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This decision will haunt the court in times to come: Asma Jahangir

you think so? NZS is not a fraction of the corruption that Zardari and co showed. WHy did they target only him?
you are an indian, so dont pass comments on things that you have no clue about, as corrupt as Zardari is, NS is far ahead
you think so? NZS is not a fraction of the corruption that Zardari and co showed. WHy did they target only him?

Cut the bakwas and do something against individuals whose name was in Panama leaks in India.

p.s : unlike India our courts ,both lower and superior, ain't sissy to bend over before the executive .
Past history does not bode well for such a belief, Sir.

If one keeps looking back while he runs forward, no wonder the fall is inevitable.

We must build on this and take forward the momentum.

But i understand that each one of us have a boogey man to be paranoid about.

Mine actually are: Power hungry landlords or foreign investors in Pakistan
And when their time comes they will be. Not everyone can turn a blind eye to illegality like Indians.

Read: 186 Indian Members of Parliament Have Criminal Cases Including Murder and Rape (IBTimes)

Yes...that is true...taking on the corruption in politics has to come from people who vote for them....that is us. In the first place why did we voted from them? So we are the main culprits. If India's Supreme Court starts disqualifying MPs and MLAs based on cases against....then there will be no one to govern India. I am not saying Courts should not take on corruption cases of political people...but there is a way and method. IMO Pakistan supreme court was too harsh...and there is yet to take a proper investigations on panama leaks. This judgement has thrown Pakistan into a disarray.
Yes...that is true...taking on the corruption in politics has to come from people who vote for them....that is us. In the first place why did we voted from them? So we are the main culprits. If India's Supreme Court starts disqualifying MPs and MLAs based on cases against....then there will be no one to govern India. I am not saying Courts should not take on corruption cases of political people...but there is a way and method. IMO Pakistan supreme court was too harsh...and there is yet to take a proper investigations on panama leaks. This judgement has thrown Pakistan into a disarray.

Pakistanis should read your post and see what differentiates India with Pakistan.

Justice !!
Past history does not bode well for such a belief, Sir.

True indeed, hope lies eternal though. But have you seen anything similar in past history? This is the first time, that something of this sort has happened, it is a deviation of sorts from the norm. Rather than being hopeless, isn't it better to think that a precedent is being set? What is there to be gained by seeing the glass half empty?
The punishment was too harsh and too soon, and a step backward for Pakistan, especially when CPEC is being implemented.
read the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Tt says the Public representatives should be sagacious, righteous, non-profligate, honest and ameen
Pakistan has a history of celebrating such steps in haste, only to repent the consequences in leisure, and is repeating this history, content in not learning from it.
The court had no choice but to implement the law and the constitution. All anecdotal, empirical and verifiable evidence pointed to the PM et al being involved in corrupt practices. The SC followed process and gave the rulers all chances to come clean and help the court but instead showed contempt and arrogance. No one is above the law and no has any genetic or hereditary right to be the PM and the Government.

In my opinion, the PM was guilty, should have shown contrition, but he also developed Pakistan, though wished he was more PK centric rather than his own chair.
Selective justice is worse than no justice at all. The key failure, as before, will be in the follow through, until things come back to exactly where they were before, by design. Rinse. Repeat.
how it is selective justice in this case.??
Pakistanis should read your post and see what differentiates India with Pakistan.

Justice !!

I don't think this judgement will have any effect on corruption in Pakistan. Corruption in politics is going to stay, until voters make sound judgement regarding who they are going to elect.
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