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This decision will haunt the court in times to come: Asma Jahangir

very good decision by sc to disqualify nawaz but zardari musharaf and gen kyani and all corrupt people in any
party whether mqm ppp pti pmln anp pmlq jui ji should also be punished for their corruption and illegal acts
I don't think this judgement will have any effect on corruption in Pakistan. Corruption in politics is going to stay, until voters make sound judgement regarding who they are going to elect.

Well with the precedent set. It may very well be a little too hard for the corrupt minds to infiltrate Pakistani politics if the people of Pakistan intend to follow the judgement and the law in its true spirit.

It all comes down to the will of the people which were/are hijacked by petty politicians for their own good.

Inshallah this trend will finish in Pakistan.

The moment Pakistanis start putting Pakistan first ahead of race, ethnicity, sectarian bias and linguistic bias.

Grab a hint: Jinnah spoke very little Urdu yet thousands flocked to him and sat there in blistering heat even though they could not fully understand the spoken English language.
read the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Tt says the Public representatives should be sagacious, righteous, non-profligate, honest and ameen

Ok...look at US...Trump is corrupt, dishonest and certainly used below the belt tactics to win elections...and US is called the most mature democracy in the world...so Pakistan or NS are not the only one.

Yes...there is a way to remove elected representatives and most certainly head of states...and it is certainly not through courts...Courts cannot be more powerful then peoples mandate. In a democracy peoples mandate is supreme.

Anyway..it is for Pakistanis to decide...I am out.
She is just a stupid idiot, SC has given countless opportunities for the Godfather to come clean and prove his money trail, it just amuses me when you have people like her defending corruption.
Ok...look at US...Trump is corrupt, dishonest and certainly used below the belt tactics to win elections...and US is called the most mature democracy in the world...so Pakistan or NS are not the only one.

Yes...there is a way to remove elected representatives and most certainly head of states...and it is certainly not through courts...Courts cannot be more powerful then peoples mandate. In a democracy peoples mandate is supreme.

Anyway..it is for Pakistanis to decide...I am out.

I am speechless.
I am without speech.
Speech has left me.
I am less from the Speech.
Ok...look at US...Trump is corrupt, dishonest and certainly used below the belt tactics to win elections...and US is called the most mature democracy in the world...so Pakistan or NS are not the only one.

Yes...there is a way to remove elected representatives and most certainly head of states...and it is certainly not through courts...Courts cannot be more powerful then peoples mandate. In a democracy peoples mandate is supreme.

Anyway..it is for Pakistanis to decide...I am out.
I don't know about India but in every real democracy Courts are the most Powerful Institutions If the head of States or public representatives are found of guilty they have no right to remain in office and this is how Democracy works
Haven't you wonder why Iceland/UK Pms left their office?
Muhammad bin Hamid sb,

very good decision by sc to disqualify nawaz but zardari musharaf and gen kyani and all corrupt people in any party whether mqm ppp pti pmln anp pmlq jui ji should also be punished for their corruption and illegal acts

Good points, sir, and that's why you are forced to listen to SAH sb more carefully. If the SCP were truly independent, I dont see how Mushy wud be roaming free after having committed a treasonable act on Oct 12, 1999. The evidence of that is far clearer than the one against MNS.

Yes...that is true...taking on the corruption in politics has to come from people who vote for them....that is us. In the first place why did we voted from them? So we are the main culprits. If India's Supreme Court starts disqualifying MPs and MLAs based on cases against....then there will be no one to govern India. I am not saying Courts should not take on corruption cases of political people...but there is a way and method. IMO Pakistan supreme court was too harsh...and there is yet to take a proper investigations on panama leaks. This judgement has thrown Pakistan into a disarray.

Your narrative, sadly, border on blaming the victims.

If the political parties bring forth establishment candidates with troubled pasts and people vote for them, your instinct is to blame the people whereas mine is to go after the system.

The people, not having better choices, participated in the democratic process which we all should. But the democratic process does not end once the elections are done, it continues by holding elected officials accountable.

What the Supreme Court of Pakistan has done is send a message to the political establishment that it will hold them accountable. We, Pakistanis, deserve nothing less.
The punishment was too harsh and too soon, and a step backward for Pakistan, especially when CPEC is being implemented.
Disagree its too light and too late a common man gets arrested without proper charges they were allowed to roam freely even after forgin documents and threatening jit team
This article by use of which has been introduced by ZUH I believe somewhere in the early 80s.

However what feels like the motif was already set to use this article to oust NS and when the outcome is already set, the sincerity behind the motif should be questioned by few who can.

Even I feel that this came way too fast than anticipated. But that's just my opinion.
Narendra Trump,

Haven't you wonder why Iceland/UK Pms left their office?

Which UK PM left office because of court ruling

This article by use of which has been introduced by ZUH I believe somewhere in the early 80s.

However what feels like the motif was already set to use this article to oust NS and when the outcome is already set, the sincerity behind the motif should be questioned by few who can.

Even I feel that this came way too fast than anticipated. But that's just my opinion.
1 year is too soon?

Haven't you wonder why Iceland/UK Pms left their office?
They didnt present forged documents nor did they threaten courts
This article by use of which has been introduced by ZUH I believe somewhere in the early 80s.

However what feels like the motif was already set to use this article to oust NS and when the outcome is already set, the sincerity behind the motif should be questioned by few who can.

Even I feel that this came way too fast than anticipated. But that's just my opinion.

Indians are feeling so down and behave as if Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified MODI there are no ifs and buts here the court heard the case and did not take decision earlier rather decided to carry on the investigation that too through a team which was formed as per wishes of Nawaz and company.
According to the article which you have mentioned he could have been kicked out already however since nobody filed any case against him so court did not take it up Once the case was opened and all the evidence led to money trail many things exposed
1 year is too soon?

They didnt present forged documents nor did they threaten courts

Yes, I feel so. Just some math that in one year the court didn't give 365 days to this case nor did the agencies supporting the court. Max would have been 2-3-4 sittings of hearings and based on the investigation of agencies and collection of evidences.

The agencies I would guess wouldn't have given full time to this case too. But that was just the maths.

The subject that needs enlightenment that use of this particular article and the judgement it had in dispense. I for instance know that every article has some or the other counter article in the book, as most of our laws were colonial inheritance.

I'm speculating based on these.

And my apologies for any ignorance of matters since I haven't followed this case.
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