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They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

It's because of the development level in India.We are still a poor developing country.

Even with a low population , your European countries too were dirty and ****** at the same development level as India today in the 19th century.

I agree sir jee but when the Europeans were a ****** bunch the Indian subcontinent was flourishing. It has more to do with historical tendencies, history shows us that when the West flourishes the East flounders and when the East catches up the West begins to flounder.

Rinse and repeat.
I have said this before, Israel only cares for itself. They don't want any friends. They even double-cross the US for their own benefit, so what is India to them?

This is just your opinion, which is not based on much. It's even worth less since you are predisposed against Israel.

We do care, very much. That is one of the reasons Israel has helped many African countries with agriculture and water technologies, even while our country was making it's own baby steps up.
That is why we sent aid to Haiti, we were the first to deploy operational medical teams at the Island, while there is no chance that the lowest in the world in HDI and the very poor country would ever repay us.
We have sent teams to Japan, among the very select few who did.
We sent relive teams to Turkey on many occasions. Even after the Marmara event which has marked a low point in our relations:

" Turkey requests aid from Israel for first time since struck by devastating earthquake
Israel to send portable structures to serve as temporary housing for those who lost their homes in the 7.2 magnitude quake; Turkey turned down Israeli aid twice before."

Turkey requests aid from Israel for first time since struck by devastating earthquake - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

On June 10, 1977, an Israeli cargo ship en route to Japan crossed paths with a boat full of 66 Vietnamese. They were out of food and water, were extremely lost and scared, and their boat was leaking. The Israeli captain and crew immediately offered food and water and decided to bring the passengers on board and transported them to Israel. There, Prime Minister Menachem Begin authorized their Israeli citizenship

The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 was one of the worst natural disasters in history. Israel sent 60 tons of aid to Indonesia, which was well-received by a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, and no ties with Israel. The Israeli government also sent 82 tons of relief supplies, including medicine, water, food, blankets, tents, nylon sheeting and electric generators to Sri Lanka. Magen David Adom, Israel's division of the International Red Cross, dispatched additional urgent medical supplies to hospitals in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo.

Israeli organizations were also involved in providing aid to Pakistan after the November 2005 earthquake in Kashmir. An Israeli NGO, Israeli Flying Aid (IFA) sent a mission to the region and provided thousands of families basic dry food products, blankets, coats, socks, personal clay heating kits and iron sheets to shield temporary shelters from heavy snow.

In only 54 years, Israel has provided humanitarian aid to over 140 countries:

Albania * Angola * Argentina * Armenia * Azerbaijan * Belarus * Benin * Bolivia * Bosnia & Herzogovina * Bourkina-Fasso * Brazil * Bulgaria * Gurundi * Cambodia * Cameroon * Chad * Chile * China * Columbia * Congo * Costa Rica * Cote d'Ivoire * Cyprus * Czech Republic * Democratic Republic of Congo * Deominican Republic * Ecuador* Egypt * El Salvador * Eritrea * Estonia * Ethiopia * Fiji * Gambia * Georgia * Ghana * Greece * Guatemala * Guinea * Guinea-Bissau * Guyana * Haiti * Honduras * Hungary * India * Indonesia * Jamaica * Jordan * Kazakhstan * Kenya * Kyrgystan * Laos * Latvia * Leshotho * Liberia * Lithuania * Macedonia * Madagascar * Malawi * Malta * Mauritania * Mauritius * Mexico * Micronesia * Moldova * Mongolia * Morocco * Myanmar * Namibia * Nepal * Nicaragua * Nigeria * Panama * Papua New Guinea * Paraguay * Peru * Philippines * Poland * Romania * Russia * Rwanda * Senegal * Seychelles Islands * Singapore * Slovakia * Somalia * South Africa * South Korea * Sri Lanka *Swaziland * Tadjikistan * Tanzania * Thailand * Togo * Tonga * Tunisia * Turkey * Turkmenistan * Uganda * Ukraine * Uruguay * Uzbekistan * Venezuela * Vietnam * Yugosloslavia * Zaire * Zambia * Zimbabwe
Most of these Israeli tourists are ex-military conscripts, so such behavior is there, hope they don't break any laws.
Ḥashshāshīn;4450145 said:
I'm not going to write any tales. It's right in front of you. Go to any Israel related topic on this forum. Indians are protecting them more than Israelis themselves.

I have said this before, Israel only cares for itself. They don't want any friends. They even double-cross the US for their own benefit, so what is India to them?

No offence but you seem to be confusing respect with looking up to them as superior beings...

The Israelis do command our respect...and deservingly too..
They have used their limited human resources to the max, learned from their mistakes in history (ie. lack of organization, lack of nationhood which lead to the jewish massacre) and most importantly they have braved the odds against opponents that have had an edge on them in the past...
We will give respect where its due...

Nevertheless, no Indian here has endorsed the Israeli political stance...we have equally good relations with Israel, Palestine and (in the past) with Iran as well..
Israel is our ally, so naturally we will defend our ally as any friend should to a point where moral and boundaries of personal interest do not clash...
I dont see anything else in the comments here that suggest otherwise that make Indians "look up to them like superior beings"

Pray tell though, arent you looking at the Israelis through the muslim lens?
But India is a dirty, ****** country, and that's the truth no matter how many times you want to deny it. And unfortunately Indians themselves are the cause of this ***** and dirt, they don't care about their own country. Their houses will be nice and clean but they will dump all their ***** in the street below.

No matter how much we shut our eyes to this, it is the reality!
Indians are responsible for the complete disregard towards nature and the state of the country....there is no two ways about it,..
and your statement captures the selfishness of Indians...Its such a strange and disturbing phenomenon to see people keep their houses clean while their streets keep getting dirtier!
Until Indians learn the importance of social responsibility, we will have to continue to hear these comments from visitors...

I always understood that eastern culture focussed on the collectivism (pardon me for the wrong word, Im running on 2 hours of sleep today) and western thought focussed on individuality...It surprises me that when it comes to the concept of nationhood, Indians are united in EVERYTHING, but when it comes to improving our environment we tend to worry only about our own surrounding...
A lot of Israeli tourists visit Hampi in Karnataka from where they proceed to Goa, most of the Israeli travelers are young - what I see in their behavior (which is overboard sometimes) is kind of a release of pressure from the pressure cooker that is the Middle East.

and, to be fair, Asians are not thought of as decent travelers too.
No matter how much we shut our eyes to this, it is the reality!
Indians are responsible for the complete disregard towards nature and the state of the country....there is no two ways about it,..
and your statement captures the selfishness of Indians...Its such a strange and disturbing phenomenon to see people keep their houses clean while their streets keep getting dirtier!
Until Indians learn the importance of social responsibility, we will have to continue to hear these comments from visitors...

I always understood that eastern culture focussed on the collectivism (pardon me for the wrong word, Im running on 2 hours of sleep today) and western thought focussed on individuality...It surprises me that when it comes to the concept of nationhood, Indians are united in EVERYTHING, but when it comes to improving our environment we tend to worry only about our own surrounding...

Western individualistic society is far more successful as a collective than our fatalistic and ignorant society.
No its not. Its mutual. Israel needs India for international support and diplomacy, considering we have the 2nd largest muslim population in the world. India's support outweighs Israel's help in Defence technologies, for which we do have other sources.

You are a blind fool if you believe Israel needs India in any way shape or form. As long as America stands on this earth, Israel needs no other nation for international or diplomatic support. America has both veto power in the UNSC as well as the most influence over world states. India? What exactly has India ever done for Israel internationally or diplomatically? Last I checked you abstained or voted in favor of upgrading Palestinian statehood in the UN.

Out of the 10 Muslims states that have recognized Israel, India helped ease tensions in NONE OF THEM! (Egypt, Jordon, Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) Delirious Indians. You aren't worth much too any country in the world. Though from this forum I have gotten the feeling that you believe you are critical players in world affairs. You failed to serve the Soviets during the Cold War, and now you're nothing more than cannon fodder against China.

What do you think is india gonna do the Iran/Israel conflict? Remain neutral or pick a side?
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@Yzd Khalifa

Look at all the anti-arab posts here by some retarded indians! I want you to expose their garbage to the arabs of dubai and KSA!
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@Yzd Khalifa

Look at all the anti-arab posts here by some retarded indians! I want you to expose their garbage to the arabs of dubai and KSA!

Well, we are immune to that! Internet heroic warriors can say whatever they want to say, but things in reality are different ;)
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What do you think is india gonna do the Iran/Israel conflict? Remain neutral or pick a side?

Well since i cant read the future, its a tough assessment and depends heavily on the callibre of Indian leadership...

In my opinion, remain neutral...especially since the Iran-Israel tussle has become more about religion than politics in my view...
India should distance itself from any "theocratic wars" as choosing one side or the other means a loss in our books...
If we side with Israel, we alienate an old friend and a trusted ally that has favored us over Kashmir...we side with Iran and we lose an important defence supplier that has provided us cutting edge technology...

Personally, I think if the BJP govt comes to power, both Israel and Iran will continue to be in favor, though the US might be the one that faces the distance esp since my gut tells me Modi will win the next elections (US has been unfavorable to Modi who might be happy to return the favor)
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