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This is a lesson to Indians.



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Jul 27, 2020
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This is a lesson to Indians. How much ever someone triggers their Hindu sentiments, an uneducated and unscientific man who only has history of triggering riots cannot lead the country. India now has highest unemployment in 45 years, worst economy since it got calculated, GDP contraction of 23.9%, suicides due to financial issues, countless rapes and Chinese Intrusions. And the worst of all, their mainstream lapdog media isn't even discussing this.
This is a lesson to Indians. How much ever someone triggers their Hindu sentiments, an uneducated and unscientific man who only has history of triggering riots cannot lead the country. India now has highest unemployment in 45 years, worst economy since it got calculated, GDP contraction of 23.9%, suicides due to financial issues, countless rapes and Chinese Intrusions. And the worst of all, their mainstream lapdog media isn't even discussing this.
Intolerance and Hindutva bigotry is rising and posting double digit growth in India, who cares about the economy.
This is a lesson to Indians. How much ever someone triggers their Hindu sentiments, an uneducated and unscientific man who only has history of triggering riots cannot lead the country. India now has highest unemployment in 45 years, worst economy since it got calculated, GDP contraction of 23.9%, suicides due to financial issues, countless rapes and Chinese Intrusions. And the worst of all, their mainstream lapdog media isn't even discussing this.

Indian layman, masses are happy...

They took the revenge of 800 years of Muslim rule and 1200 years of Muslim history of India is being rewritten.

Took the revenge of destruction of Hinduism/Hindutva and now a revival and renaissance of Hinduism can be seen and felt.

The mocking and degradation of Hinduism by the Liberandus, Sickulars and leftists have stopped and actually it is those people Hindu extremist hates the most, more than the Indian Muslims.

It is like a second birth of Hindutva in India with power shifting from leftists and secular's to right wing Hindutvadis...thanks to the rise of RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal and senas and the rise of BJP the political face of RSS as a hogwash.

It is like a reincarnation for them, who would have asked for more...
Well, as long the RSS brigade is dancing all is fine.
This is a lesson to Indians. How much ever someone triggers their Hindu sentiments, an uneducated and unscientific man who only has history of triggering riots cannot lead the country. India now has highest unemployment in 45 years, worst economy since it got calculated, GDP contraction of 23.9%, suicides due to financial issues, countless rapes and Chinese Intrusions. And the worst of all, their mainstream lapdog media isn't even discussing this.

GDP will contract and expands .
It will always like that .
What is the Pakistan role in there ?
All it take is the resumption of domestic consumption .
Once it starts it become normal .
GDP will contract and expands .
It will always like that .
What is the Pakistan role in there ?
All it take is the resumption of domestic consumption .
Once it starts it become normal .

Indian delusions, where 70k dead can just resume spending and employment will magically be created during a recession.

Its good for pdf though because website will definitely get a boost in traffic though with the hordes of newly unemployed frustrated incels
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