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There is no future for an 'apartheid Israel'

You need to learn the difference between converting someone to a religion, and displacing people.

Islam converted many people but the people remained the same people (with different religion).
The current colonization of Israel displaced the residents with a colonialist overlords from Europe.

I am talking about this topic. What do those have to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict?

it has everything to do with it,,,,,people don't give a damn what israel is doing because

1)israel is not a threat to any nation except palestine as hamas keeps on firing rockets now and then
2)jews are not doing jihad in a dozen countries worldwide
3)jews are not trying to establish a caliphate

no one feels threatened by them so naturally no one gives a shit
There are ways to kill directly, and there are ways to get others to do your killing.
So we are supposed to take one more Muslim conspiracy theory that 'Jews are the ones causing earthquakes and responsible for everything bad in the world'
Keep blaming the tooth fairy 'indirectly' for all its worth.
As I mentioned, they are in the context of certain localized conflicts with tribes who happened to be Jewish, not "Jews" as a religion. Islam respects Moses and Judaism.
Funny, apparently Islam also says (and again I paraphrase) 'to kill one is as to kill whole humanity', that is not even deterred one Muslim till date from killing in the name of 'allahu akbar'.

Quran and Hadiths(Bukhari) talk specifically and directly and unambiguously about 'hunting down the jews' and 'kill them and each stone and tree calls O Muslim, a Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him'

Spare me the what Islam 'respects' and does not. Maybe you should teach your version of Islam to Muslims first instead of telling it to non-Muslims.

Ridiculous example.

Jews were a tribe in Hebron; other parts of Palestine were populated with other groups, including Canaanites. Palestinians can trace their ancestry to some of these groups.

Many different groups of people came and conquered that land. There is nothing special about the ancient Jewish occupation that gives them special rights over any one else.
Exactly, so if Jews were also natives of that land, and Palestinians were also, why should Jews be expelled at all. How is it Palestinian land any more than Jewish land?
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That is what you hope however we will get through this latest saga of bloodletting and then exhibit a united front, the last time such a thing happened the Euros were dumped out of the Levant so it is best the Israelis agree to some sort of settlement before history repeats itself. Needless to say patience and time is running out for any sort of two state solution.

Islam was a blessing for Jews in the Levant, it was the Muslims who allowed them back into Jerusalem, it was under the Muslim rule that the golden age of Judaism commenced, and it was again under the Muslims that the fleeing Jews of Spain found refuge.

oh no,,, golden age of jews has been post 1940.
they have kept the whole middle east under control.

they have one of the highest percapita incomes,living standards,technology.

what the hell do u guys have?
it has everything to do with it,,,,,people don't give a damn what israel is doing because

1)israel is not a threat to any nation except palestine as hamas keeps on firing rockets now and then
2)jews are not doing jihad in a dozen countries worldwide
3)jews are not trying to establish a caliphate

no one feels threatened by them so naturally no one gives a shit

I agree with what you wrote above. Israel is opposed by people whose land they colonized. All others don't give a damn.

My point was about people supporting Israel, as opposed to being indifferent.
That is what you hope however we will get through this latest saga of bloodletting and then exhibit a united front, the last time such a thing happened the Euros were dumped out of the Levant so it is best the Israelis agree to some sort of settlement before history repeats itself. Needless to say patience and time is running out for any sort of two state solution.
Good for you. I don't care either ways. What I am against is the absolute hypocrisy of Muslims on the subject.
I agree with what you wrote above. Israel is opposed by people whose land they colonized. All others don't give a damn.

My point was about people supporting Israel, as opposed to being indifferent.

u have a point dude,,,on personal level i don't want deaths.
but then i am afraid if any isis like movement will start in subcontinent,,,who knows??

thats why people have stopped supporting muslims as a whole,,,i agree its not good but people have become very apprehensive
Good for you. I don't care either ways. What I am against is the absolute hypocrisy of Muslims on the subject.
Hypocrisy? why don't you bend down and take some more of that jew juice. you cow piss drinking faggot.
oh no,,, golden age of jews has been post 1940.
they have kept the whole middle east under control.

they have one of the highest percapita incomes,living standards,technology.

what the hell do u guys have?

Nope most historians say the Jewish golden age happened in Spain maybe in the future the 65+ years of Israel will be considered a greater golden age but not now.

As far as I am concerned after the 2000+ years of getting their asses kicked around the glove even the Jews deserve a reprieve. This is just God throwing them a bone. You don't worry about us Muslims we have 1400 years of collective history that was mostly positive this is our negative, it happens to every civilization even the Chinese went through a century of humiliation yet today they are once again rising to the top.
So we are supposed to take one more Muslim conspiracy theory that 'Jews are the ones causing earthquakes and responsible for everything bad in the world'
Keep blaming the tooth fairy 'indirectly' for all its worth.

No, it is your own ignorance of facts which is to blame.
Look up the neocons behind the Iraq invasion -- Perle, Wolfowitz, etc.
Guess what religion they were?

Funny, apparently Islam also says (and again I paraphrase) 'to kill one is as to kill whole humanity', that is not even deterred one Muslim till date from killing in the name of 'allahu akbar'.

Quran and Hadiths(Bukhari) talk specifically and directly and unambiguously about 'hunting down the jews' and 'kill them and each stone and tree calls O Muslim, a Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him'

Once again, you keep repeating your claims without understanding that the admonitions are in the context of conflcit with specific tribes.

Spare me the what Islam 'respects' and does not. Maybe you should teach your version of Islam to Muslims first instead of telling it to non-Muslims.

No, I won't spare your intellectual laziness and dishonesty. If you are going to spout uninformed nonsense, you will be held to task.

Exactly, so if Jews were also natives of that land, and Palestinians were also, why should Jews be expelled at all. How is it Palestinian land any more than Jewish land?

Let me spell it out slowly, since you clearly don't get it.

The region had many different ethnic groups. Some became Hebrews, some became Palestinians.

The Romans kicked out some of them -- just as they had kicked out previous residents.

If the Jews want to confine themselves to Hebron, one can make a case. But by no means do they deserve all of Israel.
Nope most historians say the Jewish golden age happened in Spain maybe in the future the 65+ years of Israel will be considered a greater golden age but not now.

As far as I am concerned after the 2000+ years of getting their asses kicked around the glove even the Jews deserve a reprieve. This is just God throwing them a bone. You don't worry about us Muslims we have 1400 years of collective history that was mostly positive this is our negative, it happens to every civilization even the Chinese went through a century of humiliation yet today they are once again rising to the top.

chinese are a race,,,muslims are not and never will be.
so ur comparisons are overtly bad and childish.

truth is u guys are divided over shia and sunni so much that there is no hope for reconciliation ever.
so don't get ur hopes up

Hypocrisy? why don't you bend down and take some more of that jew juice. you cow piss drinking faggot.

Funny, apparently Islam also says (and again I paraphrase) 'to kill one is as to kill whole humanity', that is not even deterred one Muslim till date from killing in the name of 'allahu akbar'.

Quran and Hadiths(Bukhari) talk specifically and directly and unambiguously about 'hunting down the jews' and 'kill them and each stone and tree calls O Muslim, a Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him'

Spare me the what Islam 'respects' and does not. Maybe you should teach your version of Islam to Muslims first instead of telling it to non-Muslims.

The Quran does not talk about killing Jews it only talks about the historical Israelites and the Jews of today which it speaks of as two separate groups of people. Secondly the hadith you mentioned does say what you say however it is taken from the book of end times and the preceding hadith talks about how the anti Christ will be followed by 70,000 Persian Jews so the hadith is talking about the battle that will occur between them and the Muslims in a war in which they will be utterly defeated. Other than those 70,000 the rest of the Jews will have already accepted their mistake in not recognizing Jesus and will have then become Muslims as will most of the world. These are end time prophecies and each religion has their such prophecy.

chinese are a race,,,muslims are not and never will be.
so ur comparisons are overtly bad and childish.

truth is u guys are divided over shia and sunni so much that there is no hope for reconciliation ever.
so don't get ur hopes up

You show ignorance shia sunni divide was much worse hundreds of years ago then it was even today when there were entire empires at war with one another yet we pulled through and carried on. We will do so again of that there is no doubt.

That is irrelevant even Chinese have many different ethnic groups bunched under the Chinese label likewise Muslims do as well. It was just one example you can even look at Europe as an example they had their dark ages and then their age of enlightenment.
No, it is your own ignorance of facts which is to blame.
Look up the neocons behind the Iraq invasion -- Perle, Wolfowitz, etc.
Guess what religion they were?
Damn! You found a few people who give their theories of Iraq invasion.
Dont you find it ironic that you find a small minority and use their views as the standard template but cant stop yelling your throat out when someone does it to Muslims.

But then hypocrisy is second nature I suppose.
Once again, you keep repeating your claims without understanding that the admonitions are in the context of conflcit with specific tribes.
No, I won't spare your intellectual laziness and dishonesty. If you are going to spout uninformed nonsense, you will be held to task.
Why dont you tell YOUR OWN PEOPLE, the Muslims about these things. As far as I am concerned, it is the Muslims who have said this.

And many so on this very forum.

Oh and just for my knowledge - it just calls for killing 'jews' hiding behind every stone and tree of just one tribe right?!

Let me spell it out slowly, since you clearly don't get it.

The region had many different ethnic groups. Some became Hebrews, some became Palestinians.

The Romans kicked out some of them -- just as they had kicked out previous residents.

If the Jews want to confine themselves to Hebron, one can make a case. But by no means do they deserve all of Israel.
Why do they not?
Great, can you pinpoint the where Jews resided in the old days? Down to the geographical boundaries. Thanks in anticipation. Because there is a whole line of reasoning after you have posted that map.
The Quran does not talk about killing Jews it only talks about the historical Israelites and the Jews of today which it speaks of as two separate groups of people. Secondly the hadith you mentioned does say what you say however it is taken from the book of end times and the preceding hadith talks about how the anti Christ will be followed by 70,000 Persian Jews so the hadith is talking about the battle that will occur between them and the Muslims in a war in which they will be utterly defeated. Other than those 70,000 the rest of the Jews will have already accepted their mistake in not recognizing Jesus and will have then become Muslims as will most of the world. These are end time prophecies and each religion has their such prophecy.

You show ignorance shia sunni divide was much worse hundreds of years ago then it was even today when there were entire empires at war with one another yet we pulled through and carried on. We will do so again of that there is no doubt.

That is irrelevant even Chinese have many different ethnic groups bunched under the Chinese label likewise Muslims do as well. It was just one example you can even look at Europe as an example they had their dark ages and then their age of enlightenment.

u need some education on comparing chinese with muslims really.
and as usual u are too brainwashed to see the reality.

it ain't very pleasing though:coffee:
Good for you. I don't care either ways. What I am against is the absolute hypocrisy of Muslims on the subject.

What hypocrisy mate, if today we say ok one state solution will they accept it? The answer is no because for them that would mean a huge tilt in demographics which they do not find acceptable especially if they have to give the Palestinians equal rights. Yet they do not want to accept two state either and would rather keep this whole conflict in limbo however that is dangerous in that inaction can only last so long before the whole thing erupts.
but then i am afraid if any isis like movement will start in subcontinent,,,who knows??

thats why people have stopped supporting muslims as a whole,,,i agree its not good but people have become very apprehensive

I agree that there are plenty of problems in the Muslim world itself, and many opportunities for troublemakers (Muslim and otherwise) to exploit the situation.

The vastness, size and diversity of the Muslim world becomes a disadvantage, in the sense that any self-appointed "representative" of Muslims gets portrayed as a reflection on Islam and all Muslims.

There is no way to control and regulate one billion people.

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