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This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan

Mr Quaid never wanted that Mr secondly what matter is what ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW said and wanted not what Jinah wanted and thirdly read all his speeches after 11th August before his death that will make it clear to you that he never wanted a secular Pakistan and you can also read his speeches before 11th August

You love to show those quotes of Jinnah sahib but then you conveniently forget or was never told, that Jinnah sahib prayed Eid namaz with Ahmadis. His Islam and your Islam are two different things. You are a known Taliban supporter on this forum, I suggest you stop supporting Taliban and takfiri terrorists since they consider Jinnah sahib a kafir, or stop parading around as the guardian of the ideology of Pakistan. Cheerios.
You love to show those quotes of Jinnah sahib but then you conveniently forget or was never told, that Jinnah sahib prayed Eid namaz with Ahmadis. His Islam and your Islam are two different things. You are a known Taliban supporter on this forum, I suggest you stop supporting Taliban and takfiri terrorists since they consider Jinnah sahib a kafir, or stop parading around as the guardian of the ideology of Pakistan. Cheerios.
For face saving Now zarvan will issue fatwa against quaid e azam as, , kafir because Quaid azam was drunk man, he used every UN Islamic things such as alcohol, beers ,vodka sand many others etc.. . Actually zarvan is a confused man ,deprived from life and loser in the world.
The Golden words from... solider of Muhammad(S.A.W) Army.... And he who was who??
Who create Pakistan... QAUID AZAM...

As he say:
My young friends, I look forward to you as the real makers of Pakistan, do not be exploited and do not be misled. Create amongst yourselves complete unity and solidarity. Set an example of what youth can do. Your main occupation should be in fairness to yourself, to your parents, in fairness to the State, to devote your attention to your studies. If you fritter away your energies now, you will always regret.

As, he further say:
Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education, and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them.
I should not even say the words “Merry Christmas”. Instead, if I ‘insist’ on saying something to the Christians of Pakistan, I should only say “Happy Christmas”.
There's no such salutation as "Happy Christmas". It's, "Merry Christmas"!

And such comments on Face Book that she should only say "Happy Christmas" means that it's not only the general riff-raff but the educated Pakistanis too and who are becoming fundamentalists!

How bad can things get?
There's no such salutation as "Happy Christmas". It's, "Merry Christmas"!

And such comments on Face Book that she should only say "Happy Christmas" means that it's not only the general riff-raff but the educated Pakistanis too and who are becoming fundamentalists!

How bad can things get?
But Quaid- e- Azam say:
when Pakistan created.... that you are free, totally free to go to your temples, to go your mosques, and you are free to go to your churches.... Where you go... you free to go anywhere in the country of Pakistan........
But Quaid- e- Azam say:
when Pakistan created.... that you are free, totally free to go to your temples, to go your mosques, and you are free to go to your churches.... Where you go... you free to go anywhere in the country of Pakistan........

They are still allowed to go to their Temples, Mosques or Churches but the state cannot guarantee you that a suicide bomber will not visit that place and disturb you during meditation.
They are still allowed to go to their Temples, Mosques or Churches but the state cannot guarantee you that a suicide bomber will not visit that place and disturb you during meditation.
Point is.... but how we can stop them.... as I feel they have no mind...no heart to feel the unseen and unknown loving relation of small kids simile....
This is not even the Pakistan that I grew up and loved. Thanks to the policies of the bigot Zia ul Haq and his sidekicks such as the bigot Hamid Gul and Zia’s allies Jamaat Isalmi under Mian Tufail Ahmed, Pakistan is now a hell hole.

Altaf Hussein of MQM is quite correct in saying that during the Russian Afghan war, bigots of Jamaat Islami were strong supporters of the US whereas now they declare that PA jawans killed fighting against Taliban are not Shaheed because PA is indirectly supporting US!

Why should Munawwar Hasan worry about the fact that PA jawans are fighting enemies of their motherland. JI's aim to destroy Quaid's Pakistan in the first place, thus even those who literally butcher PA soldiers are 'Shaheed'.

I repeat what I have said ‘N’ times before. Pakistan has been hijacked by anti-Pakistani forces that will not rest until Pakistan as created by the Quaid is destroyed. It is a great pity that many of my compatriots, especially the oxford educated Imran Khan, have been seduced by the extremists and are allied with the anti-Pakistan Jamaat Islami.
This is not even the Pakistan that I grew up and loved. Thanks to the policies of the bigot Zia ul Haq and his sidekicks such as the bigot Hamid Gul and Zia’s allies Jamaat Isalmi under Mian Tufail Ahmed, Pakistan is now a hell hole.

Altaf Hussein of MQM is quite correct in saying that during the Russian Afghan war, bigots of Jamaat Islami were strong supporters of the US whereas now they declare that PA jawans killed fighting against Taliban are not Shaheed because PA is indirectly supporting US!

Why should Munawwar Hasan worry about the fact that PA jawans are fighting enemies of their motherland. JI's aim to destroy Quaid's Pakistan in the first place, thus even those who literally butcher PA soldiers are 'Shaheed'.

I repeat what I have said ‘N’ times before. Pakistan has been hijacked by anti-Pakistani forces that will not rest until Pakistan as created by the Quaid is destroyed. It is a great pity that many of my compatriots, especially the oxford educated Imran Khan, have been seduced by the extremists and are allied with the anti-Pakistan Jamaat Islami.

Not a word about MMA under the banner of mush, not a word about enlighten moderation that had put Pakistan in a hell hole, not a word about PPP and their buddy sharifs. Seduced by $ sharifs and zardaries bhuttos and the power hungry, Two extremes can't be right include liberals not to forget mqm was creation of zia ul haq:cheers:.




What Islam is and what you are following are Two Totally different things.

Not understanding what he is saying and miss quoting him for personal benefits is well known Mullah phenomenon .When jinnah talks about prophet of islam he means treat the minorities as he the Prophet himself treated them.Prophet of Islam gave protection to minorities You prefer to kill them to please Other stats thats Not what Islam or Jinnah is saying. What Jinnah said and what you are saying are two different things.

For our Indian Members

From Richard Shenkman's Legends, Lies, and Myths of World History:

Although Gandhi became famous for his pacifism, his beliefs here evolved considerably over the years. In fact, until the British massacred hundreds of peaceful Indians at Amritsar, Gandhi was such a faithful British subject that he served in the imperial army.

In the Boer War, Gandhi led the Natal Indian Ambulance Corps and, in one of those weird coincidences, was one of the three future world leaders at the Battle of Spioenkop, along with Winston Churchill and Louis Botha. For his good work, Gandhi eventually won the War Medal and was promoted to sergeant major.

Gandhi also volunteered to serve in World War I, one of the few Indian activists to support England unconditionally. A bad case of pleurisy prevented him from serving, and in fact forced him to leave England and return to India.

Gandhi and World War II:

Gandhi never quite seemed to realize that the non-violence he urged against the British would have failed horribly if applied to the Nazis. He urged the British to surrender, and suggested that the Czechs and even the Jews would have been better off committing heroic mass suicide.

Even as late as June 1946, when the extent of the Holocaust had emerged, Gandhi told biographer Louis Fisher: "The Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs." (Let me add:

As the Japanese advanced into Burma (now called Myanmar), there was a real possibility of an Axis invasion of India. Gandhi thought it was best to let the Japanese take as much of India as they wanted, and that the best way to resist would be to "make them feel unwanted."

(In fact, the Axis was helping a buddy of Gandhi's to raise an army of Indians that would have seized the country from the Brits, but that's another story.)

Gandhi, family man:

He described his wife as looking like a "meek cow." (Again:

He refused to allow his sons to get a formal education, and also tried to force his oddball sexual ideas on them. He so disapproved of the wife of his eldest son that the Mahatma disowned him. This son broke from the family and became an alcoholic. In rebellion against everything his father stood for, Harilal Gandhi even announced at one point that he had converted to Islam.

The Mahatma also had trouble with his second son, Manilal, who had an affair with a married woman. Dad made the matter a public scandal and pushed the woman involved to shave her head. Manilal was also briefly exiled from the family for lending money to fellow black sheep Harilal.

Gandhi, for starters, had some very strange beliefs. When he was older, he preached that a couple should have sex only three of four times in their lives - although he engaged in a lot of sex when he was younger. He liked to sleep in the nude with naked young women to test his vow of chastity - apparently, sleeping nude with his wife wasn't much of a test. History doesn't record what she thought of this, but I can imagine my wife having a few choice words to say about such a situation.

Speaking of his wife, she died when he refused to allow her to get life saving shot of penicillin after she contracted pneumonia. He was, you see, opposed to modern medicine. But not fanatically opposed, since after her death he allowed himself to be treated with quinine for his malaria and allowed his appendix to be removed by surgeons. Nice guy, huh?
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Quaid was a complicating character, yet to my mind it should make as little sense to claim Pakistan was about him than it is to claim the U.S. is about George Washington.

Pakistan is what you make it to be. In 1971, my soon-to-be-Bangladeshi neighbors justified breaking up with the assertion, "Whatever Pakistan was supposed to be, it wasn't supposed to be like this." [i.e., soldiers ordered to commit murder and rape to assert West Pakistan domination.] I never met Jinnah but they had and they felt no need to invoke his desires to craft the country they wanted.

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan
By Juggun Kazim
Published: January 5, 2014


The writer is an actor, an anchor and a model. She is currently the host of “Morning with Juggun” on PTV Home and can be reached via twitter @JuggunKazim

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

— Muhammad Ali Jinnah
A few weeks ago, while I was visiting a friend, I went into her kitchen to pick up a plate. As I reached out to pick up one lying next to the sink, her cook grabbed it from my hand. When I asked him what was wrong with the plate, he said it was used by the Christian maid. When I asked why she needed a separate plate, he said none of the staff — plus the begum sahib of the house — wanted to share plates, glasses or even cutlery with her.

Recently, I wished my viewers “Merry Christmas” on my morning show. Within minutes, there were comments on the show’s Facebook page saying that wishing Merry Christmas is blasphemous and that it makes me a non-Muslim. Apparently, I should not even say the words “Merry Christmas”. Instead, if I ‘insist’ on saying something to the Christians of Pakistan, I should only say “Happy Christmas”. That makes no sense to me. All my life, I’ve been wished ‘Eid Mubarak’ by Christians, Hindus and Jews alike.

My make-up artist and stylist, Irfan, asked me if I would help him register for his Matric. When I asked him how come he hadn’t finished his education, he told me he had dropped out. When he was in seventh grade, the school changed his last name (along with that of all the other Christian students) in the school records to Masih. From then on, the other kids in the school started to make fun of him and even hit him. The teachers also started treating him differently and some children were told by their parents that they could no longer talk to him or play with him. Finally, when he couldn’t take the abuse anymore, he just dropped out of school.

Many years ago, I worked in a television series in Canada. I still remember one line I delivered: “We South Asians are an interesting people. When we can’t find anyone else to discriminate against, we start discriminating against each other.”

Every year we remember the words of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah about how the citizens of Pakistan are free to go to their temples and their churches. And every time I see religious injustice happen in Pakistan, I repeat it to myself, feeling ashamed and enraged.

This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan. This is not the dream Allama Iqbal had. I know we are all better than this as human beings and as Pakistanis.

So far as I know, Pakistan was built to give the Muslims of India a separate homeland where they would be free to practise their religion without fear. It was not built so that the majority community could discriminate against minorities.

Why can’t we live and let live? Is it so difficult to let others live their lives with the same dignity and respect we expect for ourselves?

Why can’t we just accept that everyone is different even within one religious framework and that it’s okey to be different?

The bigger point to note here is that prejudice against Christians and Hindus is but one visible facet of our increasingly intolerant society. Once you accept that people have the right to freedom of religion, it applies to everyone — Christians, Hindus, Jews and even other Muslims. Let’s hope that we remember that in 2014.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2014.
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saying happy christmas makes no sense to her?
she is really smart i guess lol.
i always thought merry= happy, or joyful.

Quaid was a complicating character, yet to my mind it should make as little sense to claim Pakistan was about him than it is to claim the U.S. is about George Washington.

Pakistan is what you make it to be. In 1971, my soon-to-be-Bangladeshi neighbors justified breaking up with the assertion, "Whatever Pakistan was supposed to be, it wasn't supposed to be like this." [i.e., soldiers ordered to commit murder and rape to assert West Pakistan domination.] I never met Jinnah but they had and they felt no need to invoke his desires to craft the country they wanted.
i knew you were an indian.:woot:

For face saving Now zarvan will issue fatwa against quaid e azam as, , kafir because Quaid azam was drunk man, he used every UN Islamic things such as alcohol, beers ,vodka sand many others etc.. . Actually zarvan is a confused man ,deprived from life and loser in the world.
you and zarvan are both confused.
you both are extreme in your views.
Everyone is confused so far everyone is attacking a man long dead...sad people indeed :tsk:

Indians attacking him to feel good that they were right Pakistan shouldnt exist or is existing on wrong parameters

While Pakistani are attacking what he thought or speeches he gave...Sadly no one realizes this: Pakistan is already alive no amount of analysis can change that so grow up Indians! As for the Pakistanis trying to analyze what he was thinking and what his words really said, well he is dead make anything out of them the truth still stands Pakistani is here to stay ! :pakistan:

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