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There is no water on the moon.

So what about the India probe which discovered water on the moon..

NASA/India 's discovery was not about direct presence of H20 molecules but hydroxyl molecules which can form water under certain conditions.

Also, when it claimed about discovery, it was not about hidden lakes or oceans but a greater than expected amount but still limited to top few millimeters of surface only.


An excerpt ...
From its perch in lunar orbit, M3's state-of-the-art spectrometer measured light reflecting off the Moon's surface at infrared wavelengths, splitting the spectral colors of the lunar surface into small enough bits to reveal a new level of detail in surface composition. When the M3 science team analyzed data from the instrument, they found the wavelengths of light being absorbed were consistent with the absorption patterns for water molecules and hydroxyl.

"When we say 'water on the Moon,' we are not talking about lakes, oceans or even puddles," explained Carle Pieters, M3's principal investigator from Brown University, Providence, R.I. "Water on the Moon means molecules of water and hydroxyl that interact with molecules of rock and dust specifically in the top millimeters of the Moon's surface.

The M3 team found water molecules and hydroxyl at diverse areas of the sunlit region of the Moon's surface, but the water signature appeared stronger at the Moon's higher latitudes. Water molecules and hydroxyl previously were suspected in data from a Cassini flyby of the Moon in 1999, but the findings were not published until now. ..........
can they just take pictures of the lunar module left behind by Niel and other's and end the conspiracy once and for all?
I guess it is consistent with the Holy Book. The water comes from the heaven as it pours into Earth. We need to figure out heaven part that might be closer to Earth as it is source of water.

Shame there is no water on moon, or at least, from the findings in this thread. ;(
China's lunar probe Chang'e 3 has been roaming around the moon for the last two and a half years.

Roaming? For 2.5 years? I thought Yutu hasn't moved since the first few days of the mission due to a design fault...or do you mean the orbiting spacecraft is "roaming" in orbit.
Roaming? For 2.5 years? I thought Yutu hasn't moved since the first few days of the mission due to a design fault...or do you mean the orbiting spacecraft is "roaming" in orbit.
FYI, it was not a design fault. The yutu becomes immobile after the 1st few days due electrical malfunction caused by the lunar surface environment. In other words, the variation of high and low temperature caused the electronic chip to freeze and thus it immobilized the yutu mechanical wheel. However, its electronic equipment onboard still transmitting data and works perfectly fine. In this case, while the yutu is not able to move around as we want it to, it is still able to use its electronic onboard to scan the lunar surface. That's why the 2.5 years of operation despite it is being immobile. The next yutu will be able to cope with this environment differences. It was totally unexpected. In fact, you can say the lunar surface is a harder environment for electronic robot than the Mars.

Last but not least, don't thanks me for explaining and teaching you everything. LOL
FYI, it was not a design fault. The yutu becomes immobile after the 1st few days due electrical malfunction caused by the lunar surface environment. In other words, the variation of high and low temperature caused the electronic chip to freeze and thus it immobilized the yutu mechanical wheel. However, its electronic equipment onboard still transmitting data and works perfectly fine. In this case, while the yutu is not able to move around as we want it to, it is still able to use its electronic onboard to scan the lunar surface. That's why the 2.5 years of operation despite it is being immobile. The next yutu will be able to cope with this environment differences. It was totally unexpected. In fact, you can say the lunar surface is a harder environment for electronic robot than the Mars.

Last but not least, don't thanks me for explaining and teaching you everything. LOL

So the next rover will be redesigned to handle the moon's known high and low temperature environment. In other words they will fix the design fault.

Thanks for explaining the Yutu's design fault. Luckily NASA took this into account 50 years ago when they sent men to the moon. The rover they drove worked perfectly and so did their space suits and lander under the temperature extremes (which were the same back then as they are now)
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So the next rover will be redesigned to handle the moon's known high and low temperature environment. In other words they will fix the design fault.

Thanks for explaining the Yutu's design fault. Luckily NASA took this into account 50 years ago when they sent men to the moon. The rover they drove worked perfectly and so did their space suits and lander under the temperature extremes (which were the same back then as they are now)
We already know the high and low temperature environment. What we DON'T know is the low temperature is way more than we expect at the region that we landed. Do you understand, my friend? It has nothing to do with the design fault but simply the electronic that control the wheel need to account for much high temperature that you never know the region you land may have even much higher temperature differentiation.

None the the early wheel models from the Apollo mission last the lunar night except the Soviet's lunakhod 1, last for 14 days and the lunakhod 2, last for 2 months. Eventually it succumbed to the environmental temperature differentiation and died.

Consider this was our 1st attempt, we beat your *** up. LOL
By the way and as the table in #6 shows, India's data(last but one entry) are about 5 order of magnitude less "accurate" than China's(last entry).

Possible, but Indian scientific community never claimed to find water at a molecular H2O form, they claimed of them being trapped to the chemical structures of the rock, which can be retrieved by only chemical means, and not physical processes.

And there are waters in ice forms in the regions, like craters which are never exposed to the sunlight, spectroscopic analysis from satellites and earth based observing stations confirmed that.
Consider this was our 1st attempt, we beat your *** up. LOL

We have had 12 men walk on the moon. You have had zero. We have multiple car sized rovers on Mars operating for over a decade (all the rovers ran fine including the first one which roamed around more than Yutu). You have zero.


Yutu. It's the size of a small dog.


Curiosity. It's actually roaming on another planet
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of course there is water on the moon. Massive ice fields in the craters.

I find it annoying when sxientific illiterates post their nonsense. Its like scanning the atacama and then publish an article with the headline "there is no water on earth"

that said...as much as i honor chinas efforts...the still have a long way to go. Their moon rover was a joke, broke down within days and was small. It couldnt even land without help from ESA.
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