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There is no water on the moon.

The whole space craft. Several modules of the ISS where build in Italy. Harmony for example and Cupola. :)

The harmony module alone is bigegr than your entire space station my friend.

That said i think china could be a bigger asset if it stops the stuff we did 50 years ago and uses its rescoruces to push humanity forward.

We currently work on 3D printing a moon base. I´m sure China could be a good partner there.

We? What 'we' are you talking about?

Its easy to build the modules, getting it into space and docking it all together is the hard part.

Is there an Italian rocket family? No?

Seems you couldn't find one yourself. Out of the millions you picked a graphic.

Hehe, at least its much more informative than the deliberate lies you were posting. Even has a picture of scale rather than just raw metric dimensions.
We? What 'we' are you talking about?

Its easy to build the modules, getting it into space and docking it all together is the hard part.

Is there an Italian rocket family? No?

Hehe, at least its much more informative than the deliberate lies you were posting. Even has a picture of scale rather than just raw metric dimensions.

Its called Ariane. Build by germany, france and italy and the most excellent transport rocket right now.

That said, what are your efforts for a united space program with us? As i said we plan a moon base and i would be happy if we get more partners into the project. Out there we cant afford any conflicts.

That said you might agree the title of the topic is stupid. The chiense spacecraft landed at a secific spot. It detected no water there. Which is already known since many years, that water is very rare in the sun shined areas of the moon.

Otehr space craft that detected the eternal dark zones at the polar craters detected unimaginable large ice caps in there.

The chiense project proved that a base at the sun shined areas is senseless. It showed us that we must concentrate at the polar regions where water is abundant.

I think we both can agree the title should no be "no water on the moon" but better be "no water at the landing site.
Sarcasm? :D

Sometimes things written in holy books are due to the humans's limited understanding of his surroundings in those times. Water from heavens might well be the rain :D. Lot of other cultures have had thier own philosophy on this, such as rain gods.

And where the rain comes from? It is not philosophy, rather it is source, to this day we are still figuring this out.

Regarding the heaven part, i think we might be talking about in-built heaven on the existing Earth we currently live. We need to dig little more on our Earth to understand the source of the water.


China’s Space Program Says No Trace of Water on the Moon

BEIJING – Data collected by China’s first lunar probe, Chang’e-3, confirms speculation that there is no water on the moon, the official China Daily newspaper reported on Monday.

The conclusion was reached after an analysis of the measurements taken by the probe in Mare Imbrium, the second largest crater on the Moon, on which it landed in December 2013 and where it studied the structure of the soil, hundreds of meters deep.

“We’ve measured the amount of water on the lunar surface and above, but only found the lowest quantities so far,” said a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wen Jianyan.

The existence of water on the moon, a theory that led earlier astronomers to dub craters on the moon’s surface “seas,” lost steam when astronomers walked on the moon for the first time in 1969 as no traces of liquid was found in the samples brought back to Earth.

However, new findings by other missions including Chandrayaan-1, India’s first mission to the moon, at the end of the last decade once again brought the spotlight back on the possibility of water on Earth’s satellite.

The presence of water is a vital element for the possibility, however remote, of permanently inhabited colonies on the moon in the future.

China will launch its fourth lunar mission, Chang’e-4, in 2018 and is considering the possibility of sending manned missions in the future, possibly in the coming decade.

Planetary and Space Science
Volumes 109–110, May 2015, Pages 123–128

An unprecedented constraint on water content in the sunlit lunar exosphere seen by Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope of Chang׳e-3 mission

Received 27 October 2014, Revised 26 December 2014, Accepted 11 February 2015, Available online 6 March 2015

  • We study the lunar exosphere by the in situ measurements via optical techniques.
  • The content of the exosphere is derived by analyzing the sky background seen on the Moon.
  • An unprecedented upper limit of the concentration is inferred for the OH radicals and MgI.
The content of OH/H2O molecules in the tenuous exosphere of the Moon is still an open issue at present. We here report an unprecedented upper limit of the content of the OH radicals, which is obtained from the in situ measurements carried out by the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope, a payload of Chinese Chang׳e-3 mission. By analyzing the diffuse background in the images taken by the telescope, the column density and surface concentration of the OH radicals are inferred to be <1011cm−2 and <104cm−3 (by assuming a hydrostatic equilibrium with a scale height of 100 km), respectively, by assuming that the recorded background is fully contributed by their resonance fluorescence emission. The resulted concentration is lower than the previously reported value by about two orders of magnitude, and is close to the prediction of the sputtering model. In addition, the same measurements and method allow us to derive a surface concentration of <102cm−3 for the neutral magnesium, which is lower than the previously reported upper limit by about two orders of magnitude. These results are the best known of the OH (MgI) content in the lunar exosphere to date.
And where the rain comes from? It is not philosophy, rather it is source, to this day we are still figuring this out.
Really? :D Have you not heard of water cycle?
Regarding the heaven part, i think we might be talking about in-built heaven on the existing Earth we currently live. We need to dig little more on our Earth to understand the source of the water.
Icey comet might be the source of water on earth.
what! no water on the moon!! damn it i was planning on moving my koi fish there so they would become moon fish.
I remember these which are magnificent









Guys check this out:

Though the Chinese Space Agency seemed to have confirmed the (first?) Apollo landing was not a bogus hoopla, the creator of the above youtube video appears to have a sound argument over soil and rock formations of Chang'e vs Apollo. What do you think?

ps forget about UFOs and abnormal rock shapes which I think were due to photo-angles and coincidences
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Really? :D Have you not heard of water cycle?

Icey comet might be the source of water on earth.

Yeah. All i know our Earth covers more than 75% of water which is a lot more for 25% land but i have feeling that we haven't discovered more yet. There is something inside our Earth which we are yet to recover. Because in Makkah, water came forth out of nowhere in the isolated desert for Ishmail (PBUH) which indicates we are not looking hard enough for our own Earth, rather we are busy looking outside our horizon which i doubt will offer friendly environmental zone, but who knows.
Chinese probe has contributed nothing basically.
If you read the research paper properly, you would have notice that the conclusion was reached by using the Lunar telescope instead of the rover. The radar on the rover had long indicated the absence of water in the ground before it got immobilized. The result from the Lunar Telescope put to rest the notion of water existing, even those trapped in the craters.


I remember the Indians fighting to claim discovery of water by just crashing on the surface.
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Yeah. All i know our Earth covers more than 75% of water which is a lot more for 25% land but i have feeling that we haven't discovered more yet. There is something inside our Earth which we are yet to recover. Because in Makkah, water came forth out of nowhere in the isolated desert for Ishmail (PBUH) which indicates we are not looking hard enough for our own Earth, rather we are busy looking outside our horizon which i doubt will offer friendly environmental zone, but who knows.
I will not poison your pure religious mind any furthur with superstitious stuff scientists believe in :D
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