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"Their claim is false, but they still believe it"

Measures taken by The Empire to halt the bloody rebellion and atrocities committed by Armenians..Fabricated photos, letters from diplomats, fabricated documents wont change that fact..

"Countries and peoples who use the 1915 events in their own interests, should be prepared to meet their own history,

The people, who have become hostages of history, are not capable of building the future. Turkey is a big country, and it is not afraid of its history," the prime minister said.

However, it is impossible to use the 1915 events as an instrument of political pressure on Turkey," according to the Turkish government's message.
It was also noted that Turkey supports creating a joint historical commission to study the 1915 events and expresses its condolences to the families of those who died in these events, including the Armenians.

The letter emphasizes that the events of 1915 are a common grief." Erdogan said

@Solomon2 stop whining and tell your armenian buddies to open their archieves or even better, tell them to bring that "so called armeniand genocide" fairy tale to the International Criminal Court...Why are they avoiding that?
Speaking for myself, it's deeply hurtful when the inheritors of those who slew my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles suddenly confront me and demand proof that they ever existed, or if they did that they were slain in the camps or shot.

Yes sure, just because we dont want to hurt their feelings, we should just accept their false accusations and move on...Funny

So if you kill somebody and there's no record the killing never happened? How "logical" is that?

You don't evince any evidence of personal feeling or trauma so I don't believe your claim.

Hypocrisy at its finest
@Solomon2 stop whining and tell your armenian buddies to open their archieves or even better, tell them to bring that "so called armeniand genocide" fairy tale to the International Criminal Court...Why are they avoiding that?
They're not my buddies; if anything, they're my opponents!

It's clear to me that the only thing you guys are seeking is to absolve Turkey completely and the "open archives" offer isn't meant seriously: no matter what anybody brings to the table, you've decided in advance that "It didn't happen!" or "They deserved it!" and will proclaim it as such.

Why is that so important to you is my question. If it did happen, that was long ago; if you claim "they deserved it" then what do you have to worry about?

Yes sure, just because we dont want to hurt their feelings, we should just accept their false accusations and move on...Funny
Not funny. Cruel.
Armenians gambled to make Anatolia Greek Armenian land and lost.

It is really not worth to debate genocide since both sides died from deportation, draught and hunger.

If they really had solid evidence they would show it and no discussion would be possible. The fact that they don't have a shred of evidence and keep repeating empty phrases shows the truth.

They're not my buddies; if anything, they're my opponents!

It's clear to me that the only thing you guys are seeking is to absolve Turkey completely and the "open archives" offer isn't meant seriously: no matter what anybody brings to the table, you've decided in advance that "It didn't happen!" or "They deserved it!" and will proclaim it as such.

Why is that so important to you is my question. If it did happen, that was long ago; if you claim "they deserved it" then what do you have to worry about?

Stop with Evasive maneuvers @Solomon2 You are just repeating yourself.. What we ask is simple, open your archieves, let other 3rd parties i.e France, Russia, UK and USA open their archieves, lets establish a commission and seek the truth..And your answer is " It would be hurtful for them" And you expect us to take you serious after that answer?

Here is what our PM said:

"On the Armenian issue, we have told Sarkozy that this was a matter for historians and not parliaments. We went further by saying that our state archives were ready for historians, lawyers, political scientists and archeologists. If Armenia and third countries have similar documents, they should also make available such documents to historians and scholars. Just as we are ready to face our history, so should Armenia"

Anyhow i am done with this topic, everyone is entitled to their own opinion...I know my people, i know my nation, what they can do and what they cant..
@Solomon2 idk why you're still so persistent. I can find articles, pictures and info about this topic, but there won't be convincing you and me. I will believe the outcome of a common neutral research, not a research or debate between you and me who know only what is available for us. Why is it hard for you to understand this? Has nothing to do with evasion or ego stroking yourself, if that's what you're after. You can put 20 pages full with info and proof, but as long as there is no common neutral research, you can claim whatever you want ;)
Armenians gambled to make Anatolia Greek Armenian land and lost.
In over 2,000 years of history Armenians never desired to become Greeks.

It is really not worth to debate genocide since both sides died from deportation, draught and hunger.
It's blind to assume two parties are always equally good or bad or have an equal claim to pity, justice, or welfare.

If they really had solid evidence they would show it and no discussion would be possible. The fact that they don't have a shred of evidence and keep repeating empty phrases shows the truth.
A lack of evidence does not show the truth; it means one should look deeper.

I've had many questions here that Turks won't answer; Turks have repeated questions and made statements here I have answered. None of this paints a good picture of Turkey or Turks in general; more importantly for most of the readers on this thread, it shows how easy it is for Turkish leaders, waving the banner of blind nationalism, to manipulate Turks to rally behind them, regardless of the crimes they may commit against other Turks.

@Solomon2I will believe the outcome of a common neutral research -
What if "common neutral research" determines the Armenian holocaust happened by order of Ottoman leaders, but the Turkish government of today, reporting on this, claimed the opposite? Would you step in to oppose your leaders or not? There you go.

Yes, everyone. Be it the Jewish people, the Muslims, Christians .. all have lied respectively to get their ways.
At a guess, you've reached the low point Pakistanis commonly reach when they realize their government, teachers, and even their parents have lied to them all their life: they try to adjust to reality by claiming other countries' governments, other nations, are just as bad as Pakistan and Pakistanis are; there is no hope of anything different so no motivation to gather up courage to confront the powerful and improve things. But if you really believed every group is equally good or bad, why not trade places with the convicts in your local prison? Aren't they just as good as you are, with the same right to be free? And if you can have a prison full of people who are worse than those outside, why not a country that is worse than those outside?

I know: that realization simply makes you more depressed. I have seen this syndrome in Pakistanis before. Today they call themselves Americans.

Part of me is glad they are now Americans. Yet part of me wishes they could find it in themselves to change their society, rather than flee. What do you think, Oscar?
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In over 2,000 years of history Armenians never desired to become Greeks.

It's blind to assume two parties are always equally good or bad or have an equal claim to pity, justice, or welfare.

A lack of evidence does not show the truth; it means one should look deeper.

I've had many questions here that Turks won't answer; Turks have repeated questions and made statements here I have answered. None of this paints a good picture of Turkey or Turks in general; more importantly for most of the readers on this thread, it shows how easy it is for Turkish leaders, waving the banner of blind nationalism, to manipulate Turks to rally behind them, regardless of the crimes they may commit against other Turks.

What if "common neutral research" determines the Armenian holocaust happened by order of Ottoman leaders, but the Turkish government of today, reporting on this, claimed the opposite? Would you step in to oppose your leaders or not? There you go.

At a guess, you've reached the low point Pakistanis commonly reach when they realize their government, teachers, and even their parents have lied to them all their life: they try to adjust to reality by claiming other countries' governments, other nations, are just as bad as Pakistan and Pakistanis are; there is no hope of anything different so no motivation to gather up courage to confront the powerful and improve things. But if you really believed every group is equally good or bad, why not trade places with the convicts in your local prison? Aren't they just as good as you are, with the same right to be free? And if you can have a prison full of people who are worse than those outside, why not a country that is worse than those outside?

I know: that realization simply makes you more depressed. I have seen this syndrome in Pakistanis before. Today they call themselves Americans.

Part of me is glad they are now Americans. Yet part of me wishes they could find it in themselves to change their society, rather than flee. What do you think, Oscar?
You sure are slow. Erdogan said literally 'if a common research concludes that there was a genocide (perpetrated by the Ottomans), we will accept the outcome' in The video, which you btw havent watched it seems, i showed you before. Is it that you don't want to understand it or is it that i couldn't explain it well? There you go. Now i want to see armenian leaders taking bold steps, if they dare that is, which i highly, but really highly doubt. And i hope this concludes this topic. It's getting boring.
You sure are slow. Erdogan said literally 'if a common research concludes that there was a genocide (perpetrated by the Ottomans), we will accept the outcome' .
What gives Erdogan's promises credibility? Who in Turkey will call him out if he lies about the results of common/joint investigations?
What gives Erdogan's promises credibility? Who in Turkey will call him out if he lies about the results of common/joint investigations?
i dont get why you need to talk about Erdogan. research will be done by historians and experts from both sides and 3rd parties. politicians have nothing to do with it to begin with. hence it's unclear why you bring Erdogan's credibility into it. anyway im done with this topic.
i dont get why you need to talk about Erdogan. research will be done by historians and experts from both sides and 3rd parties. politicians have nothing to do with it to begin with. hence it's unclear why you bring Erdogan's credibility into it.
The historians and experts might do the work, but then Erdogan announce whatever results he wants, regardless of the true result. His hold on Turkish media alone may not be enough, but together with the silence of "patriots" (as seen here) would suffice, yes?

...anyway im done with this topic.
If you really cared about the truth, you'd advocate your gov't opening its archives without demanding anything in return from anyone else, just as the U.S. opened it's Cold War archives without demanding China or Russia do the same thing.

Good choice :tup: Talking to @Solomon2 is like talking to a thick wall..There is no need
It's unlike a Turk to advocate retreat from the battlefield - or is it?
It's unlike a Turk to advocate retreat from the battlefield - or is it?

"The most difficult subject can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him."
- Leo Tolstoy -
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