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This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan

Mr Quaid never wanted that Mr secondly what matter is what ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW said and wanted not what Jinah wanted and thirdly read all his speeches after 11th August before his death that will make it clear to you that he never wanted a secular Pakistan and you can also read his speeches before 11th August

Dnt quote me yazidi.
He never cared much what would happen to Pakistan in the future. He was never serious about anything - he was no statesman. In front of the British public he was a secular, in front of the ulema as a religious hardliner and so on... Even when the entire country(by country I mean United India) was in flames, he was sipping wine in Shimla and Bombay.He was a very successful opportunist and a brilliant lawyer. But that was what he was. But Jinnah was no Islamist either.

Two nation theory and secularism can't coexist. One who believes they can coexist is simply living in delusion.
Stop your nonsense n your defamation campaign against Quaid e Azam he was a secular man who wanted a homeland for his people n worked tirelessly to achieve tht .. And read his first speech in the National Assembly.. Another thing when a mullah stood up to recite the Holy Quran he told him to sit down coz it was not a mosque..

unfortunately he died in 48.. Without caring for himself he had devoted his life for the nation .. Read abt it..

It was the future statesmen like Bhutto who started messing with the constitution.to appease the mullah n the @@@@ like sis who screwed the country.
Mr Quaid never wanted that Mr secondly what matter is what ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW said and wanted not what Jinah wanted and thirdly read all his speeches after 11th August before his death that will make it clear to you that he never wanted a secular Pakistan and you can also read his speeches before 11th August
Jinnah never wanted a secular Pakistan. Neither was he secular in life.

If he was, he would not have started and encouraged riots against other communities in the name of Direct Action Day.

Some Pakistani's want to believe in some ideal secular world where Pakistan was meant to be a normal State. It was not. It was to be a theocratic State.Today's Pakistan is merely a logical extension of what he started decades back.
Kudos @Zarvan for bringing out truth.
Dnt quote me yazidi.
Call me what ever you can I will clear myself in front of RASOOL SAW on the day of judgement and also Jinah will clear himself of all those who accuse him of betraying Islam and trying to go for secular Pakistan mr show gutts do research read all his speeches which he gave and also interviews after 11th August speech
Zarvan Single Handedly Bombed this thread .

on Topic . Dreams and reality rarely match but we should strive to come as close to the dream as possible .
Stop your nonsense n your defamation campaign against Quaid e Azam he was a secular man who wanted a homeland for his people n worked tirelessly to achieve tht .. And read his first speech in the National Assembly.. Another thing when a mullah stood up to recite the Holy Quran he told him to sit down coz it was not a mosque..

unfortunately he died in 48.. Without caring for himself he had devoted his life for the nation .. Read abt it..

It was the future statesmen like Bhutto who started messing with the constitution.to appease the mullah n the @@@@ like sis who screwed the country.
He was neither secular nor communal. He play both of those roles. Another fallacy - "wanted a homeland for his people" - who were these people?
"Devoted his life to the nation" - by being more British than the British, following a completely unIslamic lifestyle(I will NOT elaborate)and so on. He was shrewd no doubt - but not selfless.
Well.. Pakistan was made for Muslims to live in Islamic rule. Thats exactly where pakistan is heading towards. Muslims and few non-muslims will live in a country governed by Shariat.
M.A.Zinnah wanted a land to experiment the principles of Islam. Thats exactly whats happening. Experiments are going on. Why cry about it..? Let the river run its course. Everyone will see what Qaid wanted Pakistan to be.
The sooner these wannabe secularists pack up and leave islam ka qila the better it would be for them and for those "pious" Muslims who want to convert this country into an exemplary islamic state. How many times these kinds of articles have been written and what have the seculars achieved from them? Jinnah's secular Pakistan never existed and it will never exist no matter how many times a dozen of seculars who live in islam ka qila quote few same lines over and over again to prove that Jinnah envisioned a secular state. Even the mere mention of this word is considered as despicable in islam ka qila as that of pig. Even if Jinnah sahib had some slight random thoughts of secular Pakistan in his head then his idea of secular Pakistan was buried forever by his dumb successor when he proposed objective resolution. This Pakistan is the Pakistan of Zia, Pakfaujzindabad and rabid Mullahs and the last two will make sure that their Pakistan becomes stronger and more Islamic with every passing day.
The premise on which Pakistan was formed was that 'Muslims and Hindus cannot live together'. This is inherently non secular.

Jinnah never wanted a secular state, but an Islamic one. But surprisingly he never made that explicit, and this has led to endless debates among Pakistanis since 1947 whether Jinnah wanted a secular or an Islamic one.
The premise on which Pakistan was formed was that 'Muslims and Hindus cannot live together'. This is inherently non secular.

Jinnah never wanted a secular state, but an Islamic one. But surprisingly he never made that explicit, and this has led to endless debates among Pakistanis since 1947 whether Jinnah wanted a secular or an Islamic one.

Methinks that Jinnah Sahib believed that Muslims and Hindus can live together as long as the Muslims are in an overwhelming majority and calling the shots. Now as Muslims are in an absolute majority in islam ka qila, different Muslims sects are at each other's throats fighting for the supremacy of their own sect and seriously believe that Muslims and Muslims can live together as long as their own sect is strongest and calling the shots in Islam ka qila.

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan
By Juggun Kazim
Published: January 5, 2014


The writer is an actor, an anchor and a model. She is currently the host of “Morning with Juggun” on PTV Home and can be reached via twitter @JuggunKazim

You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

— Muhammad Ali Jinnah
A few weeks ago, while I was visiting a friend, I went into her kitchen to pick up a plate. As I reached out to pick up one lying next to the sink, her cook grabbed it from my hand. When I asked him what was wrong with the plate, he said it was used by the Christian maid. When I asked why she needed a separate plate, he said none of the staff — plus the begum sahib of the house — wanted to share plates, glasses or even cutlery with her.

Recently, I wished my viewers “Merry Christmas” on my morning show. Within minutes, there were comments on the show’s Facebook page saying that wishing Merry Christmas is blasphemous and that it makes me a non-Muslim. Apparently, I should not even say the words “Merry Christmas”. Instead, if I ‘insist’ on saying something to the Christians of Pakistan, I should only say “Happy Christmas”. That makes no sense to me. All my life, I’ve been wished ‘Eid Mubarak’ by Christians, Hindus and Jews alike.

My make-up artist and stylist, Irfan, asked me if I would help him register for his Matric. When I asked him how come he hadn’t finished his education, he told me he had dropped out. When he was in seventh grade, the school changed his last name (along with that of all the other Christian students) in the school records to Masih. From then on, the other kids in the school started to make fun of him and even hit him. The teachers also started treating him differently and some children were told by their parents that they could no longer talk to him or play with him. Finally, when he couldn’t take the abuse anymore, he just dropped out of school.

Many years ago, I worked in a television series in Canada. I still remember one line I delivered: “We South Asians are an interesting people. When we can’t find anyone else to discriminate against, we start discriminating against each other.”

Every year we remember the words of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah about how the citizens of Pakistan are free to go to their temples and their churches. And every time I see religious injustice happen in Pakistan, I repeat it to myself, feeling ashamed and enraged.

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan. This is not the dream Allama Iqbal had. I know we are all better than this as human beings and as Pakistanis.

So far as I know, Pakistan was built to give the Muslims of India a separate homeland where they would be free to practise their religion without fear. It was not built so that the majority community could discriminate against minorities.

Why can’t we live and let live? Is it so difficult to let others live their lives with the same dignity and respect we expect for ourselves?

Why can’t we just accept that everyone is different even within one religious framework and that it’s okey to be different?

The bigger point to note here is that prejudice against Christians and Hindus is but one visible facet of our increasingly intolerant society. Once you accept that people have the right to freedom of religion, it applies to everyone — Christians, Hindus, Jews and even other Muslims. Let’s hope that we remember that in 2014.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2014.
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I wished my viewers “Merry Christmas” on my morning show. Within minutes, there were comments on the show’s Facebook page saying that wishing Merry Christmas is blasphemous and that it makes me a non-Muslim

Idiotic! Utter Idiotic!

On Topic> The Pakistan of today is far from the Happy, Prosperous Pakistan Jinnah wanted.
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