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the worth of being a Karachiite. Actually worthless!


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Based over facts and figures explaining how the resources & power is being unjustifiably distributed in Pakistan and specially Sindh to benefit particular powers and cast out others.
Pakistan, being a democratic country, is governed by a National Assembly, of elected representatives from all over the country. It is in the very essence of democracy that all citizens should be considered and treated as equals, with equal rights and opportunities given to all of them.

The total population of Pakistan is currently said to be 182,490,721 out of which 23,500,000 lives in Karachi, which means that almost 13% of Pakistan's population are Karachites.

However, denying the real essence of democracy of providing equal rights to all, Urban Sindh and especially Karachi has been intentionally kept away from the rights and powers they deserved. The voice of Karachi has always been thrown away to the backbenches systematically, reducing its share in the national and provincial representation.

The National Assembly of Pakistan has 342 seats (members) out of which Karachi holds only 20, which means that Karachi, which is the home of 13% of Pakistan's population only hold 6% of representation in the National Assembly.


A more in depth look into how Karachi is being deprived of its rights at both national and provincial is given in the sections below.

In the National Assembly
Below, the table contains data of population of major cities across Pakistan and the number of seats they hold in the National Assembly.

Karachi, the biggest city of the country by a population of 23,500,000 people holds a mere 20 seats in the National Assembly from NA-239 to NA-258. Lahore is the second in the list with the population of 12,500,000 and 13 seats in the National Assembly.

CityPopulationNA SeatsPeople per seat
The figure for Karachi here would seem high than any other city until now but to reveal the real fact the population of Karachi is near the double of Lahore, however it has only 7 more seats.

The real analysis of this situation can be given in a way that 1 National Assembly seat represents the will of 1,175,000 citizens in Karachi but in Lahore 1 National Assembly seat represent the will of 961,538 citizens. Moving on and talking about representative powers, 1 citizen of Gujranwala is 7 times more powerful than a citizen of Karachi and so on.


If we apply the seat distribution formula of Gujranwala to Karachi that is of 160,686 citizens representing one seat Karachi will end up getting 140 seats in National Assembly. This will make the equation very simple whoever wins Karachi will win Pakistan.

In the Sind Assembly
Things are even more shocking in the Provincial Arena. Below is the data of population of major cities across Sind and the number of seats they hold in the Provincial Assembly.

CityPopulationPA SeatsPeople per seat
Karachi as by the population again stands on top of the list with 42 Seats in the provincial Assembly from PS-89 to PS-130. The 1 provincial seat in Karachi represents 559,524 citizens in the assembly.


From here on things get really shocking. Last in the list is Larkana with a population of 270,283 has 6 seats in the assembly having its 1 seat representing 45,047 people. If we apply this rule of 45,047 people to 1 seat over Karachi, we would get 509 seats allocated to Karachi in the Provincial Assembly, this is even greater the total number of seats in Sindh Assembly today which is 168.


It is worth noticing that in Sindh the seat to people ratio significantly decreases as we move from areas where the ruling Sindh party has less influence to areas where it has more influence. This distribution plays an important role in electoral counts, to give a glimpse 12 votes casted in Karachi are equal to only 1 vote casted in Larkana. If today all cities in Sindh are distributed seats on equal basis out of 168 Karachi will get 92 seats (50 more than it currently holds).

An equal distribution of Seats in the assembly would flip the whole face of Sindh Politics. The effect would be similar if instead of increasing number of seats to Karachi we normalize the distribution to other cities as per ratio that is applicable to Karachi.

Quota system in Sindh
The miseries for Urban Sindh and Karachi do not end here. After depriving of rights in national and provincial representation, urban Sindh is further pushed away through the most discriminatory quota system placed which sub allocates Sindh's share into two parts: Urban areas; namely Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkur which makes 65% of Sindh's population, is given only 40 % of share in provincial resources including funds, jobs and educational institutes while the rural part consisting of 35% population enjoys 60 % share.


This is the reason why Karachi students with much higher marks have to suffer and compete with those from other parts of the province or country who have much lesser marks than them. Bloodshed of merit isn't it.

Karachi as a Province
You might have noticed that Karachi itself contains enough weight that if given equal representative rights, can steer the overall politics of Pakistan. Technically speaking this electoral power and the size of Karachi makes it an ideal and overdue candidate to be declared as a province but due to the reasons known or unknown this topic is never discussed at national level.

Should power be distributed based over the population?
One can raise a question whether it is justifiable to distribute power according to the population or not. The answer of course is yes, this is what democracy means. If everyone is not supposed to be treated as equals and a small group has to be given more share than the majority deserving group then it won't be a democracy anymore, such systems are models of feudalism or monarchies.

Moreover, a population is not just a number of people living in an area but also the tax collection from that area and the revenue generated form that area for the state. Population also determines the funds allocated to a particular area. Unjustified distribution would make a group in the country earn and work more and get else while other work less and earn more, this is an open denial of merit and justice.

The end word
Above are just few factual and hard figures to give a glimpse of how power and resources are being kept away from the deserving ones through a systematic killing of justice and merit, the story doesn't end here it's just the starting with the end far away.

These kind of things are what make certain part of the country's population unhappy with the federation. These inequality eventually lead to dangerous rivalries and civil wars.
Solution to all these problems.
1. Elevate all old divisions to province
2. Elevate all district to divisions
3. All Tehsils to District
4. Union Council to Tehsil.
5. Make new union councils
6. Equal votes of each province in senate and national assembly.
Karachi should be divided into two or three cities, dividing Karachi is the best solution.
We are all Pakistani's and should not be labelled as belonging to a city or area.
This creates differences, which are not needed at this point of time.
Kash kise ke rone se Your head come out of sand? you are one of our happier national? Even can't smell coffee? ( batsmannow style) lol sorry man

I dont bitch and moan, pucker your butthole and take life like a man. Dont be little bitch.

It isnt hard.
We are all Pakistani's and should not be labelled as belonging to a city or area.
This creates differences, which are not needind at this point of time.
Rotay rahin.
Continous growth of population of karachi would make the city ungovernable.Govt should plann new cities along the entire coast of the country.Karahiites should also seek livelyhood In other parts of the country just as some of us do by going overseas.Dreaming of turning karachi as province for urdu speaking only will not come true as mqm wishes.
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