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There is no water on the moon.

I guess it is consistent with the Holy Book. The water comes from the heaven as it pours into Earth. We need to figure out heaven part that might be closer to Earth as it is source of water.

Shame there is no water on moon, or at least, from the findings in this thread. ;(
Sarcasm? :D

Sometimes things written in holy books are due to the humans's limited understanding of his surroundings in those times. Water from heavens might well be the rain :D. Lot of other cultures have had thier own philosophy on this, such as rain gods.
What are you trying to say?.

If there is life, or any other organic or inorganic matter, the chemical composition can be detected by analyzing the electromagnetic spectrum coming from the planet or moon. They found water on mercury, in the upper stratosphere of Venus, Moon and on Mars, and they found the traces of organic compound ie Methane on Mars, hence speculation on microbial life on Mars.

Very basic science, if there is life, it will break complex molecules into simpler organic molecules, which can be detected via spectroscopy.
If there is life, or any other organic or inorganic matter, the chemical composition can be detected by analyzing the electromagnetic spectrum coming from the planet or moon. They found water on mercury, in the upper stratosphere of Venus, Moon and on Mars, and they found the traces of organic compound ie Methane on Mars, hence speculation on microbial life on Mars.

Very basic science, if there is life, it will break complex molecules into simpler organic molecules, which can be detected via spectroscopy.
Ok, we still don't know even NASA still working hard to find out about that simple life form you talk about.

The amount if really found of water is so little it is less than one millimeter thick even that still not confirmed the Chinese an example.

Mercury they said they found some water but how old is that water since when it is their? BTW the news said it's deposited on mercury lately.

Water means life but not in small amount like that found in the moon or deposited lately we just don't know yet.

give it a time then when they find abundant of water without life that time call me imbecile.
You gotta start small and humble, of course the first rover is small.

The rover is no joke, the only joke here is a racist Italian prick and his condescending attitude.

BTW, hows the Italian space program? Oh right, you dont have a full program. Rome was glorious, Italy in comparison is a joke.

Even if mobile, just how much territory do you think a small rover can traverse? I dont know shit about this but I guess the radar and instruments working stationary did provide plenty of information.

Our space program is awesome. Just landed on a comet.
Our space program is awesome. Just landed on a comet.

ESA = Italian space program now?

What did Italy do, paint the rockets? Pump in the fuel? Made Pizza for the crew?

At least the Chinese program is a full package.

We have had 12 men walk on the moon. You have had zero. We have multiple car sized rovers on Mars operating for over a decade (all the rovers ran fine including the first one which roamed around more than Yutu). You have zero.


Yutu. It's the size of a small dog.


Curiosity. It's actually roaming on another planet

Liar. The Chinese rover you posted is a miniature model.
ESA = Italian space program now?

What did Italy do, paint the rockets? Pump in the fuel? Made Pizza for the crew?

At least the Chinese program is a full package.

Liar. The Chinese rover you posted is a miniature model.

Yes, thats the point of ESA. We build entire ISS modules, space probes ect. United we can achieve goals that a single nation couldn´t. China does small steps but it does things others did 50 years ago. China could do so much better with cooperation dont you think?

No, we didn´t paint the rockets. We actually build the space craft.

What are you, daft?

Again you posted a miniature model.

Well I was trying to find pics with people near it to give it scale. Hard to find one...and while you have shown a graphic that shows the scale...and it probably is correct..it still isn't a real life image to show proof of scale.

Seems they have gone through a lot of trouble to show off miniatures instead of full sized.
Yes, thats the point of ESA. We build entire ISS modules, space probes ect. United we can achieve goals that a single nation couldn´t. China does small steps but it does things others did 50 years ago. China could do so much better with cooperation dont you think?

No, we didn´t paint the rockets. We actually build the space craft.

Italian space craft? The WHOLE spacecraft? or just the paint and a few ceramic tiles.

Chinese have own space station, own beidou navigation, own rocket families and own satelite.

China small steps? The space program is only really just starting my Italian friend with the first Chinese Taikonaut in space just 13 years ago. Look how much progress made and the next generation of rocket family launching later this year.

Sure beats painting spacecraft and token nuts and bolts.

Well I was trying to find pics with people near it to give it scale. Hard to find one...and while you have shown a graphic that shows the scale...and it probably is correct..it still isn't a real life image to show proof of scale.

Seems they have gone through a lot of trouble to show off miniatures instead of full sized.

More like you are too lazy or rather too inclined to post miniature models to convey a slanted and crooked view.

Google yutu, go to images and there are literally millions and you choose miniatures.
Italian space craft? The WHOLE spacecraft? or just the paint and a few ceramic tiles.

Chinese have own space station, own beidou navigation, own rocket families and own satelite.

China small steps? The space program is only really just starting my Italian friend with the first Chinese Taikonaut in space just 13 years ago. Look how much progress made and the next generation of rocket family launching later this year.

Sure beats painting spacecraft and token nuts and bolts.

More like you are too lazy or rather too inclined to post miniature models to convey a slanted and crooked view.

Google yutu, go to images and there are literally millions and you choose miniatures.

The whole space craft. Several modules of the ISS where build in Italy. Harmony for example and Cupola. :)

The harmony module alone is bigegr than your entire space station my friend.

That said i think china could be a bigger asset if it stops the stuff we did 50 years ago and uses its rescoruces to push humanity forward.

We currently work on 3D printing a moon base. I´m sure China could be a good partner there.
Chinese people won't accept that there was a design flaw. But world knows about their stupid design.
Oh thanks China! That was very valuable to confirm that there is no water there. Keep up the excellent work!
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