victory in any war depend on accomplishing the objectives you set for yourself before the war
In war no one wins.
In the end, Egypt showed they could compete with Israel? Israel already knew that Egypt was the priority threat to Israel and it knew that the Syrians would only wage war if Egypt had declared war itself.
Sadat wanted to use the beachheads on the Eastern Sinai as cards to force a negotiation by Israel. A negotiation for what? Peace, return of the Sinai, freedom for Palestine?
Israel made it clear to Egypt they'll return the Sinai if Egypt negotiated peace. That offer was available to Syria also, with the Golan Heights.
I don't know the specifics of the Peace Accords to go further. But it was specifically agreed that:
Egypt would not blockade the Eilat Port,
Or bar Israeli merchant/ naval ships from transiting the Suez Canal,
Joint agreement on the number and position of soldiers in Sinai.
The Future for Palestine would be negotiated between Israel and Palestinians without referencing who the 'Palestinian' party would be. A face-saving measure for Sadat.
So in the end Egypt got the Sinai and Jordan gave up it's claim for West Bank. So much for Arab Unity.
That is, unless the Egyptian Government decided to wage war, win something, to pacify any opposition to peace. Then that's brilliant.