslim can say that Sharia should not be implemented in an Islamic country. And so - I support Islamists in Pakistani and detest Islamists everywhere else.

Therefore I support any in Pakistan who ask for Sharia. Go @Zarvan !
Good to know who you support...If in the next thread I see your posts changing allies we will know who not to trust :whistle:
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When an article appears on Express Tribune regarding Pakistan, it founders or its ideology, I just ignore it. Looking at the shallowness and level of knowledge of the writers regarding Pakistan, its history, the genesis of Pakistan movement, the two nation theory, its better to just ignore them.

These typical liberal rants of Pakistan being a 'secular' state and making parallels with Jinnah's western lifestyle dont sync if you dont see all things in full context. Just picking up Islam or secular debate to choose a particular point of view does not interest me.

Express Tribune writers only pick the 'secular' part to rant on. I would highly recommend reading 'Jinnah' by Stanley Wolpert. Jinnah was a liberal no doubt but he started to understand his Islamic identity and Muslim leadership once he was spurned as Indian nationalist. He realized then its a case of two nations - one mussalman & one hindu. It was this point onwards, he started to shake off 'liberal' values like drinking.

Read it before you rip me apart.

Liberal and scular according to Express Tribune types fit only one template - the apologists with perennial inferiority complex and imbibed in western values of decadence.
Hey! There is a dispute on What exactly is Quaid's Pakistan so how can we decide if this is quaid's pakistan or not?
First we have to know what Quaid's Pakistan is
Hey! There is a dispute on What exactly is Quaid's Pakistan so how can we decide if this is quaid's pakistan or not?
First we have to know what Quaid's Pakistan is
But, me thinks that ship has sailed long back..

Now, the time is to continue or change course drastically.

How do you think it will go?
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