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These stylish Saudi Arabian women entrepreneurs mean business

Writing facts is not about "1001 Arabian Nights" or any old "Arabian legends". Merely facts.

No, your experiences are not enough. Since you have interacted with at most 50 Emiratis if not less.

Besides why the pfuck should Emiratis work their *** off when they don't lack anything even if they don't work?

The fact is that most Emiratis are filthy rich. Regardless of what they are doing and they get pampered by the government and what not all the time. Anyway this is changing with the new generation.

Pretty nice is it not compared to doing labor work and barely affording to eat?
That sir is risk e hallaal
Just reinforces my point then. You are still talking about a few individuals and even if we falsely assume that all Emiratis are like that then they still make up less than 0,33% of the Arabs worldwide.

No, they form about 1-1.5 million of the population. I have not seen any other numbers as of 2014.

Well, successful is a goal in itself. The rest is less important. Let the Japanese work 100 hours a week if they want to do that. Does not make most of them successful.

Arabs just like Latinos value family life very highly and we tend to enjoy life. I would not give that away just to work a bit harder. Let them call us "lazy" for all we care. That's an compliment in this case.

Japan doesn''t have any valuable natural resources so hard work is a necessity for them to join the ranks of developed nations. I also think there is something admirable about discipline, hard work, and self sacrifice. Maybe the best way is to balance work and life- something similar to what the Western Europeans have done.
There is nothing called "Gulfies" or "Gulf Arabs". Just as there is nothing called "Turkies". Quit the trolling and go get attention somewhere else. Maybe among other ignorants.

No, we only make babies and drive Audis and throw money around at girls in nightclubs.

:o::o: So its true. :o::o:
Emiratis don't strike me as being particularly religious (at least those I have interacted with) so they probably don't care.

They are enjoying life and I cannot blame them.
Which means they r useless
:o::o: So its true. :o::o:

Belly dancing, smoking, harems, sport cars etc. included of course. Multiple wives as well.

Japan doesn''t have any valuable natural resources so hard work is a necessity for them to join the ranks of developed nations. I also think there is something admirable about discipline, hard work, and self sacrifice. Maybe the best way is to balance work and life- something similar to what the Western Europeans have done.

I believe that a balance should be found. I prefer what you see in most of the Arab World, Latin America and Southern Europe over what you see in Japan every day of the week all year around.
I am trolling you since this thread got infested by a troll at the very beginning. Just playing along and feeding the ignorants with ignorant claims. I bet that they got all happy, LOL.
Dude, u might want to cut off in drinking

Calm down man why you care about what people think, you have money, pour it into pool and swim, don't care about others :D
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