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Russia and Iran are accelerating their project to rival the Suez Canal

Turkey was part of the F-35 development program. Why can't Iran be part of the Sukhoi-57 program, for example?

My point is that there's no "The Three". Russia currently has bad relations with the West over the Ukraine conflict. As soon as that's over, there's a good chance that Russia will backstab Iran again. The lessons of the S300 deal should never be forgotten. As for China, even as we speak, the Chinese are actively transferring sensitive knowledge to the Saudis to develop their ballistic and nuclear programs. I can't see China as a friend as long as their first priority in the region is to guarantee power balance between us and our regional adversaries.

- Russia is not powerful enough to take on NATO or EU+US by getting Iran on SU-57. Iranian doctrine itself doesn't revolve around fighter jets. We can inflict more damage to the enemy in 30 mins then what 70 x SU-57 achieves.

- Iran backstabs Russia as well. What are we doing in Doha? threatening Russia that your oil blackmail can become useless very fast if we sign something here with Americans and the EU.

- China has a company system. One company's services may be purchased by Saudis for DF-17 BM, the other company might be working with IEI in Tehran for the development of the S-500 equivalent version of Bavar-373. They are merchants and Iran knows this very well. Hire their services for good money they might even build us a factory of J-31 inside Iran.

Right now these three countries are aligned. Other than that there are no friends or enemies in international politics.
- Russia is not powerful enough to take on NATO or EU+US by getting Iran on SU-57. Iranian doctrine itself doesn't revolve around fighter jets. We can inflict more damage to the enemy in 30 mins then what 70 x SU-57 achieves.

- Iran backstabs Russia as well. What are we doing in Doha? threatening Russia that your oil blackmail can become useless very fast if we sign something here with Americans and the EU.

- China has a company system. One company's services may be purchased by Saudis for DF-17 BM, the other company might be working with IEI in Tehran for the development of the S-500 equivalent version of Bavar-373. They are merchants and Iran knows this very well. Hire their services for good money they might even build us a factory of J-31 inside Iran.

Right now these three countries are aligned. Other than that there are no friends or enemies in international politics.
That's actually a strong reason for Russia to cooperate with other countries to be able to modernize its air force against its global adversaries who are much better equipped when it comes to the air force. And who can Russia trust more than Iran for that? Iran is basically cut off from the Western world. North Korea is cut off too, but they hardly have money for eating, let alone military programs.

As for Iran backstabbing Russia, you are purposefully overlooking the fact that Russia is informed of these talks and has been present in nearly all nuclear-related talks. Also, Russia is a permanent member of the UNSC and there's no way that Iran can backstab them because they can literally tear up the JCPOA if Iran goes against their interests, thanks to the trigger mechanism.

Are you saying that private companies can share sensitive nuclear and missile technology without state-level approval? Specially in a country like China where even the lives of ordinary citizens are being monitored and controlled through projects like the social credit system?

I don't really see China as "aligned" with us. If I want to remind you of their latest betrayal, besides empowering our regional adversaries, they failed to fulfill their promises in the redesign and the reconstruction of the IR-40 reactor under the JCPOA.
- Russia is not powerful enough to take on NATO or EU+US by getting Iran on SU-57. Iranian doctrine itself doesn't revolve around fighter jets. We can inflict more damage to the enemy in 30 mins then what 70 x SU-57 achieves.
to be honest no we cant
An overland route will never be as efficient. Oil or other goods, nothing rivals the very large cargo vessels. One instance such as the Ever Given does not justify sinking billions into a project of this scale.

This looks like madness

compare that to the Suez.
Get out of the 80s mentality of attack aircrafts dropping dumb bombs on enemies.
i see what i see, we can't deliver the amount of damage 70 su-57 can do with our missile in 30 min .
and su-57 with its 12 hardpoint can deliver

  • 4 × Kh-38M, Kh-59MK2
  • 2 × Kh-35U, Kh-31
  • 4 × Kh-58UShK
  • 250, 500, 1,500 kg guided and un-guided bombs
  • Anti-tank "Drill" 500 kg cluster-bomb + active homing
now if somebody prefer to use iron bombs instead of the guided one then its not platform problem , its war doctrine problem
i see what i see, we can't deliver the amount of damage 70 su-57 can do with our missile in 30 min .
and su-57 with its 12 hardpoint can deliver

  • 4 × Kh-38M, Kh-59MK2
  • 2 × Kh-35U, Kh-31
  • 4 × Kh-58UShK
  • 250, 500, 1,500 kg guided and un-guided bombs
  • Anti-tank "Drill" 500 kg cluster-bomb + active homing
now if somebody prefer to use iron bombs instead of the guided one then its not platform problem , its war doctrine problem

Force A vs Force B

Force A has an arsenal of 1000 x BM+CM each capable of delivering 1000 KG thermobaric warhead at MRBM ranges + 400 UCAVS with SOWs on pylons. All underground.

Force B has 70-80 SU-35S

Who wins?
Force A vs Force B

Force A has an arsenal of 1000 x BM+CM each capable of delivering 1000 KG thermobaric warhead at MRBM ranges + 400 UCAVS with SOWs on pylons. All underground.

Force B has 70-80 SU-35S

Who wins?
which we talk about , Su-35 or Su-57 ?

and are you aware each su-35 can carry 6 cruise missile or 3 caliber or 6 antiradiation missile if your war doctrine support use of precision guided weapon.

now a question are those missiles are in place ready to launch on notice
that would be between 500-1000 launcher. and why force b don't have drone and missile of its own ?

about your scenario it depend on what ammunition force b has , what sort of defense they have against missile and drones, how those missiles are fired and what's the power of the ground force
G 7.jpg

The Suez Canal allows the transportation of large quantities of goods. Land roads are unable to provide an alternative. These projects are always propaganda and small, and their impact is limited.

Russia is under sanctions, Iran is under sanctions, and Iran's relations with its neighbors such as Azerbaijan are also tense, and even Turkey there are political obstacles to such ambitious projects.

Egypt is developing the Suez Canal by creating economic and industrial zones, especially as Europe realized a grave mistake in investing in China and the countries of Southeast Asia, which turned into a competitor to Europe in industry and eliminated some European industries and weakened the European economy.

Every country looks out for its own interests

The Russians have been dealing with Egypt uncomfortably for several years. They supported the Turks to create problems in the eastern Mediterranean to thwart energy projects that provide an alternative to Europe.

And it is not the first Egypt that Russia is trying to find an alternative. Egypt offers cooperation programs with the Russians, and there are also cooperation programs with Europeans and Americans

The Russians put forward before the invasion of Ukraine

North Pole Road
Murmansk (Russian city near Norway) to Japan on the Northern Sea Route is 5770 miles
Egypt also has other programs that may affect Russia itself
Europe proposed an investment of 600 billion dollars in Africa, and Egypt submitted its project to link Cairo, Cape Town, Cairo, the Nile Basin countries and the Nile Basin countries with the Mediterranean

He will work to cleanse Africa of Russian influence by destroying countries such as Ethiopia and Eritrea, the countries affiliated with Russia and China, something that can be accepted.

Egypt can provide 30-90 thousand megawatts of electricity, simply Europe can in this case liberate from Russian control over energy sources
Egypt has new gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean and also in the Red Sea on the southern borders of Egypt, which are gradually being proposed by Egypt and on the European and American sides. They want to finance exploration and exploration programs, especially after accepting Egypt’s control of the Mediterranean gas and shouting Samar, the country that transports gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe after its liquefaction in Egypt
Algeria itself announced two days ago a new gas discovery that enables Algeria to export 800 million meters of gas per day to additional Europe when it enters service.

Egypt also, in return, instead of completing the purchase of a new batch of Sukhoi-35, the plan was to include a total of 60 aircraft in two deals, it will go to another alternative, and instead of a new batch of MiG-35, Egypt is actually looking for alternatives such as the FC-35/KF-21
and temporary solutions such as the LCA light aircraft
The Russians should seek to consolidate their relationship with their friends and not make others stay away from them. Egypt’s interests with Russia are the reason for Egypt’s relations with Russia.
The Suez Canal allows the transportation of large quantities of goods. Land roads are unable to provide an alternative. These projects are always propaganda and small, and their impact is limited.
Suez canal can be threatened too. Take a look into this

The main project is not a land route to Russia, it is building a canal wider than Suez canal which goes throughout Iran's deserts.

It can not only provide Iran and its friendly countries s with an alternative route to Suez but also it can revive Iran's dead deserts. Guess what, IRGC is developing this route and they are seeking Russian investment for it both in terms of funds and technology.

Russia is under sanctions, Iran is under sanctions, and Iran's relations with its neighbors such as Azerbaijan are also tense, and even Turkey there are political obstacles to such ambitious projects.
Egypt's neighbors are building a dam on their lifeline. Who said that iranian relationship with Azeebaijan is tense? There are problems but the railway to Russia is already active and kicking.
The sanctions that you mentioned is an other reason for close cooperation between Iran and Russia.

The Russians have been dealing with Egypt uncomfortably for several years. They supported the Turks to create problems in the eastern Mediterranean to thwart energy projects that provide an alternative to Europe.

And it is not the first Egypt that Russia is trying to find an alternative. Egypt offers cooperation programs with the Russians, and there are also cooperation programs with Europeans and Americans
The gas fields in the Mediterranean do not have much of a capacity to feed the whole Europe. Otherwise Germans having the technological power behind, had already developed an alternatice to Russian gas years ago, hence wouldn't had to turn to coal mines.

The Russians should seek to consolidate their relationship with their friends and not make others stay away from them. Egypt’s interests with Russia are the reason for Egypt’s relations with Russia.
Obviuosly, Russians will not try to antagonize Egypt before finding a trustworthy replacement.

The rest is history and politics, when you have IRGC leading a peoject, be sure that it will be operational as sson as possible.
But a must for reviving Iran's deserted areas. Requires nuclear reactors on both sides of the route.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf thia project will revive Iran again. I believe Russian presence in the project is just a catalyst in the process of reviving Iranian historical heritage.
Turkey was part of the F-35 development program. Why can't Iran be part of the Sukhoi-57 program, for example?

My point is that there's no "The Three". Russia currently has bad relations with the West over the Ukraine conflict. As soon as that's over, there's a good chance that Russia will backstab Iran again. The lessons of the S300 deal should never be forgotten. As for China, even as we speak, the Chinese are actively transferring sensitive knowledge to the Saudis to develop their ballistic and nuclear programs. I can't see China as a friend as long as their first priority in the region is to guarantee power balance between us and our regional adversaries.

Yes, but that's only an alternative route.
It isn't really a shortcut for Eastern and Northern European countries to get connected to Southern Asia.
1, The relationship between China and Turkey is not good, even bad. But China and Saudi Arabia do have good diplomatic relations. The Chinese have a very positive attitude towards both the Saudis and the Iranians.

2, Saudi ICBM do come from China. In 1987, Saudi Arabia purchased 36 long-range missiles from China with us $3.5 billion. China really shouldn't sell long-range missiles, but at that time, China had only $1.2 billion in foreign exchange in its treasury. The deal saved China's economy. In 2013, Saudi Arabia used the upgrade clause agreed in the original contract. China did help Saudi Arabia upgrade its missile to DF21. But according to the contract, these ICBM can only be used for counterattack. If it is used for active attack, China has the veto power.

3, The Chinese govt has always avoided getting involved in the internal conflicts of Islamic countries in the Middle East. The arms trade between China and Saudi Arabia in 1987 was purely monetary. These missiles will not pose a threat to Iran. Otherwise, China will not invest $400billion in Iran.

4, If Iran&Saudi Arabia conflicts with Israel, Turkey, ISIS and other countries, China will be a reliable ally. If there is a conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, please forget the existence of China, China will definitely choose neutrality.
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